Yerba Matè- Chi Whole Leaf

Tea type
Yerba maté Tea
Ginkgo Biloba, Licorice Root, Yerba Mate Leaves
Anise, Brown Sugar, Dark Wood, Dry Grass, Dust, Earth, Licorice, Sugar, Sweet, Tobacco, Winter Honey, Herbaceous, Honeysuckle, Sugarcane
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Chi Whole Leaf
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec 5 oz / 159 ml

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13 Tasting Notes View all

  • “More wake-up tea. I think I knew it, but this week is being really tricky from a “getting back into routine” perspective. I liked being on holiday rather too much, I think, and I got used to the...” Read full tasting note
  • “I personally dislike yerba maté because it has a weird earthy taste, but I was willing to try this tea because the presentation is so unusual. However, I barely made it beyond a sip or two. The...” Read full tasting note
  • “Water: 6oz Leaves: Tea Powder Steep: Instant Aroma: unusual Color: Light murky green Taste: The aroma of this tea was quite odd i couldn’t pinpoint what it reminded me of if anything. I was similar...” Read full tasting note
  • “Very interesting take on yerba mate. I have always associated a very vibrant bitter taste with yerba mate, yet this blend really tones the bitterness down and allows for the licorice to shine...” Read full tasting note

From Chi Whole Leaf

A powerful yet sweet blend of Argentinian Yerba Mate, Spanish Licorice Root and Chinese Ginkgo Leaf.

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13 Tasting Notes

2238 tasting notes

More wake-up tea. I think I knew it, but this week is being really tricky from a “getting back into routine” perspective. I liked being on holiday rather too much, I think, and I got used to the more relaxed mornings. Now it’s all back to normal, I’m having SUCH a hard time re-adjusting. It’s almost painful. Tea helps, though!

I’ve neglected trying this one for a while, partly because it worries me a little. Plain yerba is quite earthy and bitter-tasting to me, and while I don’t mind that in loose leaf (because I can adjust steep times to my preference), the idea of powdered yerba scared me a little. I was expecting a very strong, dank-tasting brew, but I was so in need of energy this morning that I pushed my reservations to one side and made up a cup anyway.

I used 1/4 tsp of powder, and stirred it into a cup of boiling water. It turns out a deep khaki green colour, and I took my first sip tentatively. Honestly, I needn’t really have worried. What I hadn’t realised is that this isn’t really plain yerba – it’s LIQUORICE ROOT and yerba. As we know, liquorice root is the devil. The first sip put me in no doubt as to just how far across the spectrum this is from the bitter, earthy dankness I was expecting. It’s so, so overpoweringly sweet, it’s almost unreal.

I left it for a bit, because I really don’t like the way that liquorice root seems to stick at the back of my throat in its artificial sweetner-esque way. It had cooled a bit when I returned to it, and this way it’s actually a lot more palatable. Once cooled, it’s possible to taste some of the earthiness underneath the liquorice, which comes as a much needed counterpoint in this cup. The sweetness recedes a little, and although it’s still the main flavour it’s a little less intense. As with my other Chi Whole Leaf teas, much of the powder has settled in a sludge at the bottom of the cup. I don’t try and keep it suspended with constant stirring, because the thick, slightly grainy texture that provides is really not for me. Perhaps the settling is the reason for the less intense flavour? If so then it can only be considered a good thing in this case.

I’m not a fan of this one, but I suspect that’s largely because I don’t like liquorice root, and I didn’t realise it was in this blend until I took a sip. I think a lighter hand with the liquorice would have helped a little, though, because when it settles and cools it’s actually more drinkable than I would have suspected at first sip. I might drink the rest of this sample in cold water, because I think based on this experience that it would be more refreshing that way. Despite the name, there’s not really much yerba to be found here, at least in terms of flavour. It might be there in the blend, but you wouldn’t know it to taste.




I’ll second that – The Devil.

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987 tasting notes

I personally dislike yerba maté because it has a weird earthy taste, but I was willing to try this tea because the presentation is so unusual. However, I barely made it beyond a sip or two. The earthiness of the yerba maté mixed with the overwhelming sweetness of the licorice root to create something that was overpowering and highly unpleasant in my mouth.

I’m somewhat ashamed to admit that I poured the whole thing out after only a few sips. This tea was not for me.

Full review at

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128 tasting notes

Water: 6oz

Leaves: Tea Powder

Steep: Instant

Aroma: unusual

Color: Light murky green

Taste: The aroma of this tea was quite odd i couldn’t pinpoint what it reminded me of if anything. I was similar to the mint tea in color but lighter. The taste was different compared to the other it was has a sweetness to it that faded in and out. Bland one second sweet the next. I must note the texture wasn’t as noticeable. I was able to take multiple sips from this cup so that says a lot in itself. This tea is an tricky one better than the others with hard to pinpoint flavors. This brings the Chi Whole leaf reviews to a close.

