New online exclusive tea!
This tea quietly soft launched around Mother’s Day (shortly after, I believe) and I actually think this is a pretty cool blend! I know it might seem like DT has done a lot of rose teas lately and I suppose that’s kinda true; but they’ve all been QUITE different. Plus, it’s not like DT invented “Rose Chai” as a thing – that’s very much been a type of tea carried by a ton of different tea companies for a while…
I think I’ve had one or two other Rose Chai blends, but I quite like ours. I’m not a terribly huge chai fan but I am a huge rose fan and in this circumstance my adoration of rose outweighs me apathy towards chai. This is a blend that feels soothing, and peaceful with a lot of warming spices over ones with a ton of heat to them. The rose is present, but not powerful – a nice compliment to the spices. It’s caffeine free, meaning this is also a great option for me in the evening given that I find it pretty relaxing.
Also bonus points for the inclusion of raspberry leaf – it doesn’t do much of anything in terms of flavor but it does mean I can add another tea into my rotation for the more cramp-heavy times of the months now that Mighty Aphrodite is discontinued and I have to ration that tea a little more carefully…
So those are my thoughts on Rose Chai – pretty solid blend, in my opinion!
Friendly reminder that I do not numerically rate DAVIDsTEA blends as I’m currently employed there and it would be an obvious conflict of interest. Any blends you see with numerical ratings were rated prior to my employment there. These reviews are a reflection of my personal thoughts and feelings regarding the teas, and not the company’s.