Formosa Oriental Beauty Oolong

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Oolong Tea
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  • “Following the general gongfu instructions, I first poured boiling water onto the leaves and simply poured it away. Then I used 80 degree water and let them steep for 15 seconds, all I got from that...” Read full tasting note

From Hamburger Teespeicher

Der facettenreiche Duft der Infusion unseres Oriental Beautys ist würzig und leicht-brotig. Die süße, honigartige Tasse verdanken wir den Bissen von Zikaden, die eine bereits am Teestrauch beginnende Oxidation hervorrufen.

Der so entstehende, köstliche Geschmack erinnert an reifes Obst, Schokolade und geröstete Pinienkerne. Beim zweiten Aufguss wandelt sich das Aroma hin zu kräuterig-würzigen Nuancen.

Den Namen soll dieser Tee übrigens Queen Victoria, für welche diese Besonderheit reserviert war, verdanken, die bei seinem Anblick verzückt von einer orientalischen Schönheit gesprochen haben soll.

Der Geschmack des Oriental Beauty ist etwas heller und differenzierter als bei dem Vorgänger Superior Fancy Oolong und wird mit Sicherheit auch unsere No.5er-Stammkunden begeistern.
Menge: 12g (5 TL)/1,5 Liter,
Ziehzeit: 4 Minuten

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1 Tasting Note

640 tasting notes

Following the general gongfu instructions, I first poured boiling water onto the leaves and simply poured it away. Then I used 80 degree water and let them steep for 15 seconds, all I got from that steep was a general fruitiness, which made me wonder if maybe I shouldn’t have done the rinse/wash. With the next steep(20 seconds), the fruitiness got much stronger, and I probably could have figured out some individual fruits if i had walked over to the fruitbowl and taken a sniff for comparison, but that didn’t occur to me until much later. Obviously, I should eat fruit salad much more often. The third/fourth steep(depending on wether or not you count the rinse/wash as a steep) basically gave me more of the same. After the next one I got interrupted and had to take a break.
The fifth/sixth one had a sweetness. On the sixth/seventh steep, there was more sweetness, but also some woody notes. The sweetness retreated on the seventh/eighth steep, while the wooden notes got stronger and were accompanied by a slight smokyness.
In the eigth/ninth steep, the sweetness changed, becoming simultaneously more subtle and more intense, more purely sweet – I think it may be that it originally developed out of the fruitiness, and this is its true peak. The wooden part disappered, completely replaced by smokyness.

Umm, at some point I lost count of the steeps, but eventually it got weak, so I put the leaves away and cleaned the tiny pot and cups.

Tommy Toadman

Sounds Wonderful :)

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