
Tea type
Fruit Rooibos Blend
Artificial Flavouring, Calendula, Green Rooibos, Natural Flavours, Pineapple, Strawberry
Apple, Floral, Fruity, Rooibos, Strawberry, Candy, Pineapple, Tropical, Vanilla, Pear, Citrusy, Passion Fruit, Citrus, Grapefruit, Honey, Sugar, Sweet, Caramel, Oats, Fruit Punch, Wood
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Not available
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 45 sec 5 g 13 oz / 390 ml

Currently unavailable

We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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155 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I made Swampwater iced cubes…and added them to a glass of plain water, one of Swampwater, and one of my lemonwater (a packet of True Lemon and Splenda) and the results were phenomenal! Each tasted...” Read full tasting note
  • “I feel like this is a tea that would do well as a seasonal Halloween item, but hey, I’m pretty happy that it’s available now so I’m not complaining. First, the appearance. The dry leaves look and...” Read full tasting note
  • “Okay, first things first. Swamp Music by Lynyrd Skynyrd is hopelessly stuck in my head. I blame the tea. Secondly, I haven’t had this tea in months. It is one of the first I bought at David’s Tea...” Read full tasting note
  • “So I went to dt a couple days ago and there was only one person in the store with me, and when I asked for this tea, the man came up to me and asked what it was. He says all he could smell was the...” Read full tasting note


We called this tea Swampwater to keep adults away, but it doesn’t seem to work. Every time they taste it, they drink the whole thing down. Because the natural, tangy sweetness of green rooibos, guava, passionfruit and little candy sprinkles is just too irresistible. Even the murky green colour doesn’t scare them off. Maybe we should explain that it’s full of antioxidants. And caffeine-free. Reverse psychology…

Ingredients: Green rooibos,Read more

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

155 Tasting Notes

576 tasting notes

I made Swampwater iced cubes…and added them to a glass of plain water, one of Swampwater, and one of my lemonwater (a packet of True Lemon and Splenda) and the results were phenomenal! Each tasted good, although the Double Swampwater blend was best. I ate some of the iced cubes by themselves too. So good – I highly recommend!

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Sare 13 years ago

I need to get some of the Cute ice cube trays for Tea ice treats hehehe We should try making Teapops Like take the trays you can make Popsicle with and make it with tea lol OK its going into winter and we are talking about ice!

Daisy Chubb 13 years ago


Daisy Chubb 13 years ago

I’ll be making tea popsicles for my blog soon, wish I had some swampwater left! :(

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525 tasting notes

I feel like this is a tea that would do well as a seasonal Halloween item, but hey, I’m pretty happy that it’s available now so I’m not complaining.

First, the appearance. The dry leaves look and smell fruity and innocent. Then you steep tea and remove the filter basket only to find that someone has replaced your evening tea with a mugful of swamp water. I am amazed at how swampy this tea looks. Only instead of smelling like the accumulated poo of a million amphibians, this smells like an exotic fruity juice. Oh man. But look at this! It’s a dark murky green with an oily orange ring on sides of the mug. Most unappetizing looking tea ever!

The taste of this…well, it’s rooibos-y but in a good way since it’s green rooibos. I don’t know why red rooibos is so overwhelmingly prevalent when green is so much better. Fruity, but in an ambiguous way. But to be honest, I wasn’t paying too much attention to the flavors of the fruit. I’ll pay more attention next time. Anyway, it’s definitely something I’d be happy to drink again, cold brewed maybe.

Overall, good stuff! I even love that it looks so gross!

Boiling 7 min, 45 sec
Bonnie 13 years ago

It needs to glow in the dark…ah maybe some of those glow in the dark ice cube things…cool…if I wasn’t allergic to the stuff…however, my grandsons would love it…all creepy! Maybe with candied spiders!

Mercuryhime 13 years ago

You sound like a fun grandma. :) and this tea does seem great for kids.

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709 tasting notes

Okay, first things first. Swamp Music by Lynyrd Skynyrd is hopelessly stuck in my head. I blame the tea. Secondly, I haven’t had this tea in months. It is one of the first I bought at David’s Tea so it must be getting on in age, but it’s been sealed in it’s tinand smells divine. I remember liking it well enough, it just fell off my radar with the constant influx of new treasure.

The smell is very fruity – I only have two teas with green rooibos so I don’t know what that smells like on it’s own. I don’t discern anything that I could point to in that regard. It does, of course, have the cute little candies in it. I assume those are what create the best part of the tea – the nasty colour. All morning people have “yuck!”ed when they see it, but then they smell it and start to swoon.

