Mirabelle Cream Rooibos

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Rooibos Tea
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  • “Backlog: My third tea in my September Amoda Tea box. I liked this one alright, as far as rooibos blends go. Rooibos have never been a favorite, but I like them alright, I suppose. Lately, I’ve...” Read full tasting note
  • “Cold Brew Sipdown (593)! Feels good to have finished this tea off – I feel like I really worked for this sipdown! Unfortunately, this tea and I never really completely “clicked”. I just find it too...” Read full tasting note

From Hale Tea Company

What’s In It
Green rooibos, Mirabelle fruit flavour and smooth cream.

How It Tastes To Us
The aroma is something of a cross between a peach and an apricot. To taste, this tea really does mimic eating an actual Mirabelle plum with it’s tart skin and sweet flesh. The green rooibos brings an interesting savouriness that interacts delightfully with the Mirabelle flavour.

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6 Tasting Notes

4843 tasting notes


My third tea in my September Amoda Tea box. I liked this one alright, as far as rooibos blends go. Rooibos have never been a favorite, but I like them alright, I suppose. Lately, I’ve found more rooibos blends that I like versus those that I don’t.

I like that this is a green rooibos base as opposed to the oxidized rooibos. The light, fruity notes of the green rooibos complement the flavor of the mirabelle fruit and the sweet creamy notes.

A really enjoyable, caffeine free alternative.

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16950 tasting notes

Cold Brew Sipdown (593)!

Feels good to have finished this tea off – I feel like I really worked for this sipdown! Unfortunately, this tea and I never really completely “clicked”. I just find it too tart and sour for any type of “cream” profile (other than sour cream, of course – but that doesn’t seem to have been what the intent was). It’s also not really plum-y. However, if you ignore everything about what the tea should have tasted like, it’s actually a pretty nice cold brew for something fruity on a rooibos base.

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