This is a very tasty ripe puerh from CHen Sheng Hao. They are probably the only big company whose ripe I think is superior to Dayi. This one started out with a fair amount of fermentation flavor and virtually no bitterness. The fermentation taste was not of the unpleasant sort and certainly not fishy. I would say it lasted about four or five steeps before it was gone. There was a nice sweet note to this tea throughout all twelve steeps I gave it. Not sure if I would say chocolate notes or fruity flavor but a very nice, sweet flavor. This was not a cheap tea going for around $75 a bing. But I have generally had good luck with King Tea on Aliexpress so I took a chance. King Tea is an excellent seller of puerh and he has by far the largest selection of puerh available online at something like 4000 different cakes listed. However, he doesn’t stock these, he orders from his suppliers when you put in an order. That is why it takes him about five days to ship out his tea. As to qi, I think this tea retains some. I am feeling an invigorating qi of moderate strength although no tea drunk sensation. This is an excellent tea. I definitely encourage any puerh drinkers out there to buy a few things from King Tea. He is in my opinion the best seller of tea on Aliexpress.
Steeped this twelve times in a 150ml gaiwan with 10.4g leaf and boiling water. I gave it a 10 second rinse. I steeped it for 5 sec, 5 sec, 7sec, 10 sec, 15 sec, 20 sec, 25 sec, 30 sec, 45 sec, 1 min, 1.5 min, and 2 min. I could have gotten a few more steeps out of these leaves. The color of the tea was still fairly dark. I think it would have gone sixteen steeps if I wanted to continue.
Flavors: Earth, Sweet
No exitation in seconding your opinion about King Tea.
Chen Sheng Hao factory teas are in general pretty good and have such a wide offering of tea cakes that suit most pockets. I have bought some of their sheng tea cakes.
@Rui A. I think that I have tried one of their raw cakes but only bought their ripe which are quite good. I have a tong of one of their special productions. The 2013 Snake’s Year Memorial Ripe.
I just bought their Naka cake from YS during the sale. I sampled it and IMO it was fantastic. Ordered a sample of the Nannuo as well, and some samples of other cakes from CSH off of taobao.
@curlygc, the Nannuo is a nice one too. I grabbed a cake of that one too.
Anyone got a link to this tea?
@tea123 I think it may be this one.