Jin Luo (Golden Snail)

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Black Tea
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  • “Feel like crying? Tea Sick? Tea. Throw an angry tantrum? Tea. Tea calms. It uplifts. As I sit here saying a few prayers and smelling the wet leaves I am so thankful for being a tea drinker. The wet...” Read full tasting note

From Grand Yunnan Tea

This is a Jin Luo also called Golden Snail

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1 Tasting Note

1324 tasting notes

Feel like crying? Tea
Sick? Tea.
Throw an angry tantrum? Tea.

Tea calms. It uplifts. As I sit here saying a few prayers and smelling the wet leaves I am so thankful for being a tea drinker. The wet leaf is bready, hints of rye, wheat toast, and freshly baked raisin bread. I feel the need to bake something now. The dry leaf is absolutely gorgeous. I wasn’t sure of what I had bought other than the fact that it was a red tea. The trichomes are a beautiful golden color. And 90% of it seems to be that color so I would guess that this is a bud and maybe 1st leaf picking. The flavor is also bready. Notes of wood. Varnish appears when steeped longer than 4 minutes.

Sidenote: Someone rear-ended me at school drop-off. Luckily no one was hurt. Guy said sorry and it was his fault. I knew it was already because I had come to a stop and then a few seconds later he ran into me. Now a few weeks later he has changed his tone and is trying to blame me. I have witnesses. Without me asking they also have said to me that it was his fault. I just want to get my car fixed and get this done with. _


Few things are more anxiety producing than automotive stress—in any flavor. Glad you had a few minutes of calm among the leaves.


Someone needs to make that a book! “Calm Among the Leaves”


Like a tea lover’s “Chicken Soup for the Soul:” times when life was just a little better because thee was a cup of team. Hmmm….

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