Flocons d'Épices

Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea, Flower Petals, Orange Peel
Brisk, Malt, Cinnamon, Citrus, Clove, Cookie, Ginger, Nutmeg, Orange, Orange Zest, Pine, Spices, Spicy, Vanilla, Wood, Bread, Bubblegum, Fruity, Woody, Brown Sugar, Mineral, Smooth, Thick, Cloves, Sweet, Candy, Cherry, Caramel, Fig
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec 3 g 14 oz / 424 ml

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We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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30 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I really like the smell of this dry tea. I could wear it as a perfume with its citrus sweet spice notes. The orange is a sharp orange almost grapefruit flavour and the sweet aspects of this tea...” Read full tasting note
  • “Day 2 of Dammann Freres advent calendar. This tea is all cherry bubbilicious with hints of juicy fruit. The smell of the dry tea is like the gum mixture as stated above. There is a sweet, citrus,...” Read full tasting note
  • “Advent calendar, day 2. It’s funny how for the most part this has the exact same ingredients as Hot cinnamon spice by Harney & sons, but is completely different in taste. For one, this actually...” Read full tasting note
  • “Heh. So funny that I commented on this the other day with someone (yyz?) and now here it is, Day Two of the Dammann Freres 2013 Advent Calendar. Duh me. This tea smells like Christmas to me, or at...” Read full tasting note

From Dammann Frères

Delicious blend of black teas combining fruity notes of citrus with soft and gourmet scents of a bouquet of spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves).

Dominant note : Spicy / Woody
Type(s) of tea : Black Tea
Main flavor : Orange
Complementary flavor(s) : Gingerbread

Ingredients: black tea, orange peel, gingerbread flavor, flower petals

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30 Tasting Notes

437 tasting notes

I really like the smell of this dry tea. I could wear it as a perfume with its citrus sweet spice notes. The orange is a sharp orange almost grapefruit flavour and the sweet aspects of this tea remind me of vanilla.

The tea is a nice copper colour, and smells of sweet spice over sharp bitter orange notes mixed with a hint of pastry from the tea base. The spice is more dominant than in the dry tea.

The sweet almost vanilla like flavour blends with the citrus notes, followed by cinnamon, nutmeg and more peppery spice. The tea has enough astringency to give the tea a thicker mouth feel and is otherwise sweet with a bit of malt. The spice becomes stronger as the tea cools, with the nutmeg making a stronger presence. A nice morning or afternoon tea, as the spice is warming but the sweet citrus creates a sense of brightness and alertness.

I bag in 10 oz for @ 4 min.


Wow. Sounds lovely!


It re-steeps consistently as well.


Did you grab this from Vendome Cadeau?


You’ll have a chance to try it soon it’s in the calendar! But it looks like it’s the same tea as Christmas in Alsace. So if you love it you should be able to buy more, as they do have it at cadeau-deco-vendome. Dammann has it in tins at their store.


interesting… this one seems pretty tasty. I’ll have to see how my first order from cadeau goes…

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871 tasting notes

Day 2 of Dammann Freres advent calendar.

This tea is all cherry bubbilicious with hints of juicy fruit.

The smell of the dry tea is like the gum mixture as stated above. There is a sweet, citrus, but floral smell to the tea. The brewed tea is light and smooth. No astringency. I still get the cherry and juicy fruit flavours. I am getting sweet orange. I do not get much of the cinnamon or nutmeg. There is a sweet floral component to the tea. The tea is moderately thick and for some reason is reminding me of syrup (kind of like chokecherry syrup). Whatever is in this blend, it is pretty darn good.

I love French teas!

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

Jealous! I’ve missed so much Christmassy tea stuff by being away from Steepster for a couple months :(


I put a reminder in my phone for early next year to remind me to buy this earlier so I get it in time. I also missed out on the Lego advent calendars. Ha ha.


Kitenna – make yourself a deal…drink your teas down to a reasonable 500 before end of next year and you can buy one lol


Lala – I think I got one of the lego calendars!!! It’s waiting for me at my parents’ place.

Sil – Yeah, I haven’t been drinking tea at all lately, so I’m avoiding looking at any websites, even though I know I missed out on some Butiki teas, Verdant teas, the Amosa box… all of which I’m kind of heartbroken about… I need to get back to it!

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863 tasting notes

Advent calendar, day 2.

It’s funny how for the most part this has the exact same ingredients as Hot cinnamon spice by Harney & sons, but is completely different in taste.

For one, this actually tastes of citrus in equal parts with the spices. The Ceylon was a good choice as a backdrop because that always has a naturally bright orangey note to it. It’s such a sweet orange, too…a slightly spiced orange juice. It is very smooth without additives (I am thinking this is going to be a theme, and I like it!) and it really does evoke the sense of the holidays quite well.

Another winner for me!

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

dammann freres is just SO good. i am a huge fan…… beautiful name on this one too =0)

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1501 tasting notes

Heh. So funny that I commented on this the other day with someone (yyz?) and now here it is, Day Two of the Dammann Freres 2013 Advent Calendar. Duh me.

