I thought more people would have reviewed this. Welp, I guess I am the first one.
Good morning fellow tea enthusiasts! Im about to leave for vacation, and I am running on very little sleep. This was my choice for a morning picker-upper. I always turn to darjeelings to give me a good boost with breakfast. This was a good choice. The dry leaf is an assortment of autumn colours. I can spot dark greens, browns, brass, and tarnished silver tips. The dry leaf has a subtle oak scent. I brewed this up in my tetsubin western style. The aroma from brewing this tea is so enticing. The scent is like a sweet currant. The flavor is however much different. The initial sip is heavily wooded and slightly astringent. This brew leaves you with an amazing aftertaste though. I can get notes of a ripe grape sweetness in the back of my throat. This was a perfect brew to wake me up!
Flavors: Autumn Leaf Pile, Grapes, Sweet, Wood
Happy vacation dear! The tea sounds lovely!
I’m back and it was a great time. It was short one this time, for it was only for the weekend. I also only stayed within the state :)