Feng Shui

Tea type
Fruit Herbal Blend
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8 min or more

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  • “OK, folks, if you need some balance in your life, you need to try this tisane! I’m normally not too fond of herbal tisanes, due to the high potential of that yucky bitter hibiscus taste. But I...” Read full tasting note

From ESP Emporium

Feng Shui has the goal to create harmony between human beings and their surroundings. In order to create this, the perfect balance between oneself and the five elements wood, fire, earth, metal and water has to be achieved. According to Feng Shui, the elements are represented by the colors green, red, yellow, silver and blue as well as the forms twined, pointy, flat, round and curly which all represent an ingredient in our herb tea blend. AddRead more

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1 Tasting Note

576 tasting notes

OK, folks, if you need some balance in your life, you need to try this tisane! I’m normally not too fond of herbal tisanes, due to the high potential of that yucky bitter hibiscus taste. But I grabbed this one on a whim and love it! The flavor is fruity and herbally – a perfect medley of both. There is a tartness, but not bitterness because the licorice root balances out any tart taste. Brews up a lovely hot pink color too. I had this after a very stressful day of work and Feng Shui did help me wind down, bringing a balance of happiness to my state of mind. (Or maybe that’s because it’s Friday.) If you want to try a sample, PM me – I’d love to share, in the spirit of Wellness! :)

8 min or more

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