Tea type
Black Chai Blend
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Loose Leaf
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Average preparation
Boiling 3 min, 15 sec

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  • “This is my first chaï made as an indian chaï. I didn’t exactly respected DF’s instructions and put the tea directly in the milk while cooking and not after it boiled. This is really good ! I...” Read full tasting note

From Dammann Frères

“Anichaï” flavored black tea

Drawn from an Indian recipe, this creation is made of Indian spices embellished with ginger bits, clove, pink peppercorns and cardamom. Boil some milk, add Anichaï tea, let it brew 5 minutes, filter it and add sugar if needed.

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1 Tasting Note

408 tasting notes

This is my first chaï made as an indian chaï.
I didn’t exactly respected DF’s instructions and put the tea directly in the milk while cooking and not after it boiled.
This is really good ! I didn’t expect to manage to make a good chaï at the first attempt but here it is.
The spices are really wonderful : cardamom is really the main one but the second roles have their partition to play as well.
Really love it.

Boiling 3 min, 15 sec
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cteresa 11 years ago

good on you, I love indian chai done chai style. or better I love expensive french takes on indian chai, the chai blends I get at the indian grocery stores do not compare at all.

have you ever had chandernagor? I love it crazily and curious how this one compares, seems like the same spices…

Ysaurella 11 years ago

I never had Chandernagor because once I was hesitating and finally I have chosen Mandalay.
I can send you a sample of Anichaï and of Thé des Mille Collines (a Dammann Chaï as well)I was thinking about that while doing this chaï

cteresa 11 years ago

Thank you very much for the suggestion, but I have no new teas to send and still many samples to try. Maybe in Autumn?

Chandernagor is lovely, my favorite classic chai. But that is one thing I like MF very much for, they have a few totally perfectly classic ultimate versions of classic things. Chandernagor is the chai for me, Casablanca is the mint green tea….

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