Tè Verde Orientale

Tea type
Fruit Green Blend
Cherry, Green Tea, Matcha Powder
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec 10 oz / 300 ml

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  • “I have bought a box of tea bag wrappers from fellow collector, so many tea bag teas notes coming up. As a first one I took this one, as it was pyramid sachet, “orientale” sounded a bit spicy to me,...” Read full tasting note

From coop

Tè verde dal gusto leggero, si caratterizza per le delicate note astringenti, che si sposano perfettamente con la freschezza floreale della ciliegia, tipica dei paesi orientali. Il tè verde Kabusecha è lavorato secondo la tradizione giapponese che prevede la coltivazione della pianta per un periodo in penombra. Il bouquet di sapori è completato dalle note vegetali del pregiatissimo tè verde matcha con leggero sentore ’’umami’’, gusto scoperto proprio dai giapponesi. Adatto in ogni momento della giornata, si consiglia di bere questo tè senza zucchero o altre aggiunte, per gustarne al meglio l’aroma. È gradevole da consumare anche freddo. Le bustine salvaroma, che avvolgono ogni piramide, consentono di preservare più a lungo le caratteristiche organolettiche del tè.

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1 Tasting Note

2072 tasting notes

I have bought a box of tea bag wrappers from fellow collector, so many tea bag teas notes coming up.

As a first one I took this one, as it was pyramid sachet, “orientale” sounded a bit spicy to me, and green tea… why not at all. And coop do good teas (usually), as I have an experience from their Swiss branch.

What a surprise to find out it is actually green tea with cherry. Well, I need to learn Italian words related to teas. Anyway, to the tea — briefly, but hopefully enough to give you some idea what the tea was.

It was nice grassy green tea base, with sweet cherry notes. Those fruit notes started as sakura aroma, but lately they became stronger to fruit itself. Also, as the matcha was in, there was some umami flavor, as well as some buttery notes. Maybe I have used a bit too hot water.
I can imagine drinking this iced, though it would need longer steeping time for sure and overfall it was nicely refreshing cup.

80 considering tea bag qualities.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 300 ML

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