Organic Sourenee Second Flush

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Black Tea
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190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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From Butiki Teas

Our Organic Sourenee Second Flush originates from the Sourenee Tea Estate, which has been operating for more than 100 years and spans almost 137 hectares. The name Sourenee is derived from the word “sour” a medicinal tree that was planted at the estate and “rani” which means queen of the valley. This hand plucked Darjeeling is a second flush tea and is graded SFTGFOP (Special Finest Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe). Burned chocolate and BrazilRead more

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8 Tasting Notes

60 tasting notes

Ahhhgg, so this Friday didn’t go so well. Everything that could have gone wrong did, including computer crashes and software lock outs and batches of tea ruined. One thing that happened was when I tried to log on to our company Facebook, I was locked out. It wouldn’t let me back in unless I converted to a business account. I knew this would not be good but did not think it would be as bad as it was. When I got back in, all comments and messages were erased. I tried to do a test post but the statistics showed that only one person read the post. Since they want us to pay everytime we post to reach people who were already our friends, this is just not really an option. I made another Facebook page for myself but will be posting only tea updates with maybe an occasional joke. Like before it will be mostly updates on new teas, contests, articles, and occasional reviews. I’m having a tough time finding some of our friends from before. Here is a link to the new page: We will probably be doing a Facebook Contest soonish as well, to encourage some more sign ups. Luckily the rest of the weekend went fantastic! I went to see one of my favorite bands at the Knitting Factory in Brooklyn then went to my first hipster wedding the next day. Fantastic location, it was on the rooftop right next to the Empire State Building.

This tea is fantastic! This rarely happens, but we went for the lower grade of tea from this estate. It is still a SFTGFOP, which is the top grade but it is very affordable and is even more flavorful than the more expensive tea. This year I didn’t get around to tasting 2nd flushes until much later than I should have. We tasted about 40 second flush teas all at once. This one really stood out and I would say that it is a Darjeeling for people who don’t like Darjeelings. It’s very malty, super buttery and has a delicious burned chocolate flavor and is nutty. There are light undertones of floral but they are hardly noticeable. This is a tea that I don’t mind drinking all day long. Yesterday I had 3 cups of it in a row and I’m drinking it now. My only issue with this tea is that it is very easy to oversteep but that can be remedied by adding more water. We will definitely be using this as a base tea for at least one flavored tea.

Show 33 previous comments...
Stephanie 11 years ago

Wow, Facebook sucks huh?

Butiki Teas 11 years ago

Yeah, wasn’t so happy about that and its a real time suck to try and find people.

Fuzzy_Peachkin 11 years ago

Ugh! Stupid facebook!

Andie 11 years ago

Hmm, so it costs money to have a business account/page? Personally, I don’t want to be “friends” with a company on facebook (as much as I love Butiki Teas and think you are awesome, Stacy), I would rather be able to ‘like’ a Butiki Teas page.. I’ll definitely subscribe to this one like I did the other one, but sadly it doesn’t let me comment on anything :(

Andie 11 years ago

Oh no, I can’t subscribe. You may have to enable that feature in your account settings :/

Ysaurella 11 years ago

this tea seems lovely ! hope to see a pic of it soon

Butiki Teas 11 years ago

Andie-I think I fixed it. Let me know if you can’t subscribe. It doesn’t let you comment as a subscriber, that stinks. Another possible option, is to friend us but not allow us to see what you post or comment on your page. I think that may be an option, it used to be but I’m not sure if it still is.

It doesn’t technically cost money to have a business page but if you want your ‘likes’ to see your posts you have to pay for that otherwise only a few people will see the post. I will probably still post on the other page but you probably won’t be able to see anything I post.

Butiki Teas 11 years ago

Ysaurella-I might take a quick pic while we are inspecting the tea and storing.

Ysaurella 11 years ago

great ! I love tea pics :)

Andie 11 years ago

Thanks- I was able to subscribe.

Butiki Teas 11 years ago

Andie-Great! :)

Ysaurella-I’m thinking tomorrow, we will probably link a picture. I can post it in this thread. It isn’t super impressive looking but its just a very tasty great value tea. It will be under $5 an ounce.

