Cherry Cola & Cake

Tea type
Black Fruit Blend
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Cake, Cherry, Fruity
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Edit tea info Last updated by Kittenna
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 15 sec 7 g 11 oz / 336 ml

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19 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Had with afternoon tea with the husband. This was one I knew I couldn’t resist trying because my husband and I are both fans of out-there ambitious, seemingly hard to pull off flavors in things...” Read full tasting note
  • “Digging into Della Terra’s autumn tea collection! So far, everything smells delicious! There’s definitely a cola-like smell to this tea, both dry and brewed, and it carries into the flavour, which...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’m happy to be home, 4 nights away is just too long for me. I missed my kitty babies :( I’ve also come to realise that tea tastes better when I’m at home. This raw blend smells interesting…I can...” Read full tasting note
  • “Revisited this earlier in the week because I had such a hodge podge of cravings. I wanted soda, chocolate, and cherries and – wouldn’t you know it – I happened to have the PERFECT tea to satisfy...” Read full tasting note

From Della Terra Teas

Sit down, be my guest and have a slice of chocolate cake and a cherry cola. Oh, yes this is a tea, not the actual cake and cola, but you’ll love it just the same! Oh, and less calories of course.

Ingredients: Black tea, chocolate bits, cherry bits, cola flavor, cake flavor*

Suggested brewing tips:

Serving Size: 1 level tsp./6oz serving

Water Temp: 212 degree or to a boil

Steep Time: 2-5 minutes

About Della Terra Teas View company

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19 Tasting Notes

612 tasting notes

Had with afternoon tea with the husband. This was one I knew I couldn’t resist trying because my husband and I are both fans of out-there ambitious, seemingly hard to pull off flavors in things (bonus, he’s a lifelong cola fiend), even though I also knew the chance of failure and chemical weirdness was high given that ambition/novel weirdness and mixed reviews here. But this was better than I was expecting given the reviews. It’s not fantastic, but neither of us found it gross either—there’s a medicinal vaguely metallic note to evoke the cola that I can definitely see many Steepsters disliking but I don’t mind at all. Not something I need to restock—and after a cup the flavors build such that you don’t want any more—but I don’t regret trying it either.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

Have you tried the Cherry Cola from DAVIDs? I wonder how the two compare…hmmm…


I think the Cherry Cola from DAVIDs was one of the worst teas I’d ever had. I hope this one is better. :P


haha I would have to agree with you and unfortunately I have like 40 g of it :( I am not sure why I thought I would like it given I am incredibly picky over cola flavored things (as in if I order coke in a restaurant and they say they just have pepsi, I get water) and I especially don’t like hot soda or flat soda so I am not sure what I was thinking when I bought 50 g.


once on a whim i looked up the lowest rated tea on all of steepster out of morbid curiosity and IIRC, it was that one! i think soda teas have a hard time from the get-go because even when they pull it off it leaves people realizing the idea of flat hot coke is not actually that appealing, or at least not enough to make one want to drink more than one cup. ah well.


part of me is a little curious about grinding the tea into powder and baking with it though. you don’t see cola-flavored cookies or coffee cake or brownies very often…


or maybe whipped cream! hm.


well if you are ever in need of cola tea to cook with just let me know :P


I keep almost buying this tea realizing that I need to not buy tea. But appreciate the review! The flavor profile interests me, as I am a HUGE coke person.

It almost might be less weird iced? Since you usually drink cola cold?


Kat, yeah, it’s the sort of thing you want to try out of interest knowing it’s probably not something you’d want to drink hot much for sure.

I often wonder about coldsteeping or syrup-ing teas flavored like cold drinks to begin with, feels a little like going around in circles…but on the other hand, tea has difference nuances and it’d be a neat way to get a sense of just how different flavoring tea to be like whatever drink is from the drink. Hmmmm…

VariaTEA, that is sweet of you to offer! If I ever get around to steeping this in cream somehow and then making it into whipped cream and it works well, I may just take you up on that! (:

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6119 tasting notes

Digging into Della Terra’s autumn tea collection! So far, everything smells delicious!

There’s definitely a cola-like smell to this tea, both dry and brewed, and it carries into the flavour, which is a mixture of what tastes like cola and chocolate cake. It’s really quite interesting, albeit rather weird. There’s no cherry to speak of, although I’m not sure I got any cherry pieces in my infuser either.

I’ll see what I think about this one after another cup, but I think it will be classified as “glad to have tried, would drink again, but not re-stock”. If you’re into cola-flavoured teas, I’d recommend this one. It’s definitely better than DavidsTea’s Cherry Cola!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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1379 tasting notes

I’m happy to be home, 4 nights away is just too long for me. I missed my kitty babies :( I’ve also come to realise that tea tastes better when I’m at home.

