Darjeeling Arya Ruby Black Tea Second Flush (Organic)

Tea type
Black Tea
Darjeeling Tea
Muscatel, Honey, Sweet, Wood, Floral
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 5 g 112 oz / 3322 ml

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From Golden Tips

Our second flush Arya Ruby black tea is classic example of Darjeeling summer royalty. The well-made leaves are wiry and offer a delightful appearance with plenty of silver tips. Manufactured to perfection, the tea boasts of an immensely complex character with abundance of muscatel. The fruit-flowery notes flush your mouth with a sweetness that is pleasant and comforting. The aroma scents of rich caramel with a slightly woody character. The noseRead more

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12 Tasting Notes

378 tasting notes

Ok, I’m determined to get through a bunch of these Golden Tips samples this week. :) First up: Arya Ruby Darjeeling Organic Summer Black Tea (picked June 27, 2014, FTGFOP1). 3g in 10oz mug for 3min.

Leaves are mostly twisted and dark brown, with a few silver tips. It’s a fairly fluffy tea – 3g was almost 1tbsp. The aroma of the hot tea is really interesting, it’s kind of spicy and biscuity, not quite what I was expecting from a darjeeling! The flavour is complex and a bit hard to describe. There’s the “it tastes like tea” flavour that I usually get from Indian/Ceylon blacks. There’s a blend of fruity and floral notes. There’s a woody richness. It’s a bit sweet and quite smooth, with a bit of astringency building up as I get to the bottom of the mug. Very nice.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 g 10 OZ / 295 ML

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1719 tasting notes

I’ve read the other reviews. They seemed positive. For me this is just OK. Today I upped the leaf and used hotter water (205 F), I also lengthened the steep time to 4 minutes. It made the cup less subtle but not leaps and bounds more. This starts out with a peppery bite that isn’t overly intense. Then it fades into a woodsy autumn leaf flavor. There is a hint of fruitiness. I ended up adding sweetener. It didn’t bring out anything new but it did enhance what was already there. I just wish it had more depth or more intensity.

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Flavors: Muscatel

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 500 OZ / 14786 ML

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921 tasting notes

Pretty sure my Xbox 360 is dying, it plays games I have stored on ye old hard drive, but it will not read disks, which is unbelievably annoying. I was in the mood to play Bayonetta, which is probably one of my favorite games (even if playing it makes my hands cry) but nope, no Umbra Witch action for me. To make up for it I watched all the cutscenes for Bayonetta 2, and I can safely say I want Wii U, ok not really, but I want to play that game because AWESOME. It was a good day of painting and watching cutscenes.

Today it is time to take a journey to India thanks to Golden Tips Tea, specifically to the Arya Tea Estate and its Arya Ruby Darjeeling Black Tea Second Flush. This tea estate was set up in 1885 and its specialty teas are all named after jewels, this one being ruby, which is lovely, the gemstone collector in me is happy. The aroma of this tea starts off delicate with sweet notes of raisins and distant flowers, but it builds into loam, dry wood, and spicebush with a bit of roasted peanut and malt at the finish. It is not a very powerful aroma, but it is nice, the woody notes compliment the raisins.

Into my funky steeping vessel it goes, and in the photo it looks like the teafrogs are shunning the steeping vessel, silly things probably want me to use a real teapot. The aroma of the wet leaves is sweet, woody, and warm. Like a blend of honey, loam, wet wood, pepper, and a touch of raisins at the finish. The liquid does not really smell sweet, it is more like fresh broken stems of oak wood, a touch of leaf loam, and a bit of pepper at the finish.

I found the taste to be both warm and soothing, like late autumn sunlight in the late afternoon, the way everything turns a little golden. Granted these kinds of days are only enjoyable to me when not blisteringly hot, the same can be said about tea, not burning one’s mouth while having the tea be at the perfect temperature is a skill. Enough flowery descriptions about how the tea makes me feel, what matters is how it actually tastes. It starts with loam, raisins, and wood, then moves to a tiny bit of pepper and finished with woodiness. This honestly one of the most ‘tea’ tasting teas I have run into, that sounds really strange but this tea tastes like tea, if you were to ask me to picture the taste of a second flush Darjeeling black tea in my mind, it would probably be this. This is the epitome of an everyday kinda tea for me, good for sipping while lounging on a porch.

For blog and photos: http://ramblingbutterflythoughts.blogspot.com/2015/02/golden-tips-tea-arya-ruby-darjeeling.html

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1379 tasting notes

In appearance the leaves are: long and thin, with a variety of brown, red brown, green colours and silver tips.