Butiki Teas 11 years ago

I just took a pic today since I was going to have another cup anyways, here it is:

BrewTEAlly Sweet 11 years ago

i must have!!! curse you BROKE GIRL gods!

Plunkybug 11 years ago

What band did you see in Brooklyn? What part of Brooklyn were you in?

Butiki Teas 11 years ago

Heather, I went to see The Legendary Pink Dots. Here’s a song from them: I was in Williamsburg at the Knitting Factory. Before the show we went to Wild Ginger which is an amazing vegan pan Asian restaurant. We also hit up this tea bar which was mostly a bar with some tea and tea infused drinks. We end up in Brooklyn quite a bit.

Plunkybug 11 years ago

I’ve heard of The Legendary Pink Dots, actually, though I’m not terribly familiar with them. Hubby is since he used to do an 80’s (late 70’s-early 80’s punk/new wave. etc) radio show (slowly being digitized for podcasts). I looked up The Knitting Factory and it is quite far away from where I was in Brooklyn (with my brother, SILm, and niece). It’s a super big area, apparently. :P

Butiki Teas 11 years ago

Heather-How unusual. I think your the first person that has ever told me they heard of LPD when I bring them up. Sounds like a fun podcast show! Yep, Brooklyn is super big. :P

Plunkybug 11 years ago

I worked with a guy at a vegetarian place that liked them, iirc. I mainly know of the name. But when I hear it, I think of Wire, Throbbing Gristle, Cabaret Voltaire, Killing Joke and some of the early 80s pre-industrial phase….I’m not terribly versed with them though. The podcast is fun! I’m on some of them (I met hubby through the show) but mostly just referred to rather than on air.

)If you are can also get it through iTunes)

As for Brooklyn, I was in the Bay Ridge area southwest-ish (south of DUMBO).

Butiki Teas 11 years ago

I love all sorts of music but I do love me some Industrial. I typically go for 80s and early 90s but some 70s Throbbing Gristle is pretty sweet. I was lucky enough to catch an amazing Throbbing Gristle show (not so possible anymore since Peter Christopherson died). I caught Killing Joke once which was good but nothing spectacular. My favorites are Skinny Puppy and Coil though. I will definitely have to check out that podcast. Thanks for the link! :)

Butiki Teas 11 years ago

Also, what an interesting way to meet your hubby!

Plunkybug 11 years ago

I used to have a bit if industrial when I was younger. I had some skinny puppy…trying yo remember what it was. I know I had something with Dig It. I think that’s what it was. There was something else where the second half was really mellow and instrumental like. I had some nitzer ebb, front 242, thrill kill kult, die warzau, and meat beat manifesto. I kinda outgrew my industrial and goth phases, but there are still some tracks that bring me back when I hear them.

Butiki Teas 11 years ago

Ah Dig It, that’s from Mind: The Perpetual Intercourse. Skinny Puppy is touring in February of which I will be taking off of work to catch a few shows. Music is my obsession. It’s kind of weird but I don’t really grow out of music. I grew up on Pink Floyd and The Beatles and I still listen to them. I just seem to rotate between genres. I will listen to 70s-90s Industrial (new Industrial is horrid) for a while then move to classical then to 90s alternative then to experiential then to Reggae and dub then to metal, etc, etc until I come back to Industrial and then back around I go. Nice selection of music there Heather.

yyz 11 years ago

I’ve not really grown out of music either, I’ve just expanded and diversified maybe.. Though I’ve always loved most types of music. I’ve never seen Skinny Puppy, but I’ve seen Front Line Assembly many times. When I was in university one of the local bars had a strange but fun, goth, industrial, brit pop night that was pretty popular and was great to go to if all you wanted to do was just dance!

Butiki Teas 11 years ago

yyz-I’m the say way. I continue to enjoy more and more genres of music. I saw Front Line Assembly once. The show was really good but Bill Leeb was lip syncing. Not sure why but it was so obvious. Maybe he was sick or something? They played with Switch Blade Symphony which was pretty cool. Sounds like a fun club night. Skinny Puppy puts on very theatrical shows. It can be very mesmerizing to watch. Usually lots of props, some fake blood, background videos. They go all out.

yyz 11 years ago

I might of seen that same tour, they also played with Spahn Ranch. I’ve heard many amazing things about Skinny Puppy live, I would love to go.

