Flavor: Deep woodsy aroma. Mellow, full-bodied roasted character. Subtle smoky, fruity aftertaste.
Garden: This source is the most innovative and progressive tea producer we know. A husband and wife team cooperate with neighboring farmers to produce an impressive array of organically cultivated tea in the historical tea growing region of Songbolin in Nantou County. From wild and heirloom tea strains to modern hybrid cultivars of tea, they have… Read more
Flavor: Deep woodsy aroma. Mellow, full-bodied roasted character. Subtle smoky, fruity aftertaste.
Garden: This source is the most innovative and progressive tea producer we know. A husband and wife team cooperate with neighboring farmers to produce an impressive array of organically cultivated tea in the historical tea growing region of Songbolin in Nantou County. From wild and heirloom tea strains to modern hybrid cultivars of tea, they have researched and developed eclectic processing methods to make some unique styles of tea. This tea type is perhaps their most novel that we’ve come across in terms of its processing and curing methods.
Harvest: Machine harvested, medium batch, Fall 2015, Songbolin, Nantou, Taiwan
Elevation: 400m