Lemon Lime Cream Tart

Tea type
Fruit Herbal Honeybush Rooibos Blend
Not available
Citrus Zest, Lemon, Lemongrass, Cream, Lime, Sweet, Wood, Rooibos, Cake
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Edit tea info Last updated by teapot1
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec 13 oz / 372 ml

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50 Tasting Notes View all

  • “In a *#%$@ mood tonight. Was awesome earlier, then met up with someone I forgot sucks all the joy out of me (even as they make me laugh), and so this is why I’m eating 85% dark chocolate, drinking...” Read full tasting note
  • “And another sipdown at work! This tea has served me well in the rooibos department, and it, lime and lemon chiffon are always favorites when I have guests over. I still think I like Lemon Chiffon a...” Read full tasting note
  • “Trying another cup of this… too lazy to do a side-by-side-by-side with the other relevant teas tonight, but I left a single cup’s worth of this one so that I can do so maybe on Sunday. This...” Read full tasting note
  • “What the heck? Sip down? I didn’t know I only had one serving left. /sad owl now I need to do a Della Terra order soon, as I only got a little Lemon Chiffon left after this. Anyways, I got hit in...” Read full tasting note

From Della Terra Teas

The amazing flavor of a carefully created Lemon and Lime Cream Tart has been recreated in this delightful rooibos blend tea! The flavor will remind you of the delicious dessert created by a master chef. Rich, creamy and tart!

Ingredients: Rooibos, honeybush lemon bits, lemon flavor, lime bits, lime flavor, cream flavor, vanilla bits and flavor, lemongrass

Allergens: contains dairy.

About Della Terra Teas View company

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50 Tasting Notes

1501 tasting notes

In a *#%$@ mood tonight. Was awesome earlier, then met up with someone I forgot sucks all the joy out of me (even as they make me laugh), and so this is why I’m eating 85% dark chocolate, drinking this tea, and winding a ball of really finicky, tangled, super beautiful and expensive yarn to knit my troubles away.

I like this tea, although I find I liked it more when it was still hot. Cooled, it’s a vaguely flavored rooibos; hot, it’s got a creamy lime tang to it. Cooled and sweetened? Slightly creamy, tangy lemon lime. Yes, I’ll finish this one quickly now.

Boiling 8 min or more

knitting does build neural nets that help to process stress…. as does spinning.


Sorry to hear that. Hope the knitting/tea/chocolate trifecta makes it all better.

I spent all evening getting 4 rows of my scarf started, only to realize I made a mistake on that last row, and then had to frog it all. :P I’m back to my 1st row at least, and willing to try sleeping with at least that satisfaction.


Oh no! I actually started this hat last night with a different yarn, but then the intended recipient shared a different color choice, so I trekked out to a new yarn store to find something suitable. They should’ve wound it for me, and yet… sigh. I’m still working on it, three hours later. Frogged what I started, too. Hopefully I can get to row #1 like you!


Yesterday must have been a day for frogging. I had to rip back almost an entire side of the Katniss cowl because it was an inch and a half longer than my customer wanted. Argh. It’s those moments when I’m truly grateful for tea.


One of these days I’ll learn to knit or do something crafty.


I learned to knit because frankly, I had nothing else to do at the time. Once I sat and committed to it, and realized how meditative it was for me, I was hooked. Then I started going to yarn shops… drool. I want to touch everything – and I do!

I said once to a friend of mine, “I want to play saxophone.” He replied, “If you wanted to, you’d already be doing it.” He’s right. I have yet to play saxophone, but once I got it in my mind I wanted to learn to knit… I just did it. We all make time for what’s important to us. For me, knitting is me time – crucial when you’ve got kidlets, your own business, and a wonderfully crazy life. ;)

Really though, that may sound harsh, however I mean it kindly. It’s something I ask myself now each time I say I “want” anything. Do I want it so much that I’ll take action right now? No? Okay. I’m cool with that.


“Once I sat and committed to it, and realized how meditative it was for me, I was hooked.”

Haha was the pun intended?