This tea smells like Christmas to me, or at the very least, the holiday season. A hint of black tea with citrus (?) and another hint of clove. It’s got depth to it, and I’m just sitting here, sniffing it in. Just the smell alone is worth my getting more than this tea bag.

It’s still a bit hot for my tastebuds to really enjoy it, however this is a lovely tea. It’s sweet – sweeter than I was expecting – while full bodied. It almost smells like a green the more I drink it, even though it’s definitely a black. Zero astringency… smooth. Touch of black tea tannin in there to remind me, and the citrus lingers ever so slightly, even minutes after I’ve had a sip. A touch of Truvia lifts the citrus (and something else – cherry? fig?) to mouth-watering heights.

Yes, this is most definitely on my to-buy list.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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2201 tasting notes

Dammann advent calendar, day 2. Yay for christmas-y teas! From the description I think I was expecting some kind of typical orange-spice christmas blend, but I was pleasantly surprised when I sniffed the sachet. It smelled way more fruity than I thought it would! I think there is a hint of bergamot in this blend, and even though it only says citrus fruits I would swear there is fig in here. (Fortunately I don’t get cherry like Lala because I hate cherry flavor, haha).

Mmmm, this is lovely. I can taste the spices but they aren’t too spicy, they just complement the fruit blend very well. And that fruit blend! So much better than simple orange and spices. I do see where Lala is getting the “syrup” aspect from the texture, because it is thick and luxurious. That reads as fig to me, which adds to the holiday feeling. I could see restocking this one, definitely!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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814 tasting notes

again with the cinnamon!
i think i knew which teas wouldn’t interest me from the advent calendar and saved them all for last cuz ie procrastinated. some that i expected to not like really did surprise me! but still a few of the teas were exactly what i expected. i gave it a go anyways :)

again i drank this one last night.
i bought chinese for the whole house to eat for new years eve dinner and we drank fancy beers until midnight. i was nice and relaxed and low stress.
i also finished the infinity scarf i was knitting.
i’m wearing it now. and it’s very comfy.
so that was the end to my year in a nutshell. and it was just as it should be.

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1780 tasting notes

Day 2 of the Dammann advent calendar! This smells quite citrusy when dry, mixed with other things I can’t pick out. The flavors are well balanced and the tea is smooth. No bitterness at all! It tastes fruity floral to me and those types of teas have to do something to really stand out for me to want to add them to my cupboard. Glad to have a chance to try this, but I’d pass on having this one join my stash.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

OOOOO another advent calendar eee!


I know! I was super excited to see another brand doing one of these! It is such a great introduction to new companies and teas! This one is much simpler than the David’s and similar to a chocolate advent calender. Imagine the bagged samples that David’s sends out with orders or sells in their stores in advent form. I wish more companies would make these for the holidays.

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1308 tasting notes

Dammann Freres 2022 advent calendar Day 4. Ok. So. I understand that this is meant to be a gingerbread cookie-type tea. And perhaps that is the experience that others took away from this tea, in which case yay, I’m glad you enjoyed it! But I oversteeped by literally 45 seconds and ended up with something that tastes like one of those oranges with cloves stuck in it. And the thing is, the dry leaf smelled like that too, so I’m not sure how much of this was just about the oversteeping. I offered it to my partner, who rarely likes tea but does enjoy black tea from time to time, and he literally said that all he could taste was cigarettes because the clove was so heavy. Best case scenario is that the lesson here is to be very strict about steeping parameters with Dammann Freres teas, and this tea in particular!

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259 tasting notes

This blend wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t special. I saw gingerbread on the bag of the bag/sample but it tasted like plain black tea to me.

Flavors: Brisk, Malt

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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1445 tasting notes

Dammann Frères Advent 2021 – Day 8

This tastes like a super orange tea when had straight up, but when I add milk.. well, it still tastes like a lot of orange. However, the spices now come through, with strength, to create a bona fide dessert blend (it’s a total orange spice cookie). There’s ginger, but not as much ginger as I’ve seen in other DF blends; it’s sharing the heat agreeably with other spices, like clove and cinnamon. They’re a barky bunch but tasty; together, the citrus and spices give me a sense of “pine”, especially as an aftertaste.

I expect to see a few more similar"Chirstmas Orange" teas by the end of the advent, but I’d never pass up a cup during the winter months. This profile is festive and fleeting.

Flavors: Cinnamon, Citrus, Clove, Cookie, Ginger, Nutmeg, Orange, Orange Zest, Pine, Spices, Spicy, Vanilla, Wood

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 30 sec
Evol Ving Ness

Hmm, Christmas Orange to my mind entails hibiscus. It is nice to see one that is not that. (And I am not anti-hibiscus by any stretch, but often those teas have mega-sour ingredients on top of the hibiscus. I have some that I seem to be ignoring.)

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