Strawberry Lemonade

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Lemon, Pleasantly Sour, Sour, Strawberry, Tart, Vinegar
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
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From GT's Kombucha

Tart Meyer lemon highlighted with splashes of strawberry.

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2 Tasting Notes

16936 tasting notes

Sipping on this one currently as I wrap up tasting notes for the evening.

I actually was trying to order a different flavour of GT’s kombucha in this week’s online grocery delivery/order and the person in charge of doing my shopping for me said it was sold out and offered this as a replacement. I didn’t even know this was a flavour that GT carried (and y’all know how I love trying new things) so I was even more on board with this replacement suggestion. Turns out GT has a bunch of new flavours in their line up, so I’ll definitely be on the hunt for more of them…

I feel like I want to enjoy this more than I actually am. It’s not that it’s unpleasant, but it’s so lemon forward and I really wanted more of an “equal parts” interpretation of a strawberry lemonade. Like, kombucha is already so acidic/sour that you do often need a bit of sweetness to balance that out a bit and I thought the strawberry would be a really good way of doing that. Instead they are admittedly dead on in their description of this being “tart lemon” with a splash of strawberry. Just… so much pucker!

Flavors: Lemon, Pleasantly Sour, Sour, Strawberry, Tart, Vinegar

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