Siluet Infusion (Diet Infusion)

Tea type
Fruit Herbal Pu'erh Blend
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Drying, Raspberry, Stonefruit, Thick
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  • “I seem to have accidentally stumbled upon Spanish tea in a random grocery store in Belgium. Mind you, this grocery store also carries Dammann Frères right on the shelf… I grabbed it because it...” Read full tasting note

From Cuida Té by Espressate

Té anti esos quilos de más.
Ingredientes: Té Yunnan pu erh (té rojo) 70%, zanahoria deshidratada, alcachofera hoja extra, aroma de frutos rojos, extracto té verde.

Tómatelo con naturalidad, no te líes con complicaciones y vueltas de más. Al final, todo es más sencillo de lo que piensas.

Y tú, ¿cómo te lo tomas

Tea anti those kilos more.

Ingredients: Yunnan pu erh tea (red tea) 70%, dehydrated carrot, artichoke additional sheet, aroma of red berries, green tea extract.

Take it naturally, do not get confused with complications and turns over. In the end, everything is easier than you think.

And you, how do you take?

About Cuida Té by Espressate View company

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1 Tasting Note

1501 tasting notes

I seem to have accidentally stumbled upon Spanish tea in a random grocery store in Belgium. Mind you, this grocery store also carries Dammann Frères right on the shelf…

I grabbed it because it seemed unusual. Plus, I’ve get to grab any puerh for the trip, so why not a “diet” tea? (so named I’m sure because of the added artichoke and green tea extract).

Is it tasty? Sure. Can I tell what the “red fruits” are? Nope, although the bag doesn’t show red fruits, just tropical ones, and there’s definitely no strawberry (allergies). There’s a drying, astringent quality to this tea, and it needs sweetening. Do I love it? Nah. I enjoyed it much more last night for some reason.

Flavors: Drying, Raspberry, Stonefruit, Thick

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