Blend Experiment

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Herbal Tea
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Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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  • “In an effort to reduce Adagio sample tins, inspired by Bethany, I decided to go ahead and start mixing stuff together. Today it was Assam Melody and Keemun Rhapsody, and the results are pretty...” Read full tasting note

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2 Tasting Notes

158 tasting notes

In an effort to reduce Adagio sample tins, inspired by Bethany, I decided to go ahead and start mixing stuff together. Today it was Assam Melody and Keemun Rhapsody, and the results are pretty good…one teaspoon of each for my 16oz. teacup. Raisiny-sweet without being too astringent, a smooth cup to start the day.

And yes, that’s Mr. T. Mr. TEA. …yeah, I know, it’s not that funny.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec
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Auggy 15 years ago

Mr. T and his chamomile blend made me laugh. I so needed that. Thank you so much.

sophistre 15 years ago

Hey, anytime! Though I notice that steepster cut off the part that says ‘I PITY THE FOOL’. Probably I will have to fix that later.

I hope your day improves, Auggy!

Jillian 15 years ago

Bwhahaha! That pic is so much win! I’ve actually had it saved in my DevArt Favorite folder for awhile. :)

~lauren. 15 years ago

You know, when I read Melody & Rhapsody, my mind immediately conjured up … oh, y’know, sonatas & concertos, violas & cellos & grand pianos— it was a complete surprise to see Mr. T again! hehehe : )

teaplz 15 years ago




I am crushing on you very hard right now, sophness.

Teaman 15 years ago

Really liked your review. You have a way with words on this one. I tend to struggle sometime to come up with descriptions of what I’m tasting that don’t involve comparisons with other teas. But you have provides tangible objects that work well to share your epxerience! Well done!

sophistre 15 years ago

@Lauren: Adagio does have a way of making me want to dig into the sometimes-neglected classical parts of my musical library, I admit.

@teaplz: Not bad! Google image search ftw. I probably ought to rotate the picture out, but it’s going to be hard to top that one.

@teaman: Thanks! Sometimes I wonder if saying ‘this tea tastes like x, y, and z’ to me is really that helpful, since I’m not sure that the foods or smells or things that get referenced are experienced precisely the same way by other people, but it helps me to remember those elements when I go back to read later. I’m glad it works for someone else, too.

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