This raw blend smells interesting…I can smell cherry and cola but it’s chemical and thick, I can also smell what I believe to be citrus like strong lemon. It’s just strange, not awful and not great.

Once steeped the tea smells like a sweet, cinnamon, lemon, cola, cherry, darkly stodgy. Again just rather odd.

Flavour is like cheap cola but there is also some cake present, like baked sweet crumbs/bread that have been soaked in cherry cola. It tastes as bizarre as it smells. Has some sweetness and is rather thick in flavour. The black tea is malty which adds to the cake element. The lemon is strong, sour and tangy.

Honestly I didn’t know what cherry cola and cake would taste like anyway but the idea just sounded amazing. Well It doesn’t taste like I imagined but at the same time it does taste like it’s name. Maybe more lemonade and cake than cherry cola and cake.

I don’t think this tea is for me. It’s drinkable but not something I would crave or want to drink again. Oh well, they can’t all be winners.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 7 g 20 OZ / 600 ML

I want to try this just for its weirdness! I imagine it’s one of Those teas…


I really want to try this, as I really appreciate the flavor of cola, as stupid as that sounds, but no one seems to like it very much.

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16967 tasting notes

Revisited this earlier in the week because I had such a hodge podge of cravings. I wanted soda, chocolate, and cherries and – wouldn’t you know it – I happened to have the PERFECT tea to satisfy that unique string of flavours. It reminded me a lot of Black Forest cake, but drizzled in Coca Cola. Sounds gross, but I liked it.


Gah, I want to pull this out now!

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871 tasting notes

Received this one as a surprise from Roswell Strange. I was not expecting anything from her and she even had a ninja slip the tea into my mailbox when I wasn’t looking.

This one smells like those cola flavoured gummy candies and also of chocolate.

The brewed tea tastes like cola, there is definitely a cake base. While hot there is very light chocolate flavour, the chocolate becomes more dominate as it cools. I did have to add some brown rock sugar so that the taste wasn’t so flat. I did not get any cherry taste, but I am not really disappointed. I personally think this one could have done without the chocolate part, but I am biased in the sense that I like chocolate but not in tea.

This one definitely tastes very close to those cake recipes where you mix a can of coke with a boxed cake mix and microwave. Those are delicious and very dangerous (too easy to make, too delicious to eat)!!

Thanks Ros!

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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42 tasting notes

I got this as a free sample in my first Della Terra order. I just don’t care for this particular mix of flavors in my tea, hot or iced. The cola flavor tastes like those bottlecap candies. I didn’t really notice a standout cherry flavor. And the cake flavor was hidden behind all the cola taste. Too weird for me. It’s going in my swap box. But I still appreciate the free sample. Thanks, Della Terra!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec
Roswell Strange

I ordered a bit of this with my first Della Terra order a few months ago. I basically agree with everything you said, altough I DID find that the cherry could be noticible but only if you were extra sure you got one of the whole cherry chunks into the dry leaf used (and those were few and far betwen in my sample). Still very weird though, and with too much going on.

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193 tasting notes

When smelling this tea, all I was getting was the cake, but when brewed this tea tastes exactly what it claims to be. I don’t know about the cherry part, but definitely cola and cake. It is good and definitely very interesting, but not a tea I would drink on a regular basis. It’s more of s novelty tea for me.

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681 tasting notes

Cold brew! 3tsps steeped in 12oz of water in the fridge for almost 24 hours.

This is the best ‘cola’ tea I’ve tried. In fact, it might be the only one which gets across a strong and accurate cola note. Though it smells very cakey, as well as like coke, the cake doesn’t translate through into the sip when cold brewed, except as a very faint background note which I could be imagining. I remember it coming through more when hot, but cold brewed this is all cherry coke goodness (and the ‘coke’ feels less confusing cold). I don’t get any chocolate from it either, but I think I prefer it that way. I wish I could remember which company Della Terra sourced their teas from or who else sold the same blends, because I would love to pick up some more of this for the summer. As an iced tea it does a good job of killing any coke cravings! Thanks for sharing this with me, KittyLovesTea!

ETA: I resteeped my cold brew leaves in hot water, and the cake is much more prominent as is the base tea.

Iced 3 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

Thank you for the reminder—it is probably lodged so far back on the shelf I can’t reach it, but I have remnants of a tin of cola tea that I should cold steep and be done with.