Also, I totally get what you say, and for me, yes I want to learn, but clearly I have other priorities or I’d be doing it now.


hooking is crochet.


Darn. I got it wrong. My bad.


What’s a Katniss cowl look like?

Also, speaking of hooking – I just bought the Stitch ‘n Bitch ebook for crochet because it was called the Happy Hooker. :D I’ll teach myself crochet someday, once I’m more comfortable with knitting.

MissB- I find it super relaxing as well! Well, when it’s working.


Which is easier to learn…crochet or knitting? Clearly I know very little about either.


Cavo…. depends on the person. i’m a master class knitter. i can do it with my eyes closed and have been designing for years. ask me to crochet and i just ask you to repeat yourself over and over and over, lol.


OMG James. We totally need to do a tea and knitting meetup in Victoria. You super busy boxing week? :) Or we could do it here and include MissB and other area Steeps.




James – well if crochet doesn’t work out for me, I won’t be discouraged.

Also it’d be awesome if you guys met up and got crafty. I’d love to see your projects – I’m always looking for ideas.


sounds good! i think my right hand might finally be up for it!! (it’s been 8 months). i’m working on that sweater that neo wore in the matrix… the one with all the runs. =0) not in a neutral though, screaming red…. lethal looking. =0D little old ladies look at me suspiciously at first as though i’m having them on (a punk dude with a red mohawk armed with stabby needles), then we argue about technique. life is fun.


Vic or Van, you guys let me know, and I’ll be there. :)


Here’s a picture of the coel Jennifer Lawrence wore in the movie.


Ravelry has several patterns for both knitted and crocheted versions. There are a bunch for sell on Etsy, too.


Ha! I can’t knit to save my life. I’ve tried several times, and even taken a couple of classes. Crochet, on the other hand, I taught myself from a book, and I picked up crochet in no time. Someday I will learn to knit! :)


Veronica – thanks! I never noticed it in the movie (unless it’s from the sequel). It looks very warm and cuddly, but it would take a lot of work too. Wow.


Thanks, Veronica! I had seen some versions on Ravelry, but hadn’t seen the original. A lot of the Ravelry ones I’ve seen are less casual and slouchy, more fitted. It’s neat how everyone interprets things for their own style. :)


all this talk of knitting and crochet is REALLY making me consider picking it back up. something i would have never expected to think about again. yet another reason to admire tea people and this site :)


I love to knit, even when I have to rip back the entire crown of a hat because I failed to read the instructions properly. ;)

That cowl is gorgeous. Just gorgeous!


I’ve never seen a cowl like that before.


interesting, that’s an amended version of an infinity scarf…. one that gives an anchor.

this is the one i’m building: http://filmschoolthrucommentaries.wordpress.com/2012/12/30/color-and-the-look-of-a-film-visual-analysis/matrix-4/

but in a really vibrant cranberry. (i’m not a neutral kind of person….. i also added way more runs, lol)


You’re welcome! It is different and much more structured than what’s been popular for the past few years, but I like how it sort of looks like armor.

OMGsrsly – I find the different interpretations utterly fascinating. This is the first trend I have followed from the beginning in a long time. From what I’ve seen the knitted ones seem to be more fitted and have the ringed neckline (which I love!). The crocheted versions seem to be looser and more casual. I’ve seen a few with a structured neck, but most seem to have a looser cowl. All the ones I’ve made have slouchy necks because they are more comfortable. :)

JustJames – Please post a picture when your sweater is finished. It sounds amazing.

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1186 tasting notes

And another sipdown at work! This tea has served me well in the rooibos department, and it, lime and lemon chiffon are always favorites when I have guests over. I still think I like Lemon Chiffon a bit better than this one, but it’s still pretty good! Lime chiffon too haha, the only one I have left. Anyways, I will enjoy this tasty cuppa! See previous notes.

ETA – Darn you post office! Didn’t leave my tea at my place, just got the shipping notice that they left the card. Now I have to wait until tomorrow to get my new Verdant teas! Ugh :(


Guh, hate when that happens with parcels!


