Winterfylleth Brew

Tea type
Black Fruit Blend
Black Tea Leaves, Cinnamon Chips, Fuji Apple
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by hapatite
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 8 oz / 236 ml

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15 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I wasn’t sure about this one at first. It smells strongly of cinnamon and apples. Sort of like an apple crisp. Brewed, it tastes like dull cinnamon with some apples. Slightly sweet. There is a...” Read full tasting note
  • “Having this tea again for breakfast. Apple cinnamon tea wasn’t the greatest pairing with breakfast, but then my breakfast was kind of weird. I felt like grazing, so breakfast was crackers, havarti...” Read full tasting note
  • “This has black tea in it? For some reason I thought this was an herbal blend, LOL. What I’m tasting is a bowl of apple cinnamon flavored instant oatmeal. Yup, that’s pretty much it. It’s a very...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thanks Lala for the sample! All your recent reviews made me curious, so I made a cup of this up this morning. The idea of another kind of “oatmeal” like tea, but with Fuji Apples definitely piqued...” Read full tasting note

From Handmade Tea

Winterfylleth Brew starts with a black tea from Sri Lanka. This base black tea is quite fragrant and has a bold body. Cinnamon bark chips are blended in, adding a sweet pungent taste and aroma. Lastly, diced Fuji apple pieces are added for a sweet and refreshing flavor. This blend harmonizes very well due to the similarity of the sweet notes of each ingredient.

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15 Tasting Notes

871 tasting notes

I wasn’t sure about this one at first. It smells strongly of cinnamon and apples. Sort of like an apple crisp. Brewed, it tastes like dull cinnamon with some apples. Slightly sweet. There is a weird taste on my tongue with the aftertaste. I want to say astringent but it is more bitter (?). I was expecting a bit more punch with this one. I was hoping for strong, spicey cinnamon, and tart apples. I would have liked there to be more sweetness as well. I am going to play around with the brewing parameters a bit. And add some rock sugar, maybe honey or maple syrup, next time. I think the rock sugar will help to bring out more of the apple. There is less bitterness as the tea cools quite a bit.

A long steeping time may help with the cinnamon as well. We will see…

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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1271 tasting notes

Having this tea again for breakfast. Apple cinnamon tea wasn’t the greatest pairing with breakfast, but then my breakfast was kind of weird. I felt like grazing, so breakfast was crackers, havarti cheese, cranberry stilton cheese, and scone with homemade blubarb jam, with a side of korean radish salad.

Still impressed how this tea is pretty good, the apple flavor is really well done! I heard from my husband that his family is having difficulty selecting christmas gifts for me. I suggested again my amazon list, as well as a list of Tea of the Month clubs, with Handmade tea now on that list. Fingers Crossed!


Blubarb jam! Sounds amazziing.

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3294 tasting notes

This has black tea in it? For some reason I thought this was an herbal blend, LOL.
What I’m tasting is a bowl of apple cinnamon flavored instant oatmeal. Yup, that’s pretty much it. It’s a very gentle cup, with a little bit of a dry mouth, a slight pucker of tart apple, & it’s actually kind of nice.
Thanks Lala, & that, my friends, is another sipdown.


apple cinnamon oatmeal! yes, that’s exactly what it tastes like.

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16357 tasting notes

Thanks Lala for the sample! All your recent reviews made me curious, so I made a cup of this up this morning. The idea of another kind of “oatmeal” like tea, but with Fuji Apples definitely piqued my interest.

This steeped up pretty light, but I guess that makes sense given a large part of the leaf was apple chunks. Taste wise, it’s pretty decent. Definitely a strong, juicy apple taste and just enough cinnamon that I kind of get the oatmeal comparison. This is very smooth though, with no bitterness or astringency. But I wish this was a bit more flavourful.