They have a dry yet light floral scent with elements of wood, leather and malt.

Once steeped this tea is Baltic amber in colour and has a light, wooden scent.

Flavour is light to medium in strength with some sour astringency. Tasting damp wood shavings, light musk and rich malt with a smoky finish.

As it cools it becomes more astringent and tobacco like.

Overall: It’s a ‘rough’ tasting Darjeeling with astringency and lots of sourness. I’ve had Arya Ruby Darjeeling a few times before and knew what it lived up to what I remember. It’s the sort of Darjeeling that would be good for every day use but not for those special occasions. Quality was good but I wouldn’t say it was amazing, and it certainly is not to my taste.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 10 g 34 OZ / 1000 ML
Eleonora ❄❆❅ 10 years ago

Yes, it’s pretty much how I felt about it too. I sampled the first flush though. “rough” is the word.

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737 tasting notes

Marzipan Was nice enough to send me samples of more darjeelings to try. And honestly, I still don’t quite know what to think.
This one is super woody but also like sweet, as if there were honey in it. Darjeelings are continuing to confuse me. xD But yeah…this one is really woody. xD
Thanks for the sample, Marz!

Flavors: Honey, Sweet, Wood

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630 tasting notes

This is very flavorful, but the flavor is tough to describe. It is perfumey and rich and nutty and warming. Not bitter at all, but also not super sweet. I liked it, but don’t think I would purchase a large size of it.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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54 tasting notes

Hesitant approach
Behind the black is hidden
A sweetness unnamed.

So the wonderful Cheri (Cheri0627) was determined to change my opinion of darjeelings (which, until now, has been in the red), so she sent me a whole BOX of different ones to sample! This is my first tentative try. I also made sure to try and follow Amanda’s (Amanda ‘SoggyEnderman’ Wilson) suggestion about a cooler water temperature.

The dry leaves are very fragrant-a pleasant mix of floral and wood with an emphasis on floral. The wet leaves also smelled wonderful-and strongly! The liquor is a dark burnt orange.

I steeped for 3 minutes and was met with an interesting flavor. Not unpleasant, but I spent the whole cup searching for a flavor that was hiding behind the more standard “tea.” Was it fruity? Nutty? Floral? I settled on sweet, but that’s as far as I got. As it was worth exploring, I tried another steep.

I was planning on steeping for equalish time. But, as happens at work, time got away from me and threeish turned into 6! And as a further disruption, I didn’t get to it until it was cold. For a cooled second steep, I’m impressed with its drinkability. That hidden flavor is still there, but on the very last end of the swallow.

Flavors: Floral, Sweet, Wood

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TeaNecromancer 10 years ago

Hehe, I was helpful :D If you are still wanting to experiment with the Darjeelings, when I get home from travel I should send you a few of my favorites.

MushroomBugg 10 years ago

Heh, as I’m learning that they aren’t all terrible, I’ll always take tea!

TeaNecromancer 10 years ago

Hehe, awesome! Now, let’s see if I remember this conversation in a couple weeks when I am home :P Feel free to remind me and I can get you a little package together

Cheri 10 years ago

I usually do mine at about 195° for 3 minutes. The different flushes taste different. I’m pretty sure I sent some of each flush.

MushroomBugg 10 years ago

You sent quite the array! I figure I’ll try at least one new one each day. _ Should keep me occupied.

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518 tasting notes

birthday tea!

Okay, it was harvested on my birthday, so that’s why I’m calling it birthday tea.

Open the packet…wow…smells………AMAZING. Rich, fragrant, delicious.


The tea is pretty good, but not as great as it smelled when it was just the dry leaves.

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1737 tasting notes

Today’s new darjeeling experience chez sherapop is this lovely Arya Ruby second flush from Golden Tips. The harvest date is June 27, 2014, so not very long ago. The dried leaves are mostly quite dark and spindly, but there are also a fair number of lighter silver tip as well.

The liquor is nearly orange, so definitely darker than first flush darjeelings. The dried tea is incredibly fragrant, with a rich floral and woody aroma. Why this tea could be a perfume! It’s definitely more complex than many of the abstract perfumes being produced today. Well, that’s another story.

The flavor is very rich as well. I’m not really sure how to describe it. How about delicious?

I am happy that these sample packets from the excellent Golden Tips subscription program contain a full 10 grams, which means that I’ll be able to try this tea two more times…

Flavors: Floral, Wood

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 g 10 OZ / 295 ML
Cheri 11 years ago

I’m saving this one for last. I’m calling it my birthday tea, since it was harvested on my birthday.

sherapop 11 years ago

How nice, Cheri! ;-)

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