At least you got them in time this month! Mine were delivered today, too. :)


Yeah it was so much faster! I can’t wait to get them tomorrow, the anticipation!

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6119 tasting notes

Trying another cup of this… too lazy to do a side-by-side-by-side with the other relevant teas tonight, but I left a single cup’s worth of this one so that I can do so maybe on Sunday.

This certainly tastes different from both the Lime Chiffon & Orange & Cream I’ve been drinking lately – I can taste a distinct lemon note – but I still feel like for the most part to me, it’s pretty much just a combination of Lemon and Lime Chiffon. To be honest, even without a direct comparison I’m 99% sure that my favourite of the lemon-limes is Lime Chiffon, because although I adore lemons, I prefer the flavour of limes. That said, all three of these teas (plus Orange & Cream) are wonderfully delicious, and especially after the discovery of their amazing cold-brewing properties, at least one of the four variants is likely to be in my cupboard at all times (particularly during the summer).

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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1271 tasting notes

What the heck? Sip down? I didn’t know I only had one serving left.
/sad owl

now I need to do a Della Terra order soon, as I only got a little Lemon Chiffon left after this.

Anyways, I got hit in the nose in jiujitsu. I’m okay, though my nose just feels weird, not in pain or bruised. I’m consoling myself with this tasty creamy tea, iced, with sweet lemons. The other good thing was I got the guy back, he didn’t expect some girl to shoulder lock him, muhhahahaha!


Reading your tasting notes reassures me that Ju Jitsu is not for me – though it sounds awesome!


lol! Way to go get that guy! :-)

Oolong Owl

Yeah, you gotta be a “scrappy” type to practice BJJ. Not many women in it too.


I bruise and scar so easily, I would look like a fight club member after one go.

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6444 tasting notes

This is not a bad tea but I can’t help but compare it to the chiffons. It has the subtle citrus flavors of the chiffons but lacks the creaminess that I enjoy so much. As I sip away I can’t help but feel like something is missing. If I were to place a Della Terra order, I don’t think this would be included as I would rather stock up on the chiffons instead but I will still enjoy the sample that I have.

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 15 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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1220 tasting notes

Ok bit of backlogging time. So maybe I will stop thinking about going to grad school OH GOD WHY I JUST WANT TO NOT GO TO SCHOOL BUT I SHOULD—err. (not even going to get into the part where I don’t even know which of my two options I’d go with. NOT both again.)

I had this on Sunday night and it was a fantastic tea dessert. I’ve not tried lime chiffon yet, but I had just had lemon chiffon a week prior to this and didn’t really think it tasted like a blend of both. I don’t really pick up on the cream strongly like I do in this one.

This has both lemon and lime for sure, like I can actually taste each one distinctly…unlike a lot of other things touted as lemon-lime where it’s just some vague citrus flavor.

This is definitely pretty sweet by itself too, I think it’d make a pretty interesting latte, maybe an iced one would be in order too.

Boiling 8 min or more

The cream is more prominent in Lime Chiffon, IMO. I definitely have to compare them all though…


I’ll try that one tonight finally if I can figure out where it is


Oh what are the grad school options? What is your major in? School is way better than working. At least when your my age it seems as such. My daughter is just getting set up for her first year of college in the Fall. I so wish I could go!


I’d probably stay at Georgia State, and options are political science or economics. I’d really only do it full time if I knew I could get an assistanceship because I’m not paying out of state tuition ever again. Otherwise I’d work for at least a year and then go part time so I can be in state FINALLY.


Yeah out of state tuition is a KILLER! Socioeconomics would be fun!


What are your chances of getting an assistantship? That is one of the biggest differences between the humanities & the sciences- in the sciences, most of the time they do not even accept you into the program unless they have an assistantship for you.

I would love to go back to school, and looked at GA State (originally from GA), but the fact that I would have to pay for it is a real deterrent.


I have no idea, I only really looked at it for the political science dept. It doesn’t really say how many there are, just that the majority are research assistant and not teaching assistant, but they also are given so many waivers per semester for out-of-state students to be changed to in-state so that’s an option too.

