Competition Grade Baozhong

Tea type
Oolong Tea
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Butterscotch, Cut Grass, Floral, Honeydew, Tannin
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Edit tea info Last updated by Daniel, A Hero
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 30 sec 7 g 5 oz / 140 ml

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1 Tasting Note View all

  • “What an amazing tea! I love high mountain oolongs and Floating Leaves has many great options, but I hadn’t been such a big fan of baozhongs because they are usually a little too light/mild for me....” Read full tasting note

From Floating Leaves

From just smelling the scent rising off the top of the tea broth, the fragrance is bold and floral leading with a bright note. The sweetness is focused on the front of the tongue and then spreads out leaving behind bright floral aftertaste. The broth is well balanced, but the aroma is the show stopper.

The prominent note is floral, like very sweet little white flowers. It is already opening up quite well, and we will give some more detailed description as it opens more over the next two weeks. Overall we both feel really good about it, and are excited for you to have a taste!

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1 Tasting Note

11 tasting notes

What an amazing tea! I love high mountain oolongs and Floating Leaves has many great options, but I hadn’t been such a big fan of baozhongs because they are usually a little too light/mild for me. This one is not! At its apex, it has a rich honeydew melon-like sweetness and a pleasant bitterness that is distinct from the higher elevation oolongs like Lishan. It tastes much greener, as well. I brewed it gong fu in a ~140 ml yixing-style clay pot with ~96C water for 30 seconds each infusion. The first 2 infusions were very floral and not all that rich, but by the third infusion it had opened up a lot! Significant body high feeling, as well. Brews strong for easily 6+ infusions, increasing time slightly after infusion 4.

Flavors: Butterscotch, Cut Grass, Floral, Honeydew, Tannin

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 30 sec 7 g 5 OZ / 140 ML

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