Dorian Grey Blend Loose Leaf Tea

Tea type
Black Tea
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Bergamot, Caramel, Floral, Honey
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Edit tea info Last updated by Jason
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec 16 oz / 473 ml

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  • “This tea is the reason I ended up placing an order at English Tea Store, since I seem unable to resist teas with clever literature references in the name. Not that there’s a big market for that,...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is another that comes to me from my recent swap with Alphakitty. Thanks so much! Of course I love Earl Greys in many forms, so I was excited to try this one that is supposed to be Earl Grey...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is kind of neat! A nice Earl Grey, not too heavy, the definite taste of caramel that doesn’t come off too sweet, and pretty flower petals mixed with the leaf. I believe there is enough to make...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thanks so much for including this one in the traveling teabox, Alphakitty! I’m always ready to try any Earl Greys. There really should be more literary teas. What pairs better than books &...” Read full tasting note

From English Tea Store

Blended with intent to capture the fleeting qualities of beauty, this tea is based on the floral notes of a strong Earl Grey with a touch of caramel. This tea is made from a luxury black tea and is flavored using naturally dried apple pieces, cornflower petals, linden flowers, and mallow flowers. A truly extraordinary tea!

For the best brew, we recommend Dorian Grey steep in water that has been brought to a rolling boil for 2-5 minutes.

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13 Tasting Notes

470 tasting notes

This tea is the reason I ended up placing an order at English Tea Store, since I seem unable to resist teas with clever literature references in the name. Not that there’s a big market for that, but come on… Dorian Grey! A tea of fleeing beauty! Their “samples” are a full ounce so I ended up with quite a bit of a ton of different teas (I got 3 “sample packs”), but this is the one I’ve been wanting to try the most. It’s too hot for tea, really, but today that isn’t going to stop me!

I love earl grey and pretty much any variation of it (as long as it’s not, like, rooibos banana earl grey) but I have yet to have one with caramel. I was worried this would be a bit dessert-y instead of a nice afternoon tea, but the caramel is pretty light here. Sometimes caramel teas can get a little heavy, but the taste is quite soft and almost airy here. I found the same thing true of their chocolate mint—sweet teas, but not enough to push them into dessert territory. This looks like a very floral blend with tons of whole dried flowers (it’s so pretty!) but the floral tones are also quite soft and subtle. The bergamot is also there of course, since it is an earl grey after all! And the base is nice and malty, but not too overpowering and with no bitterness or astringency.

This strikes me as a very romantic cup, both because of the name and the wonderful melding of flavors. Soft, subtle, gentle, and warming. Definitely one of the best earl greys I’ve tried!

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

What a great book! I saw a B and W movie of it a long long time ago as well which was excellent!
I love the English Tea Store! I have yet to be totally let down by one of their teas. If by chance I have not liked one it would have been due to my just not caring for that kind or flavor of tea overall. A great place to order from!


I used to watch the b&w movie a lot with my parents, so this tea brings up some very pleasant memories.

I’ve been really happy with everything I’ve gotten from them so far, especially given the very low pricing. I have a whole ton left to try, but I am really liking the base they use for flavored teas—sadly I forgot to order Lady Londonderry, which seems to be everyone’s favorite.


Bahahaha, rooibos banana earl grey. I would actually try that! But, I probably wouldn’t like it :P


That was pretty much the grossest flavor combination I could think of XD Okay, maybe mocha rose banana rooibos earl grey would be more disgusting.


Throw in some mint and I’m pretty sure you’ll hit the epitome of disgusting :P


I’m all for teas with clever literature references in the name! A market of two at the very least :) :) :)


I’ve discovered that I prefer the Earl Greys that tone down the bergamot with a complementary go-with. Caramel sounds great.


AlphaKitty I am sending you a PM

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2201 tasting notes

This is another that comes to me from my recent swap with Alphakitty. Thanks so much! Of course I love Earl Greys in many forms, so I was excited to try this one that is supposed to be Earl Grey and caramel.

This is rather delightful! Really nice, citrusy bergamot, definitely a nice Earl base to the tea, but then the addition of caramel is just lovely. Creamy and perfectly balanced. This reminds me of another tea but I can’t think of any other caramel Earl Grey that I’ve tried. There are enough flavors going on here that I didn’t notice the black tea base one way or another, which is a plus because at least I wasn’t bored with it. It supported, it contributed, but it wasn’t the star, and that’s ok, it still held up it’s end of the bargain. This is quite a delicious tea, thanks for sharing it with me Alphakitty!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec
Terri HarpLady

This is one of the one that I think Tony (my SigO) would maybe like.

