English Breakfast

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Black Tea
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5 Tasting Notes View all

  • “… How can people drink this!? Seriously. How can you consume this beverage and enjoy it unless you hate yourself. Or unless you have the world’s worst taste buds. I figured, oooh, English...” Read full tasting note
  • “Some people in my office got together and purchased a Flavia beverage maker for their coffee, and one of them gave me a packet of English Breakfast Tea because they know I don’t do coffee. ...” Read full tasting note
  • “So, I’m in Nashville for the week at a training session. Are you familiar with the Kuerig coffee makers? The facility I’m at has a Flavia drink dispenser thingie. It’s similar, but with little...” Read full tasting note
  • “Harsh and bitter. So much acid it makes my mouth hurt. Has a high-pitched quality that gives me a headache. The worst of the Flavia teas available in my office.” Read full tasting note

From Flavia

Not just for the traditionalist. Savor the full, smooth flavor of this real leaf tea from Kenya.

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5 Tasting Notes

187 tasting notes

How can people drink this!?

Seriously. How can you consume this beverage and enjoy it unless you hate yourself.

Or unless you have the world’s worst taste buds.

I figured, oooh, English Breakfast! Nom! And on top of it, this one is from Kenya! I haven’t had a Kenyan tea before (I have one on deck from Auggy), but yeah! Cool, let’s stick the little packet in the slot and see what happens.

Well, first off, this brews up really murky brown. Almost mahogany in color. It’s not clear at all. And the smell coming off of it smells like really strong Liptons, maybe jazzed up a little bit. It’s a fairly nice smell, and I enjoy sniffing it for a few seconds before I take the plunge.

I nearly spat it out.

This is SO BITTER. What the hell?! It just lingers and lingers and lingers. It tastes burnt and dead and awful. It makes you want to cry. I’m glad nobody was in my general vicinity when I took my first sip, or else they might have been worried. Due to the face I was making, of course. I imagine that it twisted into some mask of horror. I literally stuck my tongue out, scrunched up my nose, shook my head a few times.

Then I promptly ran to our pantry and dumped this in the sink.


Just no.

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Cofftea 15 years ago

English breakfast from Kenya. Amazing.

Jillian 15 years ago

@Cofftea: Actually I think Kenyan teas are used in a lot of EB blends these days – it’s not like they can actually grow the tea themsleves in England/Ireland/whatever. :D

Cofftea 15 years ago

Yeah I know, it just sounds funny.

takgoti 15 years ago


And also, I’m sorry, but every time I see Flavia in your reviews my brain shouts, “FLAvia FLAAAAAAV!”

Laura 15 years ago

Oh no! Ugh – Succumbing to vending machine coffee/tea is such a gamble! :( Hopefully you can bring tea from home to your new job?

sophistre 15 years ago

‘How can you consume this beverage and enjoy it unless you hate yourself.’

I lol’d.

Rijje 15 years ago

Did you brew it on the Flavia machine?
I suspect the tempreture, but I am not sure…

teaplz 15 years ago

Rijje, yep, this was brewed in the Flavia machine. There’s not much else to do with the packet other than that…

I think it might be the tea. I tested out hot water from the Flavia machine and it tops out around 185. So if the black tea was getting doused with water that temperature… it would be crazy-bitter. It tastes either really old or ridiculously oversteeped. I’m not even sure if there are tea leaves in the little packet… I’m going to cut it open and find out tomorrow!

thw 15 years ago

Awhh sounds like a bad experience. I love the EB from Zhi, it’s from Sri Lanka. I don’t know what blenders are thinking using a Kenya tea in a EB blend.

Rijje 15 years ago

The machine I tried didn’t adjust the temp. to the tea. This made me cut open a bag of japanese tea and steep it myself. It’s a lot better… I only drink the tea from the flavia, on the flavia machine, if they can take the heat. Have you tried the green jasmine?

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237 tasting notes

Some people in my office got together and purchased a Flavia beverage maker for their coffee, and one of them gave me a packet of English Breakfast Tea because they know I don’t do coffee. Unfortunately, I’m not finding it drinkable. The smell has a strange pasta-like redolence to it, and the taste is bitter and cardboardy. Not too surprised – I don’t know how they expect to get flavor out of the leaf when it seems like the only thing the machine does is inject super-heated water into a pouch of who-knows-how-old tea dust and then squirt it out again into a paper cup. Thanks for the chance to try it, but I’m sticking to loose leaf.

Rabs 14 years ago

That was nice that they thought of you, but BLARG! ::shudders::

Adham 14 years ago

The unfortunate triumph of convenience over taste…hopefully their coffee is better!

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411 tasting notes

So, I’m in Nashville for the week at a training session. Are you familiar with the Kuerig coffee makers? The facility I’m at has a Flavia drink dispenser thingie. It’s similar, but with little plastic bags of “coffee” rather than little plastic cups of “coffee”.

I’ve been drinking their English Breakfast tea this afternoon. I’m rating it fairly low, because well, I’ve had tea that’s SO much better. However, for probably being more of a “tea flavored product” rather than actual tea, it’s actually not too bad. I’m much happier drinking this than their coffee, or plain water all day. And the scent is actually pretty nice.

However, after class today, I’m definitely running to a local tea shop to see what types of real tea I can find. (http://www.worldcupoftea.com/)

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LENA 15 years ago

you’re going today!?!?

wombatgirl 15 years ago

Was planning to – but I can go again! I need to go do something fun after the morning I had…. Did you get that last email I sent on Sunday?

LENA 15 years ago

Yep, I emailed you back. Want to go again on Wednesday?

wombatgirl 15 years ago

Sounds lovely! Look forward to seeing you there!

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1 tasting note

Harsh and bitter. So much acid it makes my mouth hurt. Has a high-pitched quality that gives me a headache. The worst of the Flavia teas available in my office.

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262 tasting notes

When I returned to the land of hot tea drinkers about two years ago, I began by drinking the free Flavia teas provided in the office machine at my workplace. It had been so long since I imbibed hot tea (being a Southerner, I primarily drank my tea ice cold), that I actually thought this tea was great stuff. I guess I was then naive and tea-ignorant. After branching out considerably since those young and foolish days, and drinking several of the finer teas in life, I now find this Flavia tea to be bitter, muddy, and unenjoyable. If it weren’t free for me to drink, I might even use the word, “nasty”.

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