2017 Nannuo Mini Mushroom Shou / Ripe Puerh

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
Pu Erh Tea
Chocolate, Vanilla, Dried Fruit, Dark Chocolate, Menthol
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Edit tea info Last updated by Crimson Lotus Tea
Average preparation
Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 3 g 2 oz / 55 ml

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From Crimson Lotus Tea

This is a really delightful shou puerh that we fell in love with this year. The material is a blend of multiple years of shou puerh material from Nannuo Shan. Some of the material is as old as 20 years. This is a very unique shou puerh. It has a flavor and aroma profile we’ve not seen before. There is a delightful nutty herbal note in the aroma.

Each mini mushroom is about 4 grams. Don’t let their small size fool you. These brew fast and intense. There is a lot of tea in these little ones. When we fill a bag we measure by weight in grams. There may be more or less actual mini mushrooms depending on their size and weight. You will get at least 50g of tea in each bag.

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11 Tasting Notes

65 tasting notes

This tea brews up nice and dark after the initial rinse. I used two mushrooms for my bre which came to about 7.5 grams. I’m quite pleased with it. I wish I had bought more when they were available. Hints of vanilla and chocolate. Not really earthy.

Flavors: Chocolate, Vanilla


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6 tasting notes

My first review. Only a couple months into drinking real puer. Would be interesting to come back to this tea and review in a year to see how my opinion has changed.

Ok. I like this tea. With that being said I don’t think I’ll ever give a tea a 100. If I do give a tea a 100. I’ll go out and buy ALL of it before I write the review. An 85 to me means I like it, I appreciate it, I’d buy it, I’d buy it again. It’s solid. Anything above an 85 is better than this. Anything less than 85 is well not better than this.

Nose on the first few steeps is definitely chocolatey. The taste has hints of vanilla, as well as cacao butter. There’s a creaminess in both taste and texture to this tea. The liquor brews up to a nice dark color. Not picking up on any of the earthy overtones that accompany most of the shous that I have tried.

While the color remains, the flavor does not survive a large number of steepings as some other shous do.

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 3 g 2 OZ / 59 ML

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4 tasting notes

Brews dark

Flavors: Dried Fruit


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18 tasting notes

This is an excellent ripe, with vanilla and nutty flavors.
It is quite unique among the ripes I’ve tried, and well worth a sample.

As far as I’m concerned this, Storm Breaker, and Iron Forge are the ultimate “ripe introduction sampler pack”

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121 tasting notes

Had shaomai earlier that were so good that I kinda wanted to cry. Bought another order to go and immediately made plans to bring my favorite uncle to the restaurant. They had shiitake in them, so maybe I had mushrooms on the brain. At any rate, after a very hot and humid crowded day on NY/NJ public transit, I needed to go to a happy place. This CLT offering is just as I remember: sweet and comforting and chocolate-y and… wise. If this tea was a person she would be that saintly mother who somehow brought up 7 children without ever raising her voice.

song pairing: Amen – for KING & COUNTRY

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17008 tasting notes

Steeped up yesterday.

I’ve heard really good things about this one from some tea friends who’s opinions I trust very much. Most interestingly, I’ve heard this has a nice vanilla like quality to it. So even though this isn’t one that was immediately high on my list of things to try I figured I’d have to give it a go sooner rather than later.

It actually is really nice, and quite smooth overall. I didn’t really experience ‘vanilla’ from it at all, but there’s a creaminess to the body and finish that I guess I could see some people tying into a vanilla comparison. Since the top and body notes were also very nutty to me, I found that more than vanilla I found myself making a comparison to almond or cashew milk; really nut milks in general. Overall it’s really smooth and sweet. Finish is reminding me a little of figs. Sidebar, but it’s been so long since since I last bought figs to snack on at home – I should really do that…

Overall thoughts/first impression? Definitely a nice shou; however I don’t find it mind blowing/magical. Would probably make a good daily drinker kind of tea? I can see why people love it, for sure – it’s just missing some of the notes that are my ideal; strong woodyness and petrichor being the main ones. It’ll be easy for me to finish though, and no doubt that I’ll enjoy finishing it.

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1113 tasting notes

Been awhile since I took a photo of these guys, but I will say for what they produce… fantastic tea for the price and very convenient in the way it brews and breaks apart quickly within a gaiwan.

As far as a shou that’s new but doesn’t have that funk to it, this one is good. More punch than the Black Gold, but if you like that bold taste in your mouth of ripe puerh this one works quite well.


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111 tasting notes

I usually don’t get excited over shou but omg! The complex flavors in this sweet brew makes me want to compare it to a port (or a Belgian quad as I’m always comparing tea to beer) chocolate covered cherries and marzipan with a woody earthy backdrop. This is the sweetest, thickest tea I’ve ever had. I’m enjoying it with a brunch of roasted butternut squash and duck bacon. Wishing I had a Peking duck to go with it but Chinatown Philadelphia is a 4 hour drive…not much qi from this but the mere flavors of this stuff has caused my brain to release enough dopamine to keep me smiling all afternoon.

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