Mond Und Stern / Moon And Stars

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Rooibos Tea
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From Floragold

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3 Tasting Notes

6444 tasting notes

Sipdown (278)

This is another Roswell Strange share that I finished the other day. I had a much better experience with this tea than I did with Dandelion Detox though. This is a rooibos cream blend and while the rooibos flavor came through, it wasn’t as offensive as so many others I have had lately. It was a nice vanilla cream flavor that worked well with the rooibos – which was neither woodsy or medicinal. I was surprised but quite pleased with this one. Thank you for sharing Roswell Strange!

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15631 tasting notes

vanilla cream rooibos. Nothing spectacular but also not that woodsy rooibos that overpowers the flavour going on. Enjoyed this a bunch for what it was.

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17027 tasting notes

Package says that this is a rooibos with “cream flavouring”. Basically just tastes like a vanilla rooibos though; sweet and smooth and a tiny touch artificial. Not really unpleasant in any way but super run of the mill/average and the kind of profile that could be achieved by basically anyone…

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