I acquired this little puppy through my membership to the Canton Tea Club. I knew that wasn’t a wasted effort. The first tea write out of the starting gate was a Nilgiri green! Nothin’ excites me more than notching off a new type of tea from a region I didn’t did this certain type.
Upon opening the bag, I was greeted by a really unusual scent – salty-sweet seaweed. It reminded me of those Japanese seaweed snacks one can pick up at an Asian mart. The leaves were huge – not the type I usually associate with Indian teas, probably large leaf assamica.
Taste-wise, it was really peculiar – somewhere between a Korean daejak, a Darjeeling green, and a Mao Feng…but more delicate. It easily lasted two infusions, and did quite a wake-up.
For more information on it, read Jane Pettigrew’s blog here: http://www.cantonteaco.com/blog/2012/10/week-1-green-twirl/