Being a rooibos, I just tossed a spoon of this in my travel mug this morning and it’s been steeping in there ever since (we’re 1.5 hours in, at this point). It tastes lovely – one of the many features of rooibos that I love is that you can’t really do it wrong. The smell is still fruity, and the taste is too, but not overwhelmingly so. It’s a surprisingly mild tea, considering the ingredients and the lengthy steep time. It’s naturally sweet and I would never even consider adding any sweetener to a rooibos, but I avoid most sweetener anyway. I used to go for a dob of honey in black teas, but it’s been months.

Anyway, I like this tea. Another great tea to travel with, and one to share with all ages since it’s got no caffeine but a lot of attitude. Yummy attitude!

Boiling 8 min or more
Show 7 previous comments...
KeenTeaThyme 14 years ago

Kudos to you for mentioning a fave band, Lynyrd Skynyrd! And I’ve been eyeing up this tea for a bit… I’ll have to try it out. :)

teawing 14 years ago

I guess that is appropriate for a “southern” cal gal to like Skynyrd… :)

Uniquity 14 years ago

Who doesn’t love Skynyrd?? : )

teawing 14 years ago

True :) It was more a poke at KTT’s southern cal roots and LS being from the south. Always wondered how juke joints and kin translated out west…

Uniquity 14 years ago

I’m from Canada – I’m too North to really understand the Southern roots thing. Whenever I see/hear/read about “the south” I sort of have an unconscious belief that it’s not real, or all in the past, or something. None of this is intended to be negative, by the way! It’s like how all Canadians play hockey, havea beaver and say eh. Though I do say eh : )

teawing 14 years ago

Rush, Bob and Doug McKenzie, and Survivorman have been important Canadian influences for me (not saying much)
“not real, or all in the past” If you ever get down here, you will find it is real, but regionality is fading every day. There was a time you might be able to discern an Alabama from a Georgia from a South Carolina from an Arkansas accent. Television (media) and our tendency to migrate with jobs and promotions has flattened much of it. Every region has positives and negatives, both in the past and present. Some, like foods are celebrated while others like the Civil Rights era generate other feelings. I have just always been intrigued by the differences and the diversity. We are all Americans (or North Americans for that matter) our regional/cultural identities make us rich. And, just so ya know, I do wear shoes. :)

Uniquity 14 years ago

Hahah, I think it’s almost entirely accent for me. I watch the Ya-Yas movie, and wish that we said Vivi-ANNE instead of Vivian. Yanno? : )

teawing 14 years ago

You bet! :) oops!

teawing 14 years ago

or is it you betcha!

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62 tasting notes

So I went to dt a couple days ago and there was only one person in the store with me, and when I asked for this tea, the man came up to me and asked what it was. He says all he could smell was the amazing sweetness of this tea.

I love this tea, I love everything from the taste, to the name, to the strange colour it is. I love the sweetness from the strawberry’s which are my favorite.

So I’m having one of those days while I was trying to get this tea into my tea bag, a huge gust of wind came inside and knocked over my whole pouch of tea! And I ended up missing the tea bag because I was trying to catch the bag at the same time. Tea everywhere! Oh well this tea is so worth it.

Nik 13 years ago

I would never guess strawberries given the name! =)

Cedes 13 years ago

I know its the strangest name :)

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1220 tasting notes

I’m just not a fan of this one despite repeated attempts. Hot, cold, in a popsicle, sweetened, it just doesn’t taste good to me. It’s kind of strange because I quite enjoy green rooibos, even by itself its great, but this tastes actually too much like the red variety, which I have a hard time drinking iced.

I love the color of it though, but what fun is it to have murky green tea if you hate how it tastes!

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Tina S. 13 years ago

Try it mixed with lime koolaid if you still have some. :D

momo 13 years ago

Ooh I’ll definitely do that!

Autistic Goblin 13 years ago

When I first tasted it, I thought it was koolaid (hehe)

Sare 13 years ago

Oh i love this one!!! But only have what little Someone sent me and What my sister in law gave me Its defiantly on my list to buy, im sorry you didn’t like it I hope the Koolaid helps i may try that as well :)

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1184 tasting notes

I tried this cold brewed. It doesn’t work as well that way because the little candies don’t dissolve. It isn’t as sweet as when it is hot. There is still some strawberry flavour there though. Next time, I will hot brew it then put it in the fridge to chill I think

Sandy Stith 13 years ago

Weird, isn’t it?

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807 tasting notes

Another sample from Krystaleyn – thank you so much!
Well you know – its not to MY personal liking so much – its not bad its just not something I would run out to buy. It was great in all the ways people have said. I just was MEH about it.
I have been in a weird mood lately though I am refraining from leaving a rating. Nothing has tasted very good to me today.

