Tung Ting

Tea type
Oolong Tea
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Almond, Floral, Nutty, Roasted
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195 °F / 90 °C 1 min, 15 sec

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From Dobra Tea

A green (unroasted) light, floral oolong with a flowery aroma and lots of flavor.

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4 Tasting Notes

45 tasting notes

Fresh Green Oolong. Good. Two steeps will do. I added a slice of ginger. Looking forward to my next cup.

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108 tasting notes

Makes a wonderfully floral and comforting first and second infusion. The aroma of the dry and wet leaf really is like fresh flowers. Much closer to a green tea in terms of oxidation than most Oolongs and therefore will be better appreciated by those who favor greens or who are looking to move into the territory of green tea from blacks and oolongs.

195 °F / 90 °C 1 min, 30 sec

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2065 tasting notes

Ordered in my local Dobrá Čajovna (Dobra Tea tearoom) while I was waiting for last inventory check (part-time job).

I wished for caffeine boost, but it didn’t really come.

Don’t have much details but: In aroma very roasty, nutty… Hints of almonds, little floral.
In taste it is much more mellow and way more floral with hints of nuts and one more message:
It was nice and pleasant tea. Not really energy boosting, but it was really nice. Quite complex in flavour. Haven’t expected floral and roasty in same time

I wrote those points to my friend who was curious about the tea.

When I smelled the wet leaf in gaiwan, I thought it will be very roasty, as aroma said so. But actually it was quite mellow and rather floral than roasty. I was thinking buying it home to use it possibly in the Advent Swap (see below!) but 320 CZK for 50 grams was quite steep for me.

I won’t return there for some time again unfortunately, situation here is worse and worse and as we have distance learning nowdays, we stay in our rooms trying to study. And I decided to stop the part time job as well now, because of Covid situation; as well I need to focus on studies a little bit more.

Check out Tea Advent Swap we are going to do: https://steepster.com/discuss/42125-2020-tea-advent-swap Shae organises it and I would love to see more people taking part!

As last, one funny story overheard there:
I don’t mind you smoke weed, you can arrive here stoned, I really don’t mind. But please, don’t use the crusher for shisha tobbaco for your weed. Please, don’t! said a manager to one of his employees (they serve hookahs there)

Flavors: Almond, Floral, Nutty, Roasted


I love Tung Ting! I am glad you got a chance to get out and have this one. So sorry there are more cases now. Stay safe!

I like the funny story! Is weed legal there?

White Antlers

I do love a good weed story. LOL!

Stay well and safe, Martin. Positive cases are on the rise here, too, where I live.


I’m sorry to hear it’s getting worse where you are, Martin. Take care of yourself and good luck with your studies.

Thanks also for sharing about the swap! I just posted an update on the post in the discussions, but if more people want to join then we’ll just set up more matches!


A Czech teahouse sounds awesome. Glad to hear you got a visit in before sheltering again.


Stay safe Martin!

Martin Bednář

ashmanra: It was my first experience with Tung Ting and it seems it is great oolong! About the weed. That’s the most funny on this story. It’s not legal here :) but somehow accepted. If you don’t sell it or you don’t drive stoned.
You can keep amount “for your own need”, but it is not delcared how much is it.

Thank you White Antlers, I am trying to stay safe and well (mostly mentally nowdays). That’s why decided to avoid the part-time jobs too.
Shae, you are welcome! I gladly wrote something about it here :) I was thinking about it for long time, but it wasn’t just “good time” in some tasting notes. I will do my best in studies this year!
derk: Haha, it is indeed wonderful place. Check it out here: https://goo.gl/maps/PpDLXC8TbHE6VpAP6 — maybe you will get lucky to see one of my photos! And if anyone of you arrives here, I invite you!
mrmopar: I will try my best! :)

White Antlers

WOW! Martin, that tea house looks magical! It alone would be worth a trip just to be able to sit, drink tea and soak up that atmosphere. My city is utterly devoid of beautiful, casual places for tea. Sure, we have a few obscenely over priced, luxury hotel ‘tea rooms’ and one upscale, fake Englsih pub place for a $50 high tea complete with a pot of sub-par brew and three tiers of tiny, stale sandwiches but nothing on the lines of Dobra. Lucky you-and no (crosses fingers behind back) I’m not at all envious. : )

Martin Bednář

White Antlers: If situation will be good enough, you are more than welcomed here!


Amazing tea house!

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22 tasting notes

This is a fairly non-traditional Tung Ting (or Dong Ding, as the variety is better known) in that it is completely unroasted. While the small size of the leaves (mostly single and often broken) and dark color of the tea suggests that it is machine-made and oxidized a bit too long, it’s still quite nice. If you like your Taiwanese oolongs unroasted & blatantly floral, this is one for you. A very strong, perfume-like aroma and powerful taste, that quickly wears off after a few infusions. Not a great long session tea, but great for a quick afternoon cup.

195 °F / 90 °C 1 min, 0 sec

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