Pink Flamingo/Peppermint Amour

Tea type
Herbal Tea
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205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec

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DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

1 Tasting Note

17008 tasting notes

I was in the mood for something fun and citrusy, but also minty so I decided to mix these two DAVIDsTEA Herbal teas. For my mug I used a heaping teaspoon of the Pink Flamingo and a level 1/2 teaspoon of the Peppermint Amour. Since this is an experimentation I’m going to try to be be fairly thorough in my documentation of it.

Just smelling my little tea ball with the mixed dry leaf, I still get all the juicy citrus notes from Pink Flamingo (especially the smell of oranges and grapefruit) but it’s accompanied with a pretty strong smell of mint that makes it seem really “fresh”.

As it’s steeping I can smell Pink Flamingo, but the Peppermint Amour is getting buried under all the citrus and I can hardly smell it at all! The colour of the liquor is a much lighter pink than I’m used to seeing with the Pink Flamingo.

I ended up steeping the tea for almost exactly six minutes, and now that it’s done steeping I can smell the peppermint a little bit more, but the Pink Flamingo is still the dominating scent.

First few sips and immediately I’m tasting tangerines and oranges and a pretty strong note of hibiscus (that’s ok, I lie hibiscus). However, on the tail end of the sip and in the aftertaste I get my peppermint! It’s a lovely taste that leaves my mouth feeling cool and fresh. This was a good decision! The Peppermint compliments the citrus really nicely. It’s sort of like that sensation of peppermint in your mouth after you’ve been chewing a really strong peppermint flavoured gum.

This would be a great tea to drink in the summertime and so far it’s been really relaxing (and since it’s all herbal teas it’s caffeine free) so it’d probably be a nice cuppa before bed too. As soon as I finish of the pitcher of iced tea already in my fridge I’m excited to cold brew some of this.

I’d offer some to my roommate but he’d likely just dump a bunch of sugar in it and this combination is one that really doesn’t need a sweetener at all because the peppermint really helps to cancel out any unwanted tartness. So no tea for him.

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec
Tiffany :)

I enjoy Pink Flamingo, it’s a tea I hope DT brings back someday.. I never have tried it with Peppermint Amour as I am not much of a tea blender…I will have to add to my “to try” list.

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