This was a treat from Azzrian, so a big thank you to her!
I’ve never had lapacho before, so this was a unique experience. I also had to go read a bunch on it, which was kind of interesting.
Per a hint from Azz that you’re actually supposed to steep this for 25 minutes, Missy let it boil on the stove for a while. The result is an earthy, cream-sickle-y, slightly medicinal brew with a bit of an almost-bitter bite at the end. The flavor itself is quite interesting and pleasant.
All in all, not something I would mind drinking. MountainRoseherbs also sells lapacho (under the name Pau d’Arco) for a fairly modest price of $2/4oz. I bet it would taste good with mint or cinnamon. I’d be a little concerned with combining the lapacho with Tea, as it’s most regularly-agreed upon physiological effect is blood thinning, and well, blood thinning and caffeine can lead to a pretty rough night ;)
Thanks again for the sample, Azz!
Twenty-five minutes of steeping?! Wow. I doubt I would wait either. :)
Sounds good, but I have a hard time waiting for regular 2-6 minute steep times.
Isn’t it also marketed as Pau D’Arco?
why does this take 25 minutes of steeping? lol
Here is some General Info on Wiki
@ Jillian – Purple Lapacho is also know as Pau d Arco
I am reading other Lapacho’s suggested steep is a min of 10 minutes…
honestly tho…with this…the longer the tastier…I’m just an impatient person! LOL :P