Premium Bi Lu Chun

Tea type
Green Tea
Not available
Asparagus, Fruity, Spinach, Sweet
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Edit tea info Last updated by gmathis
Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 0 min, 15 sec 4 g 4 oz / 118 ml

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From Grand Tea

Premium Bi Lu Chun
Bi Lu Chun is one of the most famous Green tea in China, it means “Green Spring Snail” in Chinese and is named by an emperor in seventeenth century by its look.’s Bi Luo Chun ( Pi Lo Chun , Bi Lu Chun) is first class Green Tea comes from Suzhou province in China. To product this tea, the leafs and buds are picked by skilled hands one by one in the early spring. The tea has almost no broken leafs and the shape is so called “one bud two leafs” which is an ideal shape of the best quality green tea. Taste, and aftertaste is light, sweet and pleasant with a hint of fruity fragrance. This Bi Lou Chun is limited produced and will only be available in a limited time each year. Preparation of this tea need to do with care. General tips are use one tablespoon or 3-4 grams of tea leaves for every 160 ml water. The temperature should be 75-80 °C with a steeping time 1-3 minute depend on the desired strength.

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4 Tasting Notes

3011 tasting notes

This was very light (and I mean v-e-r-y; prep recommends a tablespoon and I had to turn the bag inside out to make a full teaspoon) and cereally. First verbal imprint when I tasted was “rice water.” Had I made it properly, though, probably would’ve been a nice variety for those who prefer green tea that tastes less green.

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661 tasting notes

I haven’t left many tasting notes lately. I got in some more green teas in February because I ran out but of course they were still 2016 teas. I figured it was a good time to try some greens in small quantities that were on sale. That way I could determine if I wanted to order the 2017 tea when it came out.

I was pretty happy with this 2016 green tea. It maintained a decent nuttiness and sweetness that was still decent. Some green teas at this point fall off really bad with freshness and just lose a lot of flavour. I would say this one held out well and I’ve already ordered the 2017 green tea pack (which is 5 green teas) from Grand Tea.

This was my last cup of this one today and I am now at 50 teas in my cupboard. WOOHOO! Last year I was over 170 teas. I’ve really gotten my tea collection under control. I just wish I had less pu-erh. I like the occasional pu-erh tea but I still have near to 20 of them in my collection and it seems I am never taking them off my list.

Evol Ving Ness

This is a good remind for me to lighten up on buying puerh and possibly pick up some green tea samplers from Grand Tea. Thanks for the review.

Evol Ving Ness

Also, yay you on this great sipping progress!


Thanks Evol Ving Ness! For the 5 green tea pack from Grand Tea you can choose to get each tea in 25g, 50g , or 100g. I chose 50g each since I’ve tried all of last years and like them all.

Evol Ving Ness

Thank you. Very helpful. Currently not shopping, but I will, of course, one day. :)

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4843 tasting notes


I’m not sure if this “Premium” Bi Lu Chun is the same as the “Supreme” Bi Lu Chun that I tried a couple of months ago: but I decided to put my tasting note here rather than start a whole new entry for “Supreme” Bi Lu Chun.

This is a top notch Bi Lu Chun. A really intense sweetness with light vegetal notes and a butter like note. A sweet nutty tone is in the distance, along with hints of fruit and flower. Overall, the cup is quite delicate and just … really lovely!

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