Lime & Lemon Sparking Iced Tea

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Black Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Roswell Strange
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From Flirt

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1 Tasting Note

16975 tasting notes

So, Flirt is a local(ish) company that specializes in sparkling juice drinks and natural sodas. They’re a partner with the grocery delivery service I do weekly for local produce, prepped meals, baked goods and such – usually I get their Root Beer or their blackberry lemonade. However, last time I ordered I saw that they’d added two sparkling iced teas to their menu so I got those instead!!

I can’t decide if I liked this one or not. Honestly, there were a lot of things in the pros column. For starters, it taste distinctly of both lemon and lime and neither are particularly artificial or cloying or too tart/sour. Just nice and bright/lively. The lime is actually a little stronger than the lemon, which is refreshingly different too. They use black tea as the tea base, and you can actually taste the tea quite clearly and it’s not half bad either. Somewhere between being a Brisk or Nestea level of black tea and, like, a more specialty loose leaf tea that you might use if you were making Southern Sweet Tea by hand and wanted to avoid instant mixes/teabags.

Really the only con here was the aftertaste. Something about almost tasted like spearmint to me!? Flirt has a Mojito Lemonade that has a similar note in it, and I just kept thinking of that tea. It’s not that I disliked the mint note, but it was so out of place feeling that I ended up being a huge distraction from what I think could have otherwise been such a strong drink.

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