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Kittenna 13 years ago

It’s a weird one, that’s for sure. I’m not sad that it’s not part of the permanent collection…

Azzrian 13 years ago

I can totally see where it would appeal to kids though with the funky mix of flavors! Its a fun color for kids too. Not to say adults who like it are wrong or anything. Its interesting, just not my cup of….

Kittenna 13 years ago

Agreed :) Also, totally understand the things not tasting good all day – that was me a few days ago! It was awful :(

Scott B 13 years ago

How did you manage to write a review without leaving a numeric rating? I had the same issue with a tea today-I didn’t like it, but I attributed more to my personal taste than anything else. However, I was unable to leave the number rating blank.

Azzrian 13 years ago

I think I just clicked on Add Tea Note and then closed out the box…umm let me try testing this theory and let you know.

Azzrian 13 years ago

Yup that was it :) works!

Scott B 13 years ago

ok, thanks. doesn’t work for me.

Azzrian 13 years ago


Scott B 13 years ago

Maybe because I was editing a post. I’ll try it some time on a new post and see. Thanks again.

Azzrian 13 years ago

Ah I hope that was it :)

Kittenna 13 years ago

Scott Bee You should be able to either avoid touching the rating bar while writing a review (that will leave it blank) or go in and edit your review, and next to ‘Your Rating’ is a little ‘x’, that if you click, will remove your rating.

Scott B 13 years ago

Thanks, Krystaleyn-it worked :)

Kittenna 13 years ago

Awesome :)

Azzrian 13 years ago

Nice! Good work Krystaleyn!

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185 tasting notes

Missy sets a glass of this down in front of me.

Me: Is this swampwater?
Missy: Yeah. It tastes like rocket pops!
Me: Rocket pops?
Missy: Yeah! Those orange and red Popsicles that you used to get. They’re not the same any more.

I take a drink.

Me: Does this have rooibos in it?
Missy: Yeah, green. Why?
Me: It tastes very rooibos-y.
Missy: I don’t think it tastes anything like rooibos.

I laugh.

Missy: I kind of want to keep this around just for the color.
Missy: Wait, what are you typing over there?

This is the appropriately named Swampwater, due to it’s brackish green-brown color. I really wonder if they set out to make this tea brackish and scary, or they thought this flavor might work and someone went “Dude, that will never sell… it looks like swampwater”. I’m guessing the later, but I have zero idea what happens in the DAVIDsTEA tealab. If they don’t call it a tealab, they should.

Anyway, this was another tea I got from the awesome prize package from DaisyChubb and her blog of coolness. It tastes rooibos-y and fruity, a little bit nutty, and looks like abhorrent.

All in all, good times. Not so sure it’s something I’d want to keep around, but it was definitely an interesting experience (and the box it came in has an awesome swampmonster thing, and swamp themed stickers I gave to our daughter)

Boiling 8 min or more
Daisy Chubb 13 years ago

:D! Fun!

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323 tasting notes

Hello Steepster!

I’ve been absent for awhile. Lots of things have been crazy. I’m picking classes for next semester… all the ones I want to take are 300-level, and I need to give myself an easy semester. Sigh!

I’ve had this sample for awhile, but never really gotten around to trying it. It smells really fruity, and for some reason there are cat-shaped sprinkles in my packet as well, on top of the general sprinkles.

I’ve heard a lot about the color, but it didn’t look strange until I poured it into my glass. Oh goodness. It’s really murky green. It does not look appetizing. But it smells really fruity. Huh.

Unfortunately, it tastes as murky as it smells. It’s vaguely fruity, but it all seems to blur together. Part of it might also be the weirdness of drinking something that color.

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gmathis 12 years ago

Food color has a definite sensory influence. Made the mistake once of ordering enchiladas on blue corn tortillas with verde sauce. Was plenty tasty, but ugh! Took a while to get past the color combination.

Kiaharii 12 years ago

They’re Halloween cats!

Invader Zim 12 years ago

I honestly have not noticed that much of a difference between 100, 200, and 300-level classes. The only difference I find is once you get up into the 400-level. But your school may be very different too! Hopefully you get some good ones that are interesting and easy!

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440 tasting notes

Got this one in store today on ice. I love it, but that isn’t the review I’m going to post today. I was in the store with my friend and her three year old son, who I let try my tea. (Like a three year old wouldn’t be fascinated by a cup of green murky stuff, right?) His review can be summed up in three words. “Yum. More please.” I think I’m creating another addict. :D

ashmanra 13 years ago

Start ’em young!

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