Organic Green Tea with Citrus and Ginkgo

Tea type
Fruit Green Herbal Blend
Not available
Dry Grass, Citrus, Lemon, Lemon Zest, Lemongrass, Lime, Mint, Drying, Grass, Hay, Nuts, Straw, Wood, Spearmint
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Edit tea info Last updated by Kimberly Shaw
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 30 sec 1 g 9 oz / 276 ml

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43 Tasting Notes View all

  • “This tea came as a free sample from Harney and Sons and I’ve had it for a while and am just getting around to trying it now… I like the citrus quality here, it’s kind of lime-y and the ginkgo is...” Read full tasting note
  • “Working outside my normal environs this week, but it allows me to pick through other people’s tea stashes, intrepid explorer that I am. Considering that this one was clumsily made in a Kuerig that...” Read full tasting note
  • “I am getting back on the Green Tea Horse with this one :) This silken sachet was included as a freebie in my latest Harney & Sons delivery. The green tea is pretty palatable. Not bitter and...” Read full tasting note
  • “Another sample from Harney & Sons with my recent order. It isn’t horrible, but I’m not sure it is a green tea for me. The Earl Grey Supreme I had this morning had just the right amount of...” Read full tasting note

From Harney & Sons

In search of the organic? Look no further! Organic Green is a beautiful blend of handpicked green tea from China with citrus and ginkgo. By blending in natural citrus and sweet ginkgo, the bitterness and astringency typical in green teas, disappears, drawing out a delightfully clean and soothing green tea. Enjoy a healthy yet delicious tea effusing a bright citrus scent with a refreshing mint finish.

About Harney & Sons View company

Since 1983 Harney & Sons has been the source for fine teas. We travel the globe to find the best teas and accept only the exceptional. We put our years of experience to work to bring you the best Single-Estate teas, and blends beyond compare.

43 Tasting Notes

2816 tasting notes

This tea came as a free sample from Harney and Sons and I’ve had it for a while and am just getting around to trying it now…

I like the citrus quality here, it’s kind of lime-y and the ginkgo is also adding somewhat of a nutty element. I am not too keen on the mint though. Overall I think there’s a bit too much going on here and this tea is a bit overwhelming. I ended up pouring it over some ice and it was a little bit better that way, but I don’t think I will need to buy any of this.

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 15 sec

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3012 tasting notes

Working outside my normal environs this week, but it allows me to pick through other people’s tea stashes, intrepid explorer that I am. Considering that this one was clumsily made in a Kuerig that still had some coffee backwash in it, it’s pretty pleasant. Never had ginkgo before so I’m not sure what my tastebuds should be hunting for, but the green/citrus combination does cancel out potential green tea bitterness.

May swap another bag with something of my own so I can try it in more…sanitary? fortuitous? circumstances.

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1112 tasting notes

I am getting back on the Green Tea Horse with this one :) This silken sachet was included as a freebie in my latest Harney & Sons delivery.

The green tea is pretty palatable. Not bitter and gentle in flavor. I’m not tasting much citrus, just a little lemon candy taste, and the ginkgo tastes like sage or some similar savory herb. If I had to drink green tea, this is a nice one to drink. Would I ever purchase this? No way! Medicine, medicine, medicine! Maybe if I were sick, but I have an herbal that has this lemony medicine taste that I actually like better.

Well, one thing is for sure. My feelings for green teas have not changed any in the past year! I like ‘em French or froofed up the wazoo with cherry blossom or jasmine, but that’s it!

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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The day I tried it, my hot pot at work broke, and I forever associate the two, even though one has nothing to do with the other! I do want to pop some samples in my next order of other H&S flavored greens because I felt very cheerful after my cup – it’s such a nice afternoon pick up!