Butiki Teas 11 years ago

Yes, they did play with Sphan Ranch. I couldn’t remember the third band. I really like Spahn Ranch live and have seen them a couple of times in the past. Well, February is your chance to catch them. It is so worth it. Here is link with the dates:

yyz 11 years ago

Me to. Thanks for the link!

Butiki Teas 11 years ago

Your welcome! :)

I’ve been working on a Skinny Puppy inspired tea for some time. Originally it started out completely different but it is now an insane chocolate chilli chai (but still needs some work). I really wanted to call it Heaven’s Trash (since it is so colorful and just a little of everything) but the hubby vetoed that one. He said it didn’t sound appetizing. Boo. Then I was like what about Genocide Applied with Subtlety? I thought the chilli peppers would make that perfect. Nope, he vetoed that too. Still working on a name and the blend needs some more work too.

yyz 11 years ago

Sounds nice. Perhaps something simple like ‘bites’ after the album. It has several double entendres and fits with the heat of the blend.

Butiki Teas 11 years ago

Hmmm, that is a solid potential name.

Butiki Teas 11 years ago

Depending on how hot it gets Last Rights could also be used.

yyz 11 years ago

That might be fitting!

Plunkybug 11 years ago

I had to check wiki, but I think the one I had was either Too Dark Park or Last Rights…I’m thinking it was the latter. I once had a cassette my friend made me of Christian Death (not nearly as bad as it sounds) but the cassette player in my car would consistently spit it out. It was kinda of funny, actually. My friend opened me up to a lot of music, but in terms of industrial, if did prefer the dance-y stuff more. I was also a pathetic goth, but oh well. I have a pretty wide range of music tastes, which of course is helped by my hubby and his search for good stuff, and my music friend who sends me cds with random stuff on them, which sometimes I hate, but sometimes I love. I range from loving Steeleye Span’s “Lovely on the Water” to Tears For Fears everything to Pet Shop Boys to The Damned to The Specials (and other 2nd wave ska) to The Decemberists to Die Roten Punkte to The Housemartins (and later The Beautiful South) to Cocteau Twins and Dead Can Dance…it covers a lot, but mostly in the alternative and less mainstream areas.

Butiki Teas 11 years ago

Nice, both of those are excellent! Hahaha, I was a pathetic goth too. I even had the whole black hair thing going for a few years. That’s quite a range on those mix cds. Mix cds are the best. I’ve participated in a few group music exchanges where you send your mix cd to everyone in the group and you receive one from everyone in the group. I’ve found some great music that way from people around the world. Confession time, I still really like Tears For Fears. Shhhh, don’t tell anyone.

Plunkybug 11 years ago

It is a wide range, yeah. The music exchange sounds cool. There’s also a few Scandinavian groups I like. Right now though, I have a wide range of songs from A Very Potter Musical and Sequel in my head. :P Temporarily replaced with the music from hubby’s computer (Andy’s 80s) right now though…

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4346 tasting notes

Finally trying this sample from my order a while back. It sounded interesting and especially unique for a Darjeeling. And it is! It seems like this is where that flavor that was missing from the new batch of Hattialli Assam has gone to! I used a bit more than a teaspoon of leaves to even out the rest of my sample for next time.

Steep #1 // 20 minutes after boiling // 4 min
Accidently went for 4 minutes when I was going for 3. But from the fragrance I can tell this one will be divine. It has that lovely plumy/fruity flavor… that elusive flavor from the Hattialli. Sadly, it does have a bit of astringency that is odd since I don’t really find that in Darjeelings. It can be tamed though! With a level teaspoon and a shorter steep time. I don’t really get the chocolate flavor that is mentioned by Butiki. Other than the astringency, it doesn’t taste like a black tea.. but I just wish the plum could be separated and leave the bitter behind… which does get worse as the cup cools. But this is definitely a unique Darjeeling.

Steep #2 // a few minutes after boiling // 3 min
This cup had much less of the magic/plum but also much less of the astringency. I think if I hadn’t oversteeped the first cup, the second would have been much better. It wasn’t bad though! Much more like a typical non-special Darjeeling!

