Mango Silly Antro

Tea type
Fruit White Blend
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Edit tea info Last updated by Indigobloom
Average preparation
170 °F / 76 °C 3 min, 45 sec

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17 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I’ve had this with short and long steeps and I love it both ways. Short is great when I know I’ll be around all day, but it’s so very satisfying when I can indulge in a longer one. The depth of the...” Read full tasting note
  • “Having a few delicious cups of this with dinner tonight. Cilantro in the enchiladas! and cilantro in the tea! that’s pretty much the only reason i did that, plus it’s so very nearly a sipdown lol...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thanks to Indigobloom for sharing some of this little gem with me! I brewed some up during the day out of immense curiosity, and it was seriously delicious! The cilantro was present only as a...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is a sample sent to me by IndigoBloom in Sil’s Super Awesome Sample Box. Thanks girls!! Admittedly, I was having trouble visualizing cilantro in any tea blend. I do enjoy cilantro, & I...” Read full tasting note

From Custom (Butiki)

This Thai mango salad inspired blend is wonderful hot or iced. Refreshing served over ice on a hot summers day!
Ingredients: White peony, cilantro, dried mango, hibiscus.
Recommended infusion time is 3.5 min, or 60-90 seconds for flash steepings
(picture sourced randomly from Google)

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17 Tasting Notes

1764 tasting notes

I’ve had this with short and long steeps and I love it both ways. Short is great when I know I’ll be around all day, but it’s so very satisfying when I can indulge in a longer one. The depth of the mango and cilantro flavour really gets me! and I’m truly looking forward to making a big batch of this iced, to drink while I read a book on the balcony. Hurry up summer!
Also… Stacy rocks. Very very much!

3 min, 30 sec
Butiki Teas

Oooh, I bet that is awesome iced! Why thank you, you rock too! :)


Mm, I should have a cup of this tomorrow :)


Stacy, I’m positive it will be amazing. It will be interesting to see whether it brings out the mango more!
and thank you! :P
Kittenna, I agree, you should! lol


Ooh me too! Haha I think I subconsciously don’t drink it because I want to save it..

Terri HarpLady

Haven’t tried this one yet…


terri – it’s IB’s custom blend

Terri HarpLady

That explains why it’s not on the butiki menu!


Terri – if you remind me with the swap we have, i may have a bit that i can pass on to you. i can’t remember how much i’ve got left


Terri, I’ll send you some!! pm me


Yeah, I can’t wait to sit outside. I was able to last year in early March! (I’m in NY so that actually is rare.)


Last March was great! led into a nice summer, not too warm/cold!


IB – if you bring some next weekend i can toss it in to my swap with terri to save you mailing.


omg that would be awesome. Pretty sure I’m on the post offices hit list or something haha

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15596 tasting notes

Having a few delicious cups of this with dinner tonight. Cilantro in the enchiladas! and cilantro in the tea! that’s pretty much the only reason i did that, plus it’s so very nearly a sipdown lol AND my mango lassi tasting note reminded me that i do have this other mango blend from stacy

I am enjoying the fruity mango-ness of this tea quite a bit :)


I had this cold brewed today. Not as good as I’d hoped :/


noooooooooooo don’t tell me that! lol I tossed the last of it in a cold brew so that i can drink it up tomorrow haha


oh. take a sip after two or three hrs and see what happens with that!! :)


i’ll be sleeping at that point lol

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6119 tasting notes

Thanks to Indigobloom for sharing some of this little gem with me! I brewed some up during the day out of immense curiosity, and it was seriously delicious! The cilantro was present only as a delicious, refreshing flavour, and the mango as more of a background than a central note, but they combined for a really nice cup of white tea.

I let the second infusion go for closer to 3 minutes, and the flavours definitely emerged more, so since Indigobloom was generous enough to give me a bit to play with, I’ll try this on the first infusion next time.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec

That sounds amazing!


can’t wait until i can taste again!


hehe I am SO glad you like it Kittenna!!


Haha, yeah Sil, not much point to trying this one sans proper tasting ability. It has too much subtlety that would be lost.


I agree with Kittenna, this would lose alot of nuance with tastebuds that are dampened


oh yeah..not touching it for a while even if i’m super excited to try it. I’m just hoping i’ll get to it before China heh for no other reason than i haven’t yet figured out what i’m doing about tea while i’m down there…


you have a few weeks before China! I hope you internet access while over there!!

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3294 tasting notes

This is a sample sent to me by IndigoBloom in Sil’s Super Awesome Sample Box. Thanks girls!!

Admittedly, I was having trouble visualizing cilantro in any tea blend. I do enjoy cilantro, & I grow it in my garden. During the winter I grow it in my Aerogarden too. It’s great in salads, sprinkled on chili, eggs, etc., but I’ve never considered it in tea. I haven’t tried the pineapple cilantro yet either, but maybe I should, cuz this is good!
It’s unusually tasty, with the sweetness of mango, the creaminess of the white tea, a pinch of tart hibiscus, & very refreshing from the cilantro. Indigo, you’re a visionary! It’s so awesome that Stacy has the amazing talent of making dreams come true!


finally got the samples you sent to kittenna to her today :)

Terri HarpLady

Thanks! I hope she enjoys them!

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836 tasting notes

1.5 tablespoons for 375 ml

Very full flavour. Sweetness of the mango/fruitiness coming through with the great cilantro complement. The tea is thick and brothy.

Second infusion at 4 minutes. The flavours from the first infusion are present but are not as robust. I’m detecting a nutty flavour. A different experience from the first infusion but still very enjoyable.

Third infusion at 5 minutes. Overall flavour toned down quite a bit. Mild white tea taste is primary with hints of mango sweetness and cilantro in background. Would not likely do well past the third infusion.

Thanks to Indigobloom for sharing this with me!

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

yay!! so happy you like this :D


Sounds YUM!


Azz – it’s pretty darn delicious :)


It IS as yummy as it sounds!! I was really happy with this one!

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761 tasting notes

Finally got around to having this one. I wanted to like it.The whole time I am sipping it I am thinking, something tastes strange…is there hibiscus in this? Why yes, yes there is. Even though Buiki’s use of hibiscus has always been on the conservative side (good move), I can’t help but feel like it covered up the mango flavour and white tea flavours. I am still happy I got to try this rare custom blend tea.

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