Chinese Restaurant Chrysanthemum Puerh Tea

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Pu'erh Tea
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195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 15 sec

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  • “I am assuming that this is what I have tried today… My steeping parameters sucked, but I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t have changed it for the better… It smells nasty, fishy and like dirt. And tastes...” Read full tasting note
  • “This one is NOT fishy at all! I may need to steep it a little longer next time. This is a bagged tea. In the bag it smells like dirt. Talk about earthy! Brewed it has a wonderful earthy flavor...” Read full tasting note
  • “Pleasantly surprised after my awful experience with the other bagged tea EnjoyingTea sent with my order. (Seriously, pass on their bagged oolong. Just say no.) This isn’t as good as the loose stuff...” Read full tasting note


This delicious, earthy, and tasty tea is very popular in Chinese Restaurants. It is a blend of Puerh and Chrysanthemum. It is a tradition in southern China to drink this tea after each meal to help digestion and lower cholesterol levels.

( 20 bags / box )

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3 Tasting Notes

6119 tasting notes

I am assuming that this is what I have tried today… My steeping parameters sucked, but I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t have changed it for the better…

It smells nasty, fishy and like dirt. And tastes the same. Ladies & gents, we have a winner for the grossest tea I have ever tried!

Thanks for the sample, Azzrian, and please don’t be offended :P This is just WAY too earthy for me, and I don’t think I like chrysanthemum either. I’m guessing lovers of earthy pu’erhs might like it more? Keeping my hopes up for the oolong you sent though!

190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 0 sec

Oh girl I am NOT offended at all. I actually have not tried this yet myself but a lot of people feel this way about Puerh and honestly Puerh in a bag – I don’t know I would assume that it probably isn’t anywhere like the cakes!


Hmmmm, you do have a tasting note on it?


I do? LOL oh let me go look – geesh Blonde moment!


Oh crap I do and I liked it a LOT! Hummmmm very strange – after I have this teavivre tea I will try it again and see if I get the same reaction. :) I will post here to let you know!


Yeah, this was definitely a dumped-out cup for me (actually, I traipsed to the sink with TWO full cups, as I wasn’t at all keen on my second steep of Strawberry Orange Scone either. Sad day.)


Okay trying again here … yes it does smell very earthy, like dirt. LOL
It smells to me the way beets taste – I think beets taste like dirt. I never liked beets – at least not the pickled kind and those are the only kind I have ever tried. OKay that was random – anyway … I get only a TINY tiny little of a fishy flavor though and I have had FAR fisher puerhs. I still like it lol. I mean its not one of my all time favorite teas by any means and clearly I didn’t even recall having it before but I do enjoy it. Im sorry it was not your thing lol your review does still make me smile though – grossest tea ever for you. Hey at least you will remember me for something lol.


Oh noooooo you didn’t like the scone either :( Wait did my teas cross contaminate on their way to you ? I know you said they were fine but maybe some did?


Yuckers, I definitely got fishiness and mega dirt flavour. I’m sure you could get more fishiness in another tea, but that is not a flavour I want in tea. I don’t mind having tried it though!!

The scone tea I tried was a different one, from LiberTEAS. You sent me Buttered Cranberry Orange Scone, which I have yet to try! I don’t think there were any problems. (And with the scone tea I tried, I think I just wasn’t a fan of the intense orange peel flavour, which may or may not be present in the scone tea you sent!)


Ahhh okay :)

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807 tasting notes

This one is NOT fishy at all!
I may need to steep it a little longer next time.
This is a bagged tea.
In the bag it smells like dirt.
Talk about earthy!
Brewed it has a wonderful earthy flavor with a lilting floral flavor but the floral is not over powering nor does the earthy flavor overpower the floral. Its a perfect balanced harmony between the earth and bloom!
Yes it does still have that dirt like taste but nothing like the smell so don’t let that put you off.
I absolute love earthy aromas and flavors so this one is A+ with me!
:) Thank you for the free sample!

200 °F / 93 °C 1 min, 0 sec

I love puerh. My recommendation to anyone who is going to try puerh for the first time… try it a few times. Some flavors we ’don’t like’ because they are different form what you are used to and you taste buds and brain go crazy trying to compare it and describe it. Give everything new a few tries to allow you to appreciate new flavors and characteristics.


I wish there was a “like” button here! Good post and so true!

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353 tasting notes

Pleasantly surprised after my awful experience with the other bagged tea EnjoyingTea sent with my order. (Seriously, pass on their bagged oolong. Just say no.) This isn’t as good as the loose stuff (what is) but it’s decent and didn’t make me immediately dump the entire mug of tea down the drain, so it gets props for that.

I can actually taste the chrysanthemum. It’s not as fresh as the loose Chrysanthemum tea I have in the cupboard (see 2nd paren note in paragraph above) but it’s pretty decent if you don’t have the means to brew the loose stuff. I can see being offered a cup of this in a B-string Chinese restaurant and not thinking the quality was awful.

5 min, 0 sec

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