Butiki Teas 11 years ago

Just a heads up since you mentioned it in this post, we just got in a batch of Hattialli Golden Paw, which is very very similar to our Hattialli Golden Lion.

tea-sipper 11 years ago

Good to know! I don’t dare ask for a sample..

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3294 tasting notes

Yup, this is a tasty darjeeling, & a substantial breakfast tea as well.
I’m definitely more of a 2nd flush type of girl, & although I haven’t compared the darjs that are in my cupboard, this is probably my favorite.

Show 2 previous comments...
Nicole 11 years ago

Now I need to try Butiki’s Sourenee!

Terri HarpLady 11 years ago

I guess it’s time to line up all the darjeelings & do a sipoff?

Nicole 11 years ago

Good idea!

Butiki Teas 11 years ago

Oooh, I did this for both 1st and 2nd flushes and graded each of them. Tasted about 40 second flush Darjeelings at once. Would be very curious to see what you guys think.

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67 tasting notes

Given the detailed description of this tea I had rather high expectations and was not disappointed. There are so many layers in this tea which transform as the tea cools adding even more depth. I could detect floral sweet notes that were followed by a earth, smokey and slightly astringent finish. I agree that this is indeed a strong leaf and recommend dropping to 1 teaspoon in order to truly appreciate all of the wonderful layers this tea has to offer.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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15618 tasting notes

Terri sent this my way and i was surprised that i hadn’t yet tried this one from Stacy. I’m not sure that this would be on my top ten tea list from stacy, but it is a unique tea for sure, and one that i wouldn’ turn down if offered. that’s mostly because darjeelings tend to be hit or miss for me. I really like the strength of this tea and the maltiness….and the aroma. for whatever reason, the aroma of this one is just a happy time for m this morning. I’ve been sitting here inhaling the cup and smiling every time haha thanks terri!!

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Nicole 11 years ago

I haven’t tried this one specifically, but the more my tea palate expands and matures I have found that Sournenee is one of my favorite estates. They actually have a website for the estate that is apparently maintained by the estate, not a reseller, which is something I haven’t found much of when I just do searches on the estate names. Their store is somewhat frustrating as they seem to have products that I would like to try, but can’t see a way to put them in a cart and they don’t give a whole lot of detail – like I’m not sure what flush they are selling… :) But interesting nonetheless. And the overnight packages sound really cool. :)

Sil 11 years ago

nice! thanks for sharing lady, i’ll have to check it out :)

Sil 11 years ago

(i think your web browser might be broken? i was able to go and add something to my cart…)

Nicole 11 years ago

No, I can add stuff. But if you look under Tea Chest/Specialty Teas, they have things there that are described as though they have them there at the estate, but there is no indication that they sell them through the site. Or at least I can’t find a product in the store that would correlate with the things in that Specialty area. Probably just my misunderstanding – they may be talking about specialty teas in general, not specifically things they produce.

Sil 11 years ago


TeaBrat 11 years ago

oooh, I want to go stay there :)

Butiki Teas 11 years ago

Blarg, I’m not a big fan of estates doing that but oddly enough it doesn’t look like they are selling their Black Blossom, which we are about to add to our website.

Nicole 11 years ago

Oh, good! That’s the one I wished was in their store. Plus, I’d rather buy from somewhere that I’m not paying shipping directly from India. :) And again, I’d prefer a site that went into a bit more detail, like what season the tea is from.

Nicole 11 years ago

And I must have placed my order just a hair too soon! Ah, well. I’ll probably be out of something else soon enough and have to place another order! :)

Butiki Teas 11 years ago

Nicole-The one we are selling is 2nd flush from 2013. We were late to the game on that one. Initially, we were selling this version but once I tasted the Black Blossom, I decided that we needed to switch. So this tea isn’t being sold anymore but the Black Blossom will be.

Butiki Teas 11 years ago

Nicole-If you want to add some, let me know. I could price it out for you.

Nicole 11 years ago


Terri HarpLady 11 years ago

Sil – Glad you like it!!

Black blossom….mmmmm….

Butiki Teas 11 years ago

That website is pretty new. I always google tea estates and I know it wasn’t around last flush. The teas up for sale are almost certainly 2014 1st flush.

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