Bought this 1 kilo of ripe from Dizzy Puerh on Taobao. Sessioned it today though it really needs more time to rest and lose the wo dui flavor, which actually isn’t bad. Cracked off about 8 grams into my usual 125 ml water. Two rinses and two strainers and then did 4 short steeps. This ripe is more lively on the tongue than the older, and originally nicer cake that I have.
I am not a collector of ripe, but it drink it a lot. This tea is for puerh like Maxwell House is for coffee. Not the premium stuff, but gets the job done. More of my silliness and pics of the session on my blog -—→
Flavors: Plum, Wet Earth, Wet Wood
Awesome! I love reading your blog. :)
me too. Just finished reading.
Oh, thanks so much for reading, love you guys!
You’re on my feedly, so I never miss a post! <3
She is a catbird on that blog for sure. I even warned her about the “chairman” being off for a week on there… ;)
y Cwyn. It’s awesome!
I have a Chinese army recruitment cup that makes me think of the Chairman whenever I look at it.
Glad to see your review of this tea!