English brand name: Daoli Flower Trip
Slovenian brand name: Daoli Cvetlični vrh
Chinese characters: 道理 花茶
Pinyin: dàolǐ huācha
Name origin: hua means “flower”, cha means ”tea”
Ingredients: Wild Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum indicum), Chinese Rose (Rosa rugosa), and Japanese Honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica)
Origin: Yunnan, China
Selected, imported, and packaged by: Daoli
Steeping suggestion: 4 grams, ~ 90 °C 150 ml, 120-180 seconds, 3-4 times
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English brand name: Daoli Flower Trip
Slovenian brand name: Daoli Cvetlični vrh
Chinese characters: 道理 花茶
Pinyin: dàolǐ huācha
Name origin: hua means “flower”, cha means ”tea”
Ingredients: Wild Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum indicum), Chinese Rose (Rosa rugosa), and Japanese Honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica)
Origin: Yunnan, China
Selected, imported, and packaged by: Daoli
Steeping suggestion: 4 grams, ~ 90 °C 150 ml, 120-180 seconds, 3-4 times
A word about the infusion
Daoli Flower Trip contains three medicinal herbs from the Yunnan province of China: Wild Chrysanthemum, Chinese Rose, and Japanese Honeysuckle. The infusion has a subtle fragrance and refreshing taste. These three flowers are often used in Traditional Chinese Medicine and together form a nice bouquet that shines with health and happiness.
Why we like it
A few years ago, Roman met a family of Kunming tea traders. He made friends with them and would often spend hours at their shop trying out new teas and talking about tea and life. One day he asked what kind of tea they liked the most. The man sad he liked higher quality sheng pu’er (see Silver Trip). The woman smiled and pointed to a small ceramic jar from a shelf. She said that the mix of three flowers inside was her favorite. We gave it a try and thought that it would be a good idea to make Flower Trip part of our collection. The chrysanthemum in the mix tastes a bit like chamomile, the rose blossoms add a tinge of pink to the beverage and cover the slight bitterness of the honeysuckle.
More @ daoli.eu