Any time! My teas are ageing terribly at the moment (most are from around 2018, some from as early as 2014) so I’m trying creative ways to use up the leaf while still getting maximum enjoyment from them. I won’t let myself buy any new teas until my cupboard is below 100!


I think this is the wholesaler of Della Terra, but you order through e-mail for some reason:
Also, when I was looking for the pineapple coconut tea the other day, it looked like had some of the Della Terra blends.


Yay, thanks @tea-sipper!! :D fingers crossed I can find the teas I’m after – Oatmeal Raisin Cookie especially still holds a piece of my heart. Weird about the email ordering though. I’m looking now (:


Okay it looks like Special Tea Company has both this tea AND my beloved Oatmeal Raisin Cookie in stock! Thanks so much!!


oh good. :D

Mastress Alita

Wholesalers like East Indies Coffee and Tea, Metropolitan Tea Company, Dethlefsen & Balk, International Tea Importers, etc. (and I’d say those are some of the biggest ones) usually wholesale straight to teashops that then distribute the blends as if they were the shops “own” (sometimes renaming the blends, even, and repacking in their own packaging) and usually only sell in bulk sizing and not directly to consumers like you and I. So if you are looking for a particular blend by these types of resellers, the best way to find them (if the blend isn’t gone from the source wholesaler itself), is to search by the exact ingredient list on Google to find other tea companies that are wholesaling from these wholesalers. I’m pretty good at “hunting down” wholesale sources of teas from shops doing this (and am one of the few people on Steepster that log under the source wholesaler rather than the individual teashop), so if you are looking for something, feel free to let me know. (Though looks like you’ve already got this one pinned down — Speciality Tea Company has a bunch of ITI’s stuff too)

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226 tasting notes

I have had this sample for so long, I’ve forgotten who sent it to me in a swap. I’m sorry, whomever you are, and thank you for sharing! I’m pretty sure this was just thrown in, not something I requested but something the person thought I would like…

Anyway, I steeped it up this morning after breakfast.

The loose leaf didn’t smell like much, but the brew smelled SWEET. Like rock candy and maple syrup, with a slightly woody, rooibos-like aroma from, I’m guessing, the base? I didn’t look at the ingredients.

I tried it first without sugar, but it was clearly in need of some, so I added a scoop. I’m guessing the sweet flavor that comes across as maple syrup might be intended to be a caramel flavor, from the cola. There’s no cherry flavor really to speak of, but that’s all right with me, because the flavoring in cherry cola is waaay artificial and not very pleasant to me. There is definitely a baked good flavor there; if I’d had to name this tea, I’d have probably come up with Maple Coffee Cake or something. A little cinnamon wouldn’t go amiss, to seal the deal in the baked-good-flavor department. I’m quite enjoying this! (As I think about it, this may be the very first Della Terra tea I’ve tried… I could be wrong, though.) Anyway, I’d rate it higher, because I really do like it, but it’s missing a flavor element that it probably should have. Thanks again to whoever sent me this! I will have to perhaps make a Della Terra order in the future, if their other flavors are comparable in overall effect.

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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2238 tasting notes

I think I’m attracted to weirdness in teas, and this one seemed like an ambitious flavour so I pretty much had to give it a try. I also love cherry cola, so it was pretty much a given from the moment I saw it. This one has been in my cupboard for a while, unopened. Today it finally saw the light of day! I used 1 tsp of leaf (plus a whole cherry!), and gave it 2.5 minutes in boiling water. No additions.

I hated my first sip. It made me scrunch my face up, and I’m not really sure why. The sheer oddity of the flavour combination? I’ve been fine from my second sip onwards – clearly I’m acclimatised! It has to be said, though, that this is a bit of an odd duck. The initial flavour is, I’d say, chocolate cake. The malty black tea base helps this effect, I think, and there’s some of Della Terra’s “cake” flavouring kicking around in the background. The thick, almost stodgy one (a la Pineapple Upside Down Cake, Blueberry Crumble, etc.) The cherry cola flavour emerges mid-sip, and it’s actually pretty accurate. It even tastes a little effervescent, although it’s hard to imagine how that is achieved. The cherry tastes pretty natural and juicy; not too chemical or medicinal, which is a relief, but the end of the sip is a little sugary – almost like sugar syrup. There’s some of Della Terra’s sparkly crystal sugar in this blend, so maybe it’s that now it’s sunk to the bottom of the cup. Pretty, though!

On the whole, this is a pretty odd combination of flavours. Cherry cola and chocolate cake are probably not two things I’d consume together. Having said that, I do actually really like this tea, now that I’ve gotten over the initial weirdness. Quite what that says about me, I don’t know!

Boiling 2 min, 30 sec 1 tsp

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