Matcha Maker

Tea type
Green Tea
Not available
Creamy, Orange, Sweet, Vanilla
Sold in
Tea Bag
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Ilya Kreymerman
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 30 sec 12 oz / 364 ml

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From Good Earth

If your body is your temple, what does that make your taste buds? With Matcha Maker™, you don’t have to sacrifice one for the other. Blended with goodness of matcha and bright bursts of citrus flavors, this tea takes care of temple and taste.

Green tea, licorice root, orange peel, chamomile, orange oil, natural flavor, ginger root, natural orange flavor with other natural flavors, lime oil, citric acid, steviol glycosides (stevia), matcha green tea, tea extract.

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7 Tasting Notes

1120 tasting notes

I need to learn to buy tea based on its ingredient list rather than the front of the box… this tea’s name and the blurb on the front make it sound like it’s a matcha (or at least a generic green tea that includes matcha) with orange flavoring, when in fact it’s more of a green/herbs/flavors blend with a hint of matcha near the end of the ingredient list. At least it was only a few dollars.

It smells… weird. Not much like tea, I think it’s the combination of licorice and chamomile that contribute the most to the scent, making it reminiscent of those herbal blends that are sold as something to drink when you’re sick. Only weirder, I’m not sure how else to describe it because it’s not entirely like any other tea I’ve had before. It tastes more or less like it smells, only way sweeter than I’m used to — must be the stevia! I wish this wasn’t pre-sweetened, I don’t think the flavor combo works with this high level of sweetness.

That said, I find this tea pretty drinkable, I suppose the strangeness gives it an unexpected charm. I wouldn’t buy it again or recommend it, but I’ll finish it.

(And no, it doesn’t taste like matcha.)


Her Comments ECHO My Experience with this Drink, I was Snookered by the LABEL and Should Have read the Ingredients, I’ll Finish but NOT REBUY, I Guess as they Say BUYER BEWARE, Keep On STEEPIN

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2606 tasting notes

This tea smelled pretty awesome. I didn’t expect it to be so sweet, so I added sugar. I wish I hadn’t. Boy was it too sweet. The flavor was light and kind of like creamy orange and not very green tea-ish. There was a strange artificial flavor at the end of the sip. I will wait to leave a numerical rating until I can try this tea again. Maybe brewed for a shorter time without sugar, it would be decent. The way I made it, though, I had to pour it out. The flavor had pleasant elements for sure. I look forward to trying it again!

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1324 tasting notes

Got this at a coffee shop thinking it was regular matcha and was worried when I saw it had citrus since I don’t like citrus. Although I was pleasantly surprised. I like a few of the other teas this brand has to offer and actually enjoy stevia sweetened teas unlike most people.

-It smells very creamy and orange-y quite reminiscent from my childhood but I cannot place my finger on it . Also the smell reminds me of orange dreamsicle bars and the flavor comes through as that also. I’m mainly just getting sweetness creaminess and light notes of orange. I’m going to have to try this another time with less water and as a latte Yum!.

Flavors: Creamy, Orange, Sweet, Vanilla

Boiling 8 min or more 15 OZ / 443 ML

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400 tasting notes

Disappointment, This is a GREEN TEA But Not a MATCHA, Flavor is Distracted by STEVIA Sweetner.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 12 OZ / 354 ML

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1719 tasting notes

Looks like most of the reviews on this are a couple years old. Most complained about the lack of matcha and the sweetness. Greanted, the name is confusing, matcha is the last ingredient, green tea the first. On the other hand, does anyone really expect a tea bag to be able to hold matcha? Well, not after I thought about it. The sweetness is from licorice root and stevia (I know almost as hated as hibiscus).

The dry bag has a vanilla orange scent. The steeped tea smells like root beer to me. The taste is orange creamsicle with a ginger finish. Personally, I like the sweetness. I like the creamsicle, and I like the light ginger bite. It is like drinking sugary orange soda without the calories. I would not want this everyday but find it kind of a fun drink. If I had another bag I would try it iced because I think it would be pretty neat that way.

Probably available at your Walmart. I’m going against the flow and giving a thumbs up for this bagged tea.

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2 tasting notes

this tea is so, so sweet. not a fan. almost an orange syrup kind of flavor. would not recommend. i’m not sure if i’ll be able to finish the other 19 bags :-/

4 min, 30 sec

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1 tasting notes

There’s nothing bad i can say about this tea! I went to the store with plans to but straight matcha but it was 50 dollars and not in the budget for me, right now. This tea has matcha in it, lo at the bottom of the list but it has a handful of other healthy and yummy ingredients, too. Plus, it was only 5 dollars. It is not bitter like green tea normally is. I appreciate that it comes presweetened with stevia and it is not too sweet. Delish!

200 °F / 93 °C 6 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 295 ML

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