Versailles Lavender Earl Grey

Tea type
Black Herbal Blend
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Bergamot, Floral, Lavender
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Edit tea info Last updated by Jason
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 45 sec 16 oz / 473 ml

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  • “I love lavender. Half of the houses on my block have a big bush growing in the front yard, so everything smells of it in summer. It’s a smell I associate both with childhood and with...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown! This is going into my swap out box. I was fairly sure that i wouldn’t enjoy this as it’s both earl grey AND lavender but i’m open to trying new things :) It has a really nice start to...” Read full tasting note
  • “1 tablespoon for 375 ml Maple syrup or marshmallow-like sweetness. Lavender is stronger than the bergamot but I enjoy the balance of the two. No excessive astringency. Thanks to Sil for sharing...” Read full tasting note
  • “This tea is wonderful. The lavender is very strong in this one. It complements the citrus tones from the earl grey very well. I like to drink this tea in the morning as a relaxing wake-up!” Read full tasting note

From English Tea Store

One of our favorites, Versailles Lavender Earl Grey is created from a luxury black tea and natural dried lavender. Blended with King Louis XIV who reigned from and began reconstruction on the Versailles chateau, the king had a fondness for French lavender. This tea combines traditional French lavender with England’s famous Earl Grey, and delivers a blend that has a delicate floral bouquet that compliments the citrus character of bergamot.

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6 Tasting Notes

470 tasting notes

I love lavender. Half of the houses on my block have a big bush growing in the front yard, so everything smells of it in summer. It’s a smell I associate both with childhood and with sophistication, since it’s French and thus fancy (or at least my kid brain thought so!). Of course I love lavender tea, especially when combined with earl grey whose citrusty notes seem to balance out lavender’s floral nature well.

This blend is pretty heavy on the lavender, which personally I love. It’s very floral and rich, but you can still taste the bergamot and tea base. My favorite of the lavender greys I have tried by far!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

Your block sounds lovely!


It is very pretty! Almost everyone has a garden, so walking down the block in spring/summer is like walking through a really nice-smelling perfume aisle. Rose, lilac, lily, lavender, it’s wonderful.


Oooh! I’m a flower freak so I would be in heaven I am sure! Though I can’t complain – we have gorgeous flowers here too =)

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15308 tasting notes


This is going into my swap out box. I was fairly sure that i wouldn’t enjoy this as it’s both earl grey AND lavender but i’m open to trying new things :) It has a really nice start to the tea..but then the lavender comes out of nowhere and ruins it. I am REALLY not a fan of lavender.

However, if you are a fan of lavender or early grey…you might really enjoy this tea.

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836 tasting notes

1 tablespoon for 375 ml

Maple syrup or marshmallow-like sweetness. Lavender is stronger than the bergamot but I enjoy the balance of the two. No excessive astringency.

Thanks to Sil for sharing with me!

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 30 sec

yay glad it went to a good home :)

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18 tasting notes

This tea is wonderful. The lavender is very strong in this one. It complements the citrus tones from the earl grey very well. I like to drink this tea in the morning as a relaxing wake-up!

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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94 tasting notes

My second cup of Earl Grey from ETS today. Had it with a little sugar, maybe a little more sugar than I usually have with my tea.

The bergamot was not as strong as the lavender taste, I love lavender but it almost seemed like too much lavender (I guess there is such a thing) and there seemed to be something else other than tea, bergamot and lavender in this tea, I can’t put my finger on it.

Next time I have this tea I think I will mix it with either regular or double bergamot Earl Grey to balance out the lavender that dominates this tea.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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201 tasting notes

Ok, so another new tea!

I’ve made my point very clear about wanting to try all the Earl Grey I can acquire, so when I saw this on ETS, I had to get some. I only got a sample, but I’m happy to say that English Tea Store samples are fairly decent sized! So yay!

Right off the bat, you can smell a heavy floral from this in the dry leaf. I mean SERIOUS floral! The brewing instructions on the bag are pretty vague, so I made it like a normal Earl Grey, 205F/2:30/2tsp/16oz

The aroma of tea is also floral. I’m eager to try this once it cools a bit, I love a floral tea. Taste without sweetener is… mmm, that’s good. The black tea base is present, but not powerful or overwhelming, and certainly not bitter. The bergamot is lovely, without being biting. And that lavender! The balance of flavors is nice here, and I really don’t want to add my usual sweetener to this, I’m loving it that much. It’s not sweet, mind you. Not by a long shot. But the lovely blend of florals is so delicious.

So what’s the final word? This is extremely floral. I know I keep using that word, but I cannot emphasize this enough. It’s not floral like the last one I tried (Kyoto Cherry Rose) which tasted like perfume. This is a balanced floral, strong, but not fake tasting. However, if you aren’t a fan of strong floral flavor, avoid this. You probably won’t like it. But if you are like me and have a need to ‘eat a bouquet’ now and then, go for it. It’s lovely and I think once the sample runs out, I will have to get a full-sized packet of this.

Good stuff.

Flavors: Bergamot, Floral, Lavender

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

Sounds delicious. I wonder how it would fare in a latte.

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