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4246 tasting notes

Additional notes: I’ll be enjoying some holiday themed teas the next few days.. this one, David’s Santa’s Secret, Verdant’s Earl of Anxi… probably more. I’ll have to think of a tea to have for Kwanzaa… any ideas? I hope everyone has an enjoyable Christmas and Kwanzaa! Wishing the best for all of you lovely tea people!

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523 tasting notes

Apples! that’s what I taste. Apple! I should have known. I read the ingredients of this tea before I asked moraiwe for it in a swap, but I had completely forgotten them by the time I brewed it this morning.

I smelled it and kept thinking it smells so familiar, what is that smell? It’s an extremely natural apple flavor. I hardly detect the cinnamon. I really should be able to recognize the smell of apple. . don’t know what was up with me then :)

Thanks for sharing this yummy tea with me moraiwe (^.^)

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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53 tasting notes

Ever made apple pie bread?

It’s pretty much an apple quick bread with a cinnamon streusal ribbon running through it. It’s freaking good, and I try not to make it because I can down the whole thing in about 48 hours.

This tea is that bread.

It’s super sweet apple with a cinnamon sugar like note running through it. The base is malty and just a touch…buttery almost.

The base is fickle, though. Quickly bitter and astringent if not coddled. I’ve found 2:45-3 min at about 200 to be a sweet spot for this one.

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 45 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

That bread sounds dangerously delicious. That is one reason why I try not to bake often because those things disappear quickly. :)

Caleb Brown

Lauren, I loved this review so so much! You nailed it!


Do you, by any chance, have a recipe you’d be willing to share for this bread? It sounds delicious.

Lauren | A Quarter to Tea

I use this one! (It tastes good with chopped pecans tossed in, too!)


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353 tasting notes

While cleaning out my tea cupboard I found this stashed in the back of the shelf unopened. So I opened it and brewed a cup.

It’s nice. Very light and cinnamony. It smells like it should be spicy and full of “Christmas” spices, but only cinnamon really comes through.

I got zero apple flavor at all, which isn’t terribly surprising since I don’t think bits of fruit add much to how a tea tastes.

Flavors: Cinnamon

Caleb Brown

Hey Debbie, Caleb from Handmade Tea here. Super happy you were able to try Winterfylleth Brew. The diced apples are indeed subtle but do add light sweetness to the tea early on in the mouth, before you even swallow. When I was developing this blend I tried it with and without apples and there was indeed a difference. Since Winterfylleth Brew was blended in October of 2013, it wouldn’t surprise me if some of the flavor mellowed out a bit. Regardless, I am happy you were able to try this tea and I’m happy the cinnamon came through!

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1714 tasting notes

I thought I’d remember who I got this sample from in a long ago trade, but I don’t. :/

It smells like cinnamon and yams. After reading the description I can see how the yam scent is a little apple like. When I sip it, I just get light flavors of tea. Damn you head cold!!!! If I blow my nose and then sip really quickly after, I kind of get a little flavor. This tea will have to be revisited when I’m better.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec
Cameron B.

This is why I started writing people’s names on things that I get from them. In Sharpie. :P I always think I’ll remember and then I don’t…


I thought that I had, but apparently didn’t! I think it was Moraiwe.

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1040 tasting notes

I really dislike the black base in this one. It’s finicky. At 100C too bitter to drink, at 90 it’s drinkable, but not enjoyable (at least not for me). 85C and 2.5 minute steep – I’ve lost all the apple which is the only good part of this.
I’ve drank it several times and never found steep parameters that makes this enjoyable. It’s too bad because I think the apple component is really good and I didn’t get any cinnamon – suppose to be, but I’m happy not to have it.
This is a HUGE miss for me.


I found this one pretty good as a cold brew. Like cold apple cider.

Caleb Brown

Super sorry to hear you didn’t dig this one, Dex! I agree the base tea was indeed a bit finicky. I’ll have to check my water temp. because I was certainly enjoying it at 100C. Lala nailed it though, the apple comes though nicely in Winterfylleth when cold brewed.

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