2004 CNNP Aged Melon Yunnan Tuo Cha Puerh Tea Ripe 500g

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
Pu Erh Tea
Camphor, Spicy, Wet Wood
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Edit tea info Last updated by AllanK
Average preparation
Boiling 7 g 3 oz / 85 ml

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1 Tasting Note View all

  • “This tea is either great or not so great depending on a person’s tastes. If you like wet storage taste, what is often referred to as wet wood, you will like this tea. This tea had a strong taste of...” Read full tasting note

From CNNP (Dragon Tea House)

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1 Tasting Note

1758 tasting notes

This tea is either great or not so great depending on a person’s tastes. If you like wet storage taste, what is often referred to as wet wood, you will like this tea. This tea had a strong taste of wet wood. It also had notes of camphor and spice. It had only a minimum of fermentation flavor in the first steep or two. It has almost entirely cleared fermentation wise. I also noticed a slight sour note in the second steep but it did not seem to persist. I’m not going to click on recommend or not recommend on this tea. You will like it if you like wet storage taste, that simple. I am not overly fond of wet storage taste but this was not too overpowering. It was persistent, lasting somewhat even in steep twelve. This was an inexpensive tea, it goes for less than $30. Since it was so inexpensive I’m not too upset to get wet stored. If I had paid $100 and it had wet storage taste I’d be less happy. I do believe it is a good example of an aged CNNP ripe tea. Although I did have a similar Tuo Cha from Streetshop88 that was much better and from about the same year give or take.

I steeped this tea twelve times in an 85ml Yixing Teapot with 7.2g leaf and boiling water. I steeped it for 5 sec, 5 sec, 7 sec, 10 sec, 15 sec, 20 sec, 25 sec, 30 sec, 45 sec, 1 min, 1.5 min, and 2 min. The tea was not done for at twelve steeps. If I wasn’t watching my caffeine and wanted to continue I’m sure I could have gotten three or four more steeps out of it.

Flavors: Camphor, Spicy, Wet Wood

Boiling 7 g 3 OZ / 85 ML

Excellent review

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