
Tea type
Fruit Tea
Blueberry, Cranberry, Dragon Fruit, Flavor, Goji Berries, Kiwi, Papaya, Pineapple, Sea Buckthorn Berries
Berries, Fruity, Strawberry, Sweet
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Caffeine Free
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Edit tea info Last updated by Anlina
Average preparation
185 °F / 85 °C 7 min, 0 sec 15 oz / 458 ml

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From Cornelia Bean

I’m leaving this like this until Dexter notices and fixes this! :)

Ingredients: Date bits, dragon fruit, sea buckthorn berries, chokeberries, gogi berries, pineapple, papaya, kiwi, blueberries, cranberries, flavour

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7 Tasting Notes

15620 tasting notes

Great Canadian Travelling Tea Box

So i’m a little over whelmed today in terms of being both a) exausted and b) feeling like my cupboard is totally out of control. Not sure why today feels that way since i’m not much higher after getting my orders in, than i have been in the past. 223 if you’re curious.

I still have a few teas left from the travelling teabox that I want to try, that i don’t want to parcel out and add to my cupboard. Same thing in principle i know except this saves a bag.

So the tea…I really wanted to try this one because it’s from a local shop near Dexter and because it’s one of the most interesting looking teas i’ve seen…AND it’s apparently her favourite tisane…that she didn’t bother adding to steepster! cough So i dont know what’s in this except some green stuff and yellow stuff and purple things…and it smell great! This actually comes as close as i’ve seen to the “fruit tea” i had while i was in Beijing. Seriously…it’s fan-freaking-delicious! I may just have to beg dexter to buy me some and send it my way or something. or i could just buy some stuff…since i took two seconds just now to go look at their website lol

Sooo i’m rambling i have a head ache and haven’t had dinner and really just want to go to bed. but this tea? it’s like a spot of funshine. yep. funshine.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

Sorry, my mistake – it was in my cupboard and steepster as dragon fruit not dragon berry. Apple pieces, dragon fruit pieces, sea buckthorn berries, chokeberries, goji berries, kiwi edges sulfurated, pineapple pieces, papaya pieces, citric acid, cranberry pieces, blueberries, vitamin C, flavour
I think in store they actually call it dragonberry fruit….


I can definitely get you more if you would like some.


i’ll keep that in mind. I may just end up placing an order at some point…if i ever get my cupboard under control haha


I feel that in the spirit of full disclosure, I should mention that is is amazing cold steeped too – I’ve actually cold steeped it about half and half with straight white, green, and black…..it works really well with the different bases.


That sounds delish!

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513 tasting notes

Amazing!! I like this one even more than I liked Prickly Pear, and I really liked that one! This tea is much more berry influenced. Given my love for Redberry Tonic, I can taste the sea buckthorn, but there is so many more berries and fruits that it just makes for a lovely sharp blend. I tried it hot and am looking forward to trying it cold too!

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894 tasting notes

Oh this is very nice. Way better than DAVID’s Magic Dragon. As good as Teavana’s Dragonfruit Devotion. Mmmmm. And so pretty too.

Flavors: Berries, Fruity, Strawberry, Sweet

205 °F / 96 °C 1 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML

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17027 tasting notes

My first Cornelia Bean experience!

Dexter3657 (I really hope I’m getting those numbers in the right order) was very thoughtful when sending her package to me, and went through my wishlist – sending teas I had on there and teas that were similar to what I had on there, like this one which is pretty similar to the Dragonfruit blend from Cuppa’T that I have included there.

Since the Cuppa’T blend is on the list as something I enjoyed thoroughly/wish to acquire again for cold brewing, that’s how I decided to prepare this one! In total this steeped overnight and briefly this morning for somewhere around 15 hours. Now that it’s strained and I’m drinking it, I think it’s absolutely delicious!

Mostly, I just taste the dragonfruit and it reminds me of pink dragonfruit vitamin water in the same way that Cuppa’T Specialty Teas’ Dragon Fruit Cranberry blend did. Which is a good thing. A really good thing. However, if I really pick this apart I can separate some of the flavours and in doing so am able to notice the dragon fruit, kiwi, chokeberries, cranberries, and to some extent the pineapple individually. However, I think I would much rather prefer to not focus on that and instead experience the tea all together as a whole.

Overall, I think I like Cuppa’T’s take better – but only slightly. I would be more than content to have either that blend or this blend stocked in quantity! Mmm! So thank you a bundle Dexter3657 for the incredibly thoughtful add in! This was a fantastic first introduction to Cornelia Bean, and I’m very excited to have enough of this left for a second cold brew. Mmm!

Iced 8 min or more 3 tsp 25 OZ / 739 ML
Autistic Goblin

hehe I’ve never stopped in the Cornelia Bean but I guess I’ll have to go try some of their blends. It’s a bit of walk from home though so I’ll go when the snow leaves. Or the temperature around here goes up to +1C or 0C


I was sooo close to getting this in my most recent order and didn’t :(. Now I wish I had. By the way, if you want to try more of their teas, I have plenty to share!

Autistic Goblin

Lol I have to drink my tea stash down a bit first. I still have some Butiki Teas, Teavivre and my monthly Verdant Tea bundle before I can order anything else.

Roswell Strange

Went through and added some things to my wishlist; but if you do decide to send me some of their blends just send whatever you dislike/think I’d like: you know my tastes pretty well by now ;)


That is true. I will send something off soon enough. I keep trying to remember everything I plan on sending you but I always forget. I should make a list.


Awesome, yes I included it because of a similar one on your wish list. I really need to pick up more of this for the summer, but as Helena said will wait for it to warm up a bit first.

Autistic Goblin

-25C today.. are you sure spring is even coming? it’s like the white rabbit always late!


I know Helena, it was crazy cold for the end of March. Walked about a block to the post office today, wasn’t fun. I am sure though that spring will come even if it is late. If you haven’t been to Cornelia Bean then I’d recommend that you pop in and check it out. Fun little store. The clerks aren’t as knowledgeable as I would like, but it nice. My problem is that Bernard Callebaut is two doors down. End up binging on tea AND chocolate. :))

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