When I heard about DARJEELING WINE TEA I was really anxious to try this as this was new to me. This tea is a 2nd Flush but the manufacturing process is different. After rolling, this tea is blended with wine and then dried in smoke chambers where pine wood was used. This tea is a sensualist’s treat. I’m very pleased with the experience of smelling and drinking this tea. It feels luxurious. This tea has everything, the DARJEELING MUSKY TASTE, A SMOKY NOTE and the sip ends with a smooth wine like note. I am really in love with this tea.
The dry leaves smell so wonderful that I want to eat the leaves. They have a wonderful grape and light raspberry smell. The leaves themselves are typical black tea leaves but with a bit more silver tips.
The aroma of the dry leaves is excellently expressed in the fragrant brew along with a very light musk as one gets in some grape juices. It leaves a very pleasant aftertaste.