Tea of the morning…..
This is the other fancy tea in my tea splurge. I know there is something close to this in the database, but the listing was 4 years old, and the name is ever so slightly different. I just made it a new place here in Steepsterverse to be on the safe side.
This is very good. Light cocoa, honey, and this has more of a breadiness than the Anji black. There is also not as much body to this one. If I had to pick between the two, the Anji would win. I only wish they had more. I will happily drink this, but I am not sure I will be running back for more. In this price range, a tea has to be very special for me to buy it.
Usual mug method. Will try a resteep!
did you like it finally or do you need to explore it a little more ?
definitely wasn’t bad, but i didn’t give it the focus it deserves to make a final ruling. i enjoyed it.