Plain, Iced and Cold Brew Sipdown (262)
J is for… Jane Austen’s Tea Party…again
I opened this sample package from Nichole this “morning” (I wake up late so it was my morning but not technically morning hours) and made a hot cup and set up a cold brew. When I filtered the cold brew, I decided to make an iced cup to compare the two at the same time. Then I realized there was one serving left and just decided to go for the Sipdown and make another hot cup.
This tea isn’t exciting to me because of the lavender. It stands out and makes things soapy when it’s in tea so I don’t think I’m the target audience for this one. That said, I’ll work my way through the different prep methods and share my thoughts anyways.
Cold brew: lavender comes through at the end of the sip and leaves a soapiness on the tongue. Until then it’s a subtle mix of berry and lemongrass. That berry acts as a bridge between the lemon and lavender which could be good but also highlights the various flavors, even the ones I enjoy less.
Iced: This is so much lemongrass. I don’t know what happened but I feel like I’m drinking a cold cup of straight lemongrass. I get pops of berry as I keep drinking, and the lingering soap of lavender, though less noticeable here than in the cold brew.
Hot: I think I prefer this tea hot the most. Lavender is least noticeable and I think the berry comes out the most this way.
Thank you for the sample, Nichole!
And here I sit drinking a glass of lavender syrup and water…I like lavender! Ha ha!
Heh, I was drinking plain lavender tea… just buds steeped in water!
You know how they say there is a gene that makes people hate cilantro because it makes it soapy? I think that is me with lavender :P
My best friend is one of those people with cilantro, heh.