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1220 tasting notes

This is kind of neat! A nice Earl Grey, not too heavy, the definite taste of caramel that doesn’t come off too sweet, and pretty flower petals mixed with the leaf.

I believe there is enough to make one more cup so I am going to try it with a 4 min steep too and see if that boosts the bergamot a bit more. It’s definitely tasty as is, but I think if it was just a tad bit stronger, I’d like it even more.

This was definitely a good afternoon tea as I have wanted to fall asleep all day for no reason.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 30 sec

Does this tea promise an eternal youthfulness ? If so I am a client !


Sounds lovely.

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4246 tasting notes

Thanks so much for including this one in the traveling teabox, Alphakitty! I’m always ready to try any Earl Greys. There really should be more literary teas. What pairs better than books & tea? This one is interesting to look at with the purple bluish flowers. There is a nice sweet, creamy bergamot flavor. I didn’t think there was much caramel flavor, but maybe it was just this cup. The steep color looked like a deep caramel though. I love this one! It’s a great mix of things.


That’s one of my plans for my dream tea house – teas with literary themes. :)


Tea parties that is. I can’t blend tea to save my life. :)


That sounds fun! :D

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79 tasting notes

Thanks to Alphakitty for a ‘surprise’ sample of this blend in a recent swap we did. It was one that she snuck in there on my and I think I might be quite happy she did.

So I guess, Dorian Grey is Earl Grey’s second cousin twice removed from his mothers side or something like that!

Dry it has a very appealing and exotic fruity/floral smell with a touch of creaminess to it. I immediately liked the smell of it so I scooped out a portion to brew for after I had finished my cup of freshly brewed Citron Oolong. I was so happy about a totally new tea I almost wanted to pour my cup out and brew it immediately, but that would have been sacrilegious!

Steeped it takes on your classic Earl Gray aroma, but with a bit more…I still get a faint presence of that fruity/floral aroma and the creaminess seems a touch more pronounced. It brews into a nice clean and clear dark brown tea.

I really enjoy the flavor profile of this tea, but nowhere in the mix do I taste caramel which is a slight shame I was really looking forward to that, I naturally always add a tsp of sugar into my tea’s this one seems overly sweet now making me think it probably didn’t need any, which is honestly rare for me.

Overall this tea is awesome, only problem is now I have yet another company to look at for tea’s. I am going to have to liquidate some of the DAVIDsTEA I have in order to make room! This is certainly one of the best or possibly the best black tea based Earl Gray I have has so far, I will have to compare against Cream of Earl Gray from Davids which has been holding my #1 spot for Black Earl Gray’s.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

Glad you liked this one! One of my favorite EG blends.


Love it, I am sucker for Earl Gray period, this is a really good one. Shows me that I really have to open up more and accept other tea companies! Just found out there is a Teavana really close to my house so I am guessing that is my next stop.


Teavana is pretty hit or miss, but I really love their Amandine Rose and Cha Yen Thai.


Yeah I tried their Peachberry Jasmine Sutra I think it was and it didn’t do anything for me. To be honest from them I only really see three blends that speak out to me, but I have to branch out from just Davids I feel so close minded. 52Teas and Della Terra are other ones I will be doing online ordering from, maybe even join 52teas club as well, they have some unique blends that spark my weird side!


The 52teas club was the best present I ever got, it is SO worth the money! You get tea every week! And if there’s one you don’t happen to like swapping 52tea blends is super easy

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3 tasting notes

This is a lovely Earl Grey! Very aromatic and the caramel adds just enough sweetness to make this tea a wonderful after dinner tea. One of my personal favorites and a tea that is consistently in my rotation.

Flavors: Bergamot, Caramel, Floral, Honey

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 45 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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69 tasting notes

I’ve brewed this several times, and I think I’m ready to review it. It is sweet, floral, and citrusy. It’s pretty much what I expected, but maybe even a little smoother.
Today’s brew is slightly weak. I think this tea might be better brewed at the 4 min mark. I’ll give that a try next time.

Boiling 3 min, 45 sec 4 tsp 24 OZ / 709 ML

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37 tasting notes

Accidentally oversteeped this. Woops! Anyway, count me among those that bought this tea just for the literary reference. As a side note, this tea does not come with a painting of yourself that ages, while you yourself stay forever young.

Because of my accidental oversteeping, I’m not going to bother rating this tea yet. But even oversteeped, the flavor is pretty comforting. The flavor is undoubtedly Earl Grey, but I don’t really detect any caramel.

This one of the more well-balanced Earl Greys I’ve tried. The bergamot is definitely there but not at all overpowering.

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2 tasting notes

This is a lovely tea. Good for any time of the day. Very mild

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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