Lavender Earl Grey Biodegradable Pyramid Sachets

Tea type
Black Tea
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205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 30 sec

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From Epi Tea

Epi Tea’s Lavender Earl Grey is a unique blend of black teas delicately accented by natural Lavender Flowers.

Ingredients: Organic Black Tea, Organic Lavender Flowers, Organic Flavorings

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23 Tasting Notes

6768 tasting notes

I want to thank Kyle for this sample!

As soon as I added the hot water to the cup with the sachet in it – the water started turning color instantly! It does ‘brew’ to a dark brown. The lavender is not overly loud nor does it smack you in the face. The Earl Grey aroma is fairly mellow as well.

The flavor is different but in a very good way! First and foremost this is a creamier-lavender flavor upfront followed by a bergamotty EG – heavier on the beragmot but lighter on the stereotypical-astringent EG.

The longer I let the silk bag steep the more I noticed the lingering of the after taste. The aftertaste gets more floral.

This is a delightful Lavender Earl Grey…nice and creamy, too! Neat!

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676 tasting notes

Thank you EPI tea for this sample!

This was the best sample I tasted from EPI tea. I’ll tell you why.

The experience was like dancing a Tango with a stranger. Slow, moody and with no emotion showing up front at first.
The flavor was a little malty and dry from the Black Tea, sweet and citrusy. The burgamot and lavender were subtle and slightly astringent at the finish. I liked it. I had no worries. Everything seemed controlled and very mellow.
(This still was in the beginning while the tea was very HOT.)

I added sugar as a tempting tease like a quick wide sweep of a satin shoe. Ah ha!
What returned was a coco malty taste. A candied lavender flower flavor with citrus burgamot. Such restraint was as breathless as a hard cheek to cheek glide across the dance floor. Intriguing.

The cooling of the tea increased, and with the cooling the bergamot and lavender flavors increased and became very pronounced. The finish was big and juicy citrus.
That finish grabbed me and threw me to the floor in a manner that said “You should have known better than to doubt my power and strength”.

Ah Earl…..I hope we dance again. Richard Gere and Jennifer Lopez (Tango)
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Hesper June 13 years ago

Wow, a Earl that tangos!
That is a side of him I did not know;)

Bonnie 13 years ago

I think he gets around. ‘That kind of guy’ Like Magic Mike (the movie)

Hesper June 13 years ago

Oh! Okay. I did not see that movie.
The commercials alone made me blush, I can not even fathom sitting in the theater:)

Bonnie 13 years ago

I didn’t see the movie either, I just meant that EARL is a ladies man.

Hesper June 13 years ago

Ah! maybe so:)

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470 tasting notes

I got my samples from Epi Tea today, and of course I dove right in! There’s a long list of teas I should try first, but I was dying to taste this one. Lavender Earl Greys are some of my favorite EG blends, and while my current favorite blend is ETS’ Versailles Lavender I’m looking for one in teabag form. I know some loose-leaf fans have kind of a stigma against teabags, but I enjoy having an easy way to brew up a cup when I’m feeling sick or, well, lazy. ^^; Plus these are pyramid bags, so the tea does get to expand quite a bit.

This is a very soft EG. The bergamot, lavender and black base aren’t very assertive, but not in a negative way. It’s very much a tea for slow evenings where you can relax and unwind. In fact, I might have said this was an ear grey cream if I didn’t know better, it has that soft creamy vanilla background taste going on. The lavender is very nice, not overpowering, only slightly perfumey. I let it steep for 6 minutes+ on the second steep (kind of lost track of time!) and it was more agressively floral, which personally I like. This is the best bagged lavender EG I’ve tried!

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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323 tasting notes

Thanks so much to Epi Tea for the pre-release sample of this!

Uh… this is kind of long. Sorry! Skip to the second half for the actual tea :)

Whew. Busy morning. I dropped my sister off at camp, came home, brewed and photographed this. I had computer issues. Panicked. I only have one tea bag, and I need the photo for my blog, and if I can’t get the pictures of the memory card, I can’t drink this tea yet! And of course it was time for work too. I changed into my uniform and drove all the way out there, punched in, rang out a customer, checked the schedule and realized that my 11-5 is next Tuesday, not this Tuesday. Sigh.

I punched out, changed back into street clothes, figured I might as well pick up some envelopes and school supplies while I was there. I was looking at notebooks, and a girl was complaining to her mum that the only notebooks we had were black or grey. I work there… even on my day off, I feel obligated to do what I can. Especially during Back to School season (our busiest). So I ran up the ladder and pulled a couple of boxes down for her. My boss walked by, just sort of shook his head in exasperation at me. Customer was happy, though, so that’s all good.