Thank you Chi Whole Leaf for this sample

Boiling 6 OZ / 177 ML

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7 tasting notes

Very interesting take on yerba mate. I have always associated a very vibrant bitter taste with yerba mate, yet this blend really tones the bitterness down and allows for the licorice to shine through, giving this tea a very sweet flavor. I added no sugar at all to this tea, yet it feels like I did, with the first sip. The licorice overpowers the mate flavor at first allowing the sweetness to hit the palate first, and this is then followed by the earthy grassy tobacco and wood taste I have associated with yerba mate. Overall, an excellent tea if you like sweet teas. I probably won’t get any more of this because I don’t care for this intense of sweetness, but I can definitely recommend it to any who do like that flavor! Last note I have about this tea is the amount of caffiene. I was almost falling asleep, but this tea jolted me up. It works fast.

Flavors: Anise, Brown Sugar, Dark Wood, Dry Grass, Dust, Earth, Licorice, Sugar, Sweet, Tobacco, Winter Honey

195 °F / 90 °C 0 min, 15 sec 1 tsp 10 OZ / 300 ML

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1719 tasting notes

My first Yerba Mate. To me it is earthy, woody, and reminded me of rooibos and coffee beans. My favorite part of this is the licorice. Definitely don’t need sweetener with this one. The licorice adds it for you. I liked the play of the sweet against the earthy. Pretty sure this is not for every one but I thought it was fun.

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1379 tasting notes

This tea smells sweet and herbal, with the licorice being the strongest. It’s refreshing and rather light. The powder is khaki in colour.

Once boiling water is added it has been stirred very thoroughly.

Flavour is thick and very sweet, the licorice root grabbing my taste buds and taking them on a refreshing ride. The Mate is lightly herbal though it gets lost behind the sweet, refreshing (and overpowering) licorice and ginkgo. It has a long after taste, it’s sweetness clinging to my tongue.

I admit I’m not a fan of licorice tea in general, but this was drinkable. More than that I believe the Mate has worked somewhat to boost my energy.

Pics and more info:

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16967 tasting notes

Sipdown (117)!

I don’t know why I’ve been holding on to this sample so long; I certainly enjoyed it when I last had it but not enough to hoard it. So, I finally finished this off yesterday morning! I finished this plain in hot water; I can’t remember entirely if that’s how I had it last time. I seem to recall drinking it in milk but I just reread my tasting note and I doesn’t look like I specified that – which I’ve made a habit of always doing when I drink a tea in a way other than in plain water hot and unsweetened. So do I trust my memory or my tasting note!?

Regardless I did really enjoy this sipdown! The problem I seemed to have last time, with the powder getting clumpy/sludgy at the bottom of the mug, wasn’t an issue this time around. I will say the taste of honey/ginseng/licorice root was stronger than anything else, including the Yerba Mate. That could totally be a selling point for some people, and for others a deal breaker. I liked the honey sweetness and earthy undertones; the combination seemed appropriate for a first thing in the morning cup of tea.

And you can’t beat the convenience.

PS. Keychange just because this is another sipdown does not mean I’m anywhere near matching the reigning sipdown Queen, Sil. ;)


hahahaha i’m such a slacker these days


Man, you guys are just so systematic about this whole thing! My tea is all over the place. I need an adult.

Autistic Goblin

Lol and my reviews are always “I like this” or “ugh that was horrible” and the rest of you are so detailed…

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1113 tasting notes

My new job only has the K cup machines so I have no way of having hot water… thankfully I have a few teas from Chi Whole Leaf to use while I come up with a solution. Out of the ones I have had, this has been my favorite. I wish it was pure mate… the licorice root is bleh…
Overall, this is a nice chilled drink that is EASY to make and quick.


There should be a plastic cup with the machine for packing your own leaf. Just leave it empty and fill your mug with water, then add your leaf. We used to do this daily.

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15588 tasting notes

Thank you for the samples! I am opting to try these in the order i think i’ll like them the least :)`I am wholly not a fan of yerba mate, but i DO like the other ingredients in this brew.

Brewed up, while the colour isn’t very appealing, the aroma isn’t have bad. This one tastes largely like licorice root to me, with that sweetness from licorice being overpowering. It’s unfortunate because i think i’d rather enjoy this one a bit more if there was just a little less sweetness. Over all though, the ease of brewing this one, and the fact that it doesn’t have that yerba mate taste to it that i wholly dislike, means that it’s not too bad.


Will be interested to see what you think of the green mint.


should be able to get to it today… trying them all today i hope since i was neglectful about being prompt with reviewing these for Will and i have the day off today. Plus then i can NOT add them to my cupboard haha


A little slow here, too…still have three to go.

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3011 tasting notes

The samples Chi Whole Leaf kindly sent sparked off a fun childhood memory—-Mom would let me make the pitcher of Nestea. Measuring and stirring…why, that was like real cooking to four-year-old!

Fortunately, Chi’s whole leaf powder is much more elegant that the old powdered Lipton stuff that you had to stir forever to blend in—quick whisk in water and you’re good to go! Smooth and silky with no clumpy lumps.

As far as this particular flavor goes, please chalk my remarks up to personal preference and ineptitude with good powdered teas. Did 1/4 teaspoon (high end of the recommended measurement) in a 12-ounce cup. The yerba mate flavor I like—reminds me of “leafy” coffee—came through, but with a serious wallop of licorice, which I prefer in microscopic doses.

Licorice likers, this is for you more than me. But the product itself is quite good, and I still have flavors to try…no doubt I’ll find a favorite!

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