Earl Grey - Vanilla Black

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Black Tea
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  • “Thanks to Jennifer and teawing I have been wanting to try this for two days! I don’t recall ever having a Creme Earl Grey so I am not sure how this would compare, but I find it very tasty. This...” Read full tasting note

From Custom - Harney & Sons

A blend of three teaspoons Earl Grey to one and a half teaspoons Vanilla Black.

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1 Tasting Note

3373 tasting notes

Thanks to Jennifer and teawing I have been wanting to try this for two days! I don’t recall ever having a Creme Earl Grey so I am not sure how this would compare, but I find it very tasty. This is also my first time having Harney and Sons Earl Grey, so I really want to try it standing alone as well. In the past I have had their Earl Grey Supreme and Imperial Earl Grey. EGS is my favorite, but for bergamot lovers, I think the sachets of Imperial Earl Grey maybe stronger on bergamot.

From what I can tell in this mix, this Earl Grey is of moderate strength. I tried it first without additions and it was smooth and somewhat mild, not too much. I added sugar, which really brought out the bergamot, then milk, which made the creaminess of the vanilla shine. All in al, a delightful cup of tea as I chill out to Spa Suite Radio on Pandora and hide from the 95 degree temps I was just hanging out clothes in…


I think I will talk to them about their EG blends when I go to Millerton. I am so excited that DH decided we have to stop there on our Boston trip. I likened it to driving within a half hour of his favorite micro-brewery and not stopping. He finally understood!


LOL! Too funny! I hope you have a great time!

This is getting better and better. I wonder how it would taste with Vanilla Comoro and it’s caramel goodness? Maybe tomorrow’s experiment…


I also liked JacquelineM’s suggestion of a vanilla bean….and then I also remembered that I have some double strength vanilla…. I think there are many possibilities. I still hope Mike will blend one, though.


By the way, I didn’t type “it’s”. I do know the difference but auto correct does not! AAAARRRGHH!

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