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421 tasting notes

Another sample from Harney & Sons with my recent order. It isn’t horrible, but I’m not sure it is a green tea for me. The Earl Grey Supreme I had this morning had just the right amount of citrus flavor to it, but this tastes like it has too much. I’m weird I know or my taste buds are off. I would drink it again in a pinch, but I don’t think I’d order it.

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138 tasting notes

delicious! this is a lively yet relaxing green tea blend with a base that is not too vegetal…only subtly so. come to think of it, it’s almost buttery. i think? i’m not sure, so don’t take me up on that, but whatever it is about this Chinese green, it is very lovely. in fact, if i’m not mistaken….it reminds me of Stash’s Organic Green Tea!! even beneath the citrus and ginkgo here, the tea itself reminds me of that crystal clear & clean taste that never gets bitter.. i really think there’s something to be said for organic tea as it greatly impacts the flavor- in that it’s smoother, cleaner & less astringent than its non-organic counterpart.

anyway, the flavoring in this is wonderful & refreshing. the citrus here is like a lemony-lime and i imagine the ginkgo is imparting a somewhat ‘minty’ impression. altogether, it’s along the lines of a ‘lemongrass’ kind of taste, but not sharp like lemongrass. maybe it’s lemon myrtle! i’m liking this one a lot.

and there’s that nice lemon aftertaste. the liquor is a pale yellow, although it has a bunch of particles floating around. an observation really, not so much a complaint.

well, i’m at the end of my cup and i’m sad to see this one go. it was a pleasant, soothing green tea experience. this came as 1 of 4 free samples included with my order from Harney & Sons. thank you!


Great review, sounds really yummy!


thank you so much! yes, this was a rather refreshing green tea, and i was looking for something i wouldn’t want to add sugar to, since i was recovering from a chocolate cake hangover ;p it was so yummy, but not worth the tummy ache :/ and i didn’t even have that big a piece! fancy that..

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1350 tasting notes

I had the sachet version of this in my travel mug this morning. I don’t have a whole lot to say. The citrus is prominent here, but not overwhelming. The base tea is solid. Not a must-buy but by no means a turn-down.

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2970 tasting notes

I’ve had an amazingly productive morning! Writing done, working out done, putting in pay sheets submitted, and a great many other useful things.
Now, with most of Saturday still before me, I’m paralyzed with choices. What will I do?
I logged the amazing teas that Ost sent me. My cupboard is huge now! I’m gonna have some serious sipping to do.
So, I’ve pulled this out of my sample bowl, to try again. Come on, green tea, lets do this.
Last time I had this I did not like this, but I think I have a better understanding of how to brew greens now. I’m liking it much better!
Its still not my very favorite, but I’m enjoying it well enough now. Rating has been bumped to reflect this, and a sample sipdown!

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2 tasting notes

I have been searching for the perfect organic green tea that I could take anywhere in my travels without having to add anything to it. Harney & Sons organic green tea with citrus & ginkgo is that perfect tea! Nothing else needed, save for clean, crisp water, (which definitely matters if one wishes to taste the tea & added flavors untarnished by heavy metals & other such pollutants & contaminants one might find in ones water supply.) I am a bit of a water snob being an aquatic specialist for a custom aquarium company. One could have the best tea in the world, but unless one uses the best water, what’s the point. Luckily, I have found both.

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247 tasting notes

The dry tea smells like dried lemons or oranges mixed with a fresh, leafy green scent. The tea is powdery and there are lots of little bits and pieces that slip through the filter on my Breville One-Touch. 160/3 min.

Wow. This is one cloudy tea. It looks almost swampy with a light olive green color and a murkiness that makes me hesitant. The lemon scent and taste are very pronounced in this tea. It’s difficult to discern the green beneath it, but it’s there. The ginkgo comes through in the aftertaste. I drank this tea about an hour ago, but I can still taste the ginkgo on my tongue.

160 °F / 71 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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892 tasting notes

The citrus in this tea is nice. I can’t really catch any of the mint that was mentioned. I’m glad I only got a small amount of this one.

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