Tutti Fruiti

Tea type
Fruit Herbal Blend
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Edit tea info Last updated by AJRimmer
Average preparation
Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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From English Tea Store

This tea is blended to appeal to the taste of children. These teas can be enjoyed by children and adults alike – either hot or cold! Why not keep some in the refrigerator?

Available in 2 sizes:

Contents loose leaf tea net weight 4oz

Contents loose leaf tea net weight 16oz (1 lb)

A few tips:

do not sugar these teas excessively, there are natural sugars in the fruits make popsicles from the Kid?s Tea in the evening after dinner they too can enjoy a warm beverage.

Ingredients: Hibiscus petals, dried apple pieces, rosehip chips, dried sweet orange peel, calendula petals, raisins, cornflower petals, dried currants, natural flavors, dried rose petals

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4 Tasting Notes

1379 tasting notes

Time for something fruity. I know there are some horror film fans here so hopefully someone will know what I’m talking about…but tutti fruity is always going to be called tutti f***ing fruity thanks to The Devils Rejects. I was sat here thinking ‘hmm…what should I drink’ and then bam I saw it in my fruit drawer and said ‘I will drink some tutti f***ing fruity*. I can’t help it. It’s all I can think about. Damn you Rob Zombie!

Well this blend has mostly small/average sized ingredients and has a sweet and very herbal scent. Not quite tutti f***ing fruity but more curranty and dark.

Once steeped this tea is deep red in colour with a thick, tart hibiscus aroma. Not quite the tutti f***ing fruity I was expecting…

Flavour is hibiscus heavy and I can’t detect any fruit at all. It’s just a sweet, tart, floral, herby, hibiscus tea. I can maybe taste currants amongst the hibiscus but that’s it.

The positive side is that as far as hibiscus goes this is not undrinkable, just very disappointing. :(

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Ha ha. I will never think of tutti fruity the same again.


I have a clip if no one knows what I’m on about. Warning – There is a lot of swearing so if your sensitive to the f word please don’t view.



LOL I’m glad I’m not the only one who always adds the f’in between tutti and frutti.

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1220 tasting notes

meh, it’s hibiscus with other stuff added in to pretend it’s not just hibiscus.


Heh, love the description. I avoid hibiscus in most things.

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4843 tasting notes

I had ordered this for a friend of mine who isn’t too keen on tea, but seems to like fruity tisanes like this one. I didn’t tell her it was a children’s tea. :)

Well, after I gave this to her, she was nice enough to open the pouch and give me enough to brew a cup of it for myself so that I could try it, since this is one I hadn’t yet tried.

I’m not crazy about hibiscus, but I was hopeful that there was enough other ingredients in this to keep the tisane interesting. But after I steeped it for five minutes, it looked like hibiscus … which worried me.

Fortunately, the hibiscus adds a lot of color to this but not a lot of its syrupy texture or tart flavor. Yes, there is some tartness, but, some of the other flavors balance that out a bit, making this a pleasant sweet-yet-tart kind of tisane. It has a candy-like taste to it, reminding me a bit of sweet-tarts. I don’t taste much of the individual fruit… but I am enjoying the way they all sort of meld together. I can also taste the rose which is a nice surprise.

It’s a little tart, a little sweet, a little fruity and a little floral. Overall, an enjoyable cuppa, but not something I’d drink on a regular basis.

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2440 tasting notes

The first time I had this tea, I found the blueberry flavor pretty clear, authentic, and tasty. Every subsequent time, it’s turned out weird, harsh, and artificial. I drank my whole ounce of this hoping to accomplish that first flavor again, but it wasn’t a very good time.

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