On to the tea. I didn’t put any milk or sugar in this, but I don’t need to. There’s usually too much bergamot in Earl Greys, but I didn’t get that impression with this one at all. The first flavor I get is lavender. Not overdone lavender, just lavender. Good. I haven’t had lavender in awhile, and I forgot how much I liked it! That’s intermingled with the black tea base (Ceylon? Assam?). And then, finally, at the very very end of the sip, almost in the aftertaste, comes a bit of the dry, soapy bergamot.

That sounds bad. It’s very, very good. It compliments the cool dryness of the lavender really really well, and it almost lends a texture more than a flavor.

I’ve found my Earl Grey. This is fantastic. I want to buy some as soon as it’s available!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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1220 tasting notes

Another day, another Epi Tea sachet to try out!

I wasn’t impressed at first sip while it was still decently hot. It does seem light on everything, but as it cools, it gets very lavender. Thankfully it does not get into the territory of soapy lavender. It’s very light on the bergamot, although I do get a bit of citrus. This is a pretty good EG if you want to like them but can’t handle too much bergamot. The black tea just fits in like a good little puzzle piece.

Even though it’s not my favorite thing in the world, I have to applaud Epi Tea for the perfect use of lavender. Usually I avoid it because it so easily tastes like soap but this is really good! I just wish it was a bit more Earl Grey tasting.

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Autistic Goblin 13 years ago

It’s good that it didn’t get soapy on you. Otherwise you would have that gum.. I forget what it’s called but it looks like purple chicklets and tastes like soap :D I’m eagerly awaiting my samples :D

momo 13 years ago

I know what you mean, I can’t think of their name either!

Bonnie 13 years ago

Sen Sen

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557 tasting notes

I didn’t care much for this one myself so I gave it to Lance he enjoyed it, he said it was a bit strong but that it was quite good.

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59 tasting notes

First, THANK YOU to Epi Tea for this sample. This is my second pyramid, but I didn’t rate the first (BAD MADI) so let’s give it a try this go round.

Now, I am very glad this tea was on the TOP of my sample box because I couldn’t stand being in my tea pantry any longer smelling teas. I may or may not have consumed one too many margaritas at dinner last night so I may or may not be feeling like I’m going to collapse and die any second. I should stick to tea in the future.

Anyway, because of my lack of being a proper human being this morning, I made this tea in a fashion that will make you all gasp and cringe. I put one cup in the microwave for 2 minutes, and when the water was boiling, I dumped it over the tea bag waiting in another cup. Hey, I could have just stuck the whole cup, teabag and all in the microwave, so don’t judge me, ok?

When I poured the water onto the tea bag, however, I SWEAR it screamed. No, I’m still not drunk. I heard this hiiiigggghhhh pitch wailing coming from my cup. I looked to my dogs to make sure it wasn’t them whining, but they were looking at me so I knew it wasn’t them. Then they started barking, though, so I couldn’t hear the wailing… I put a lid on the cup, just in case.

Ohh, 4 minutes has passed now, time to remove my teabag! I mean sachet! And add a little soymilk… (Again, I know you’re going to cringe at my tea drinking habits)

First sip, the lavender hits you right away. It’s a perfectly soothing, calming lavender… Just what I need right now… The more I drink it’s as if I’m getting used to the lavender and the earl grey is peeking through more. It’s not a 100% in your face bergamont flavor, but that’s nice because I don’t want the flavors competing; I like the lavender taking charge and the earl grey just supporting it. I would definitely recommend this tea, even if you’re not a huge earl grey fan but are a lavender fan. Definitely want to enjoy lavender for this tea.

Mmmm off to enjoy the rest of this cup. It’s just what I needed this morning! :)

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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806 tasting notes

I got this in the free promotion awhile back… and it must’ve gotten buried in my samples pile. This is actually a really good tea. It’s mild and I can’t taste the lavender (a plus in my books) This is the best of the samples I’ve recieved from Epi Tea and a true pleasure to try :D


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431 tasting notes

Wow, way better than expected. I say this because when it comes to earl grey of any kind I tend to be a bit picky. However, in this case I have to admit I was pleasantly surprised. No flavors were overwhelming and the lavender and bergamot played very well together. If I ever reach for an earl grey in the future. Chances are good it will be this one.

Thank you EPI for this sample. :)

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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248 tasting notes

Thanks Epi Tea for sending out these samples, I always love to try out new stuff!

Tried this tea early this morning before work, didn’t get a chance to write about it! I’m going to try my best and remember what I thought…

Lovely lavender smell, it’s also the flavor that comes across most in the tea. I don’t think I’ve had any lavender tea before and I really enjoyed it. I’m also pleased there’s another Earl Grey that I like (had a not so good experience with DT’s Cream of Earl Grey). Woohoo! The bergamot was there but was not overpowering which is great. Overall very nice. :) I re-steeped and got another light, but still decent cup.

I would definitely grab pick up some more of these, good easy morning “single serving” teas (I’ve been making a lot of pots of tea for my future mother-in-law while we stay here).

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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