I also just found the econ grad dept has a fall semester in Switzerland so I am now leaning back towards econ but not immediately after finishing this fall for sure because I want to be able to do that.


That sounds like some tough decisions! I guess it sorta depends what you want to do, but from what I’ve heard economists are highly in demand, compared to a lot of the other “arts” disciplines. Universities have to pay Econ profs more than other profs, otherwise they’d just get jobs outside of academia. :P

Good luck getting assistantships though! I’m not too sure how it works up here in Canada, but so far both offers my bf have had came with TA’ships so his tuition is more than paid for. #phew


Most science projects here are funded, which covers tuition, but leaves not very much to live on. Tuition for a year of grad school almost anywhere in ON, for domestic students, is over $8000. Stipends are between about $16500-$18500. It. Sucks.

Good luck making your decision, momo! It’s definitely a tough one. I don’t know how arts graduate programs work… I’d like to think it’s less stressful than what I"m doing now, haha.


Yeah after today’s macroeconomics exam I am wondering why I ever thought it’d be a good idea. The one nice thing is in the first place I’ll have two degrees and if that doesn’t help me do what I want then I guess I can, but I think overall I’d really like polisci better…it goes into statistics more and I don’t think I could handle the math in economics. It’s bad enough to be getting a BA in it and having to struggle through these models that probably use calculus and I have no idea what I am doing.


:| Ugh. Yeah. I was surprised at how much math economics requires! And a lot of the profs say that the more math you have the better, which has led toa few people dropping out to business instead. Polisci sounds like a much better alternative!

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1445 tasting notes

Quick last cup of the night before going to bed and waking up early tomorrow to catch a flight down to Southern California! Cavocorax provided me a two cups worth sample and this is the last of it. I couldn’t step out the door later this afternoon without finishing my first cup; didn’t want to waste a drop.

I don’t know if I like this more than the Lemon or Lime Chiffon but one of these three is going to make my permanent stock list. The citrus here is more creamy tart than fruity, and it’s as satisfying as any late night dessert. I can’t taste the rooibos that much, either. Thanks for all the cake, Cavocorax!

Side note: Does anyone know of any good tea places in Palm Springs/Palm Desert area?

Boiling 5 min, 30 sec

Safe travels! :D


Have a good trip!
I like that you can’t really taste the rooibos, but I don’t know which of the Lemon/Lime teas from DTT that I want to re-stock either. They’re all pretty good.


Hope you have a good trip, and manage to find some awesome teas! :)


Enjoy your time in Cali!

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892 tasting notes

MMmmmm sipdown of this tea. It will be missed until I place another order. I added some cream and sugar to this and it turned into a rich dessert tea. So delicious and creamy. Lovely candy-like lemon and lime flavors. Almost like a lemon\lime filling in pastries. All of the flavors came out and it’s amaazziiinnggg. Hopefully it will help my insomnia. I can’t sleep and I’m not sure why.

BrewTEAlly Sweet

I almost ordered this with my last order:/ But i got lime chiffon instead


I think it just tastes like they mixed the lemon and lime :]

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292 tasting notes

This is quite delicious! I am so impressed with the rooibos teas I’ve tried from Della Terra, it makes up for the fact that I have been somewhat disappointed by their blacks. Yum.

I still think my favorite is Lime Chiffon, but this is a really tasty blend of both the lemon and the lime flavors. I had the first two cups without anything added, and for the third infusion I poured in a bit of almond milk. Mmmm, so creamy and wonderful. I will definitely enjoy the rest of this bag, and will probably order more of these in the future.

3 min, 0 sec

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15575 tasting notes

Sipdown! The last little bit of this is going out in a swap! I’m not entirely sure how different this is from lime chiffon. I think I prefer more of the lime chiffon because its a bit more tart than this one. Ill need to do a taste test between the lime and the lemon chiffon but I think I lean slightly more towards the lemon chiffon. What I like most about these is that the chiffons from della terra all steep well forever and you never get that rooibos taste.

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