2002 Chongqing Te Ji Tuo Cha Raw Pu-erh

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
Not available
Fruity, Honey, Metallic, Mineral, Smoke
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Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by TeaEarleGreyHot
Average preparation
Boiling 0 min, 30 sec 5 g 4 oz / 109 ml

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2 Tasting Notes View all

  • “So, first thing, credit where due: I posted two images taken from Yunnan Sourcing’s website since that’s where I bought this CNNP-brand of tea, and the vendor description posted by Hukman exactly...” Read full tasting note
  • “5g 100ml 210f flash steeping at first then lengthening slowly. (going by feel. i never time sheng) color of liquor is golden brown wet leaves are barbeque along with something like brown sugar...” Read full tasting note

From CNNP Kun Ming Tea Factory

An unusual tea in terms of it’s origins. Yunnan-grown pu-erh was pressed in Yunnan and then packaged and sold under the “Chongqing Tuo” Brand (a sub-brand of the CNNP Chongqing Branch).

The tea was aged in Chongqing for 4 years before being brought to Kunming and stored there. Overall, the taste is that of a semi-aged Kunming (dry) storage raw pu-erh. Compression of the tuo is medium-tight, but despite this the tea has an aged taste and aroma but does not sport a particularly dark tea soup.

The taste is smooth with little or no bitterness/astringency, instead it’s sweet and spicy with a floral and fruit after-taste. Good body, rich and thick in the mouth.

100 Grams per tuo

2002 Pressing (no date stamp on wrapper though)

About CNNP Kun Ming Tea Factory View company

Company description not available.

2 Tasting Notes

129 tasting notes

So, first thing, credit where due: I posted two images taken from Yunnan Sourcing’s website since that’s where I bought this CNNP-brand of tea, and the vendor description posted by Hukman exactly matches (perhaps coincidentally) what YS wrote (I don’t know where Hukman bought his when he created the listing).

I really enjoy drinking this tea! Lots of character, spiciness, and aroma across the first eight gongfu steepings (cheated by using a stainless steel infusion strainer). The kick was gone and flavors diminished in the 9th – 12th steeps, but still quaffable. The last infusion went for around 10 min. but still produced a coppery-colored liquor. I’d buy more of this if my cupboards weren’t already packed with tea!

Boiling 0 min, 30 sec 4 g 4 OZ / 118 ML

A year later and sipping this one again. Sensing a mild bitterness on the roof of my mouth in steeps #1 & #2, smoothing out in #3. I’ve posted a photo of the first 6 steepings (from top-left to bottom- right) which brewed using 5g in 4 oz spring water. Not much change in the tea— still nice.

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11 tasting notes

5g 100ml 210f flash steeping at first then lengthening slowly. (going by feel. i never time sheng)
color of liquor is golden brown

wet leaves are barbeque along with something like brown sugar maybe
tea liquor aroma is slightly smokey and inscensy with caramelized sugar or maybe honey
lid is minty smokey and slightly caramelized sugar
epty gaiwan is caramelized sugar
(drank the first steep before writing this)

2nd: very slight bitterness and astringency smokey and i guess what you could call metallic notes cooling and thick
maybe some fruitiness (new to raw so im not quite sure what im tasting yet)

4th: still a little bitter and drying but im detecting earthiness and minerality at the back of the throat and maybe some
fruitiness at the back of the tongue quite puckering

6th: cut the steeping time a bit on this one. the bitterness is gone but there is still a little bit of astringency
the minerality is feels like a honey sweetness. note i didnt say taste but feels that way. very light huigan t this stage

8th: metal edge and astringency is still there seems rather dead flavor wise at this point

wet leaves were still pretty green
im new to this kind of tea so i cant say whether bad or good

Flavors: Fruity, Honey, Metallic, Mineral, Smoke

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 5 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

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