Castleton Moonlight Darjeeling

Tea type
Oolong Tea
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190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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15 Tasting Notes View all

  • “This was one I purchased during my HUGE haul from Black Friday. Butiki was my main Black Friday order! I mean I definitely laid down some mulah for this order. Ha ha anyways… I made a cup of this...” Read full tasting note
  • “Darjeeling No. 3! This tea is not what comes to mind when I think of Darjeeling. It’s not quite like any oolong I’ve had either. This is a very different tea. The liquor smells like it could be a...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is a nice one. Very floral with something that hints at spice after the sip. There’s also notes of hay and the astringency that’s common with Darjeelings. Mmmmm. AS the tea cools I get more...” Read full tasting note
  • “I really really actually like this one. I had a second steeping today, and I did 6 minutes. The tea is wonderful, and I’m enjoying it out of a ceramic travel mug (highly breakable, obviously, so I...” Read full tasting note

From Butiki Teas

Our Castleton Moonlight Darjeeling originates from the Castleton Tea Estate in India. Located in Kurseong (Kurseong translates to Land of the White Orchids), the Castleton Tea Estate dates back to 1885 and is named after a local structure that looks like a castle. This tea is a Second Flush Darjeeling that utilizes Chinese tea bushes. Our Castleton Moonlight Darjeeling is an oolong tea with AA graded leaves and is grown at an altitude of betweenRead more

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15 Tasting Notes

206 tasting notes

This was one I purchased during my HUGE haul from Black Friday. Butiki was my main Black Friday order! I mean I definitely laid down some mulah for this order. Ha ha anyways… I made a cup of this as I made some chocolate brownie cookies:)

Mmmm mmmm mmm. This tea was a great compliment. All the different types of nuttiness and the sweet honeysuckle notes! Perfect duo. This tea was very bold and to my likings. I will have to sit down with this tea and do better tasting and more steepings to give this the true rating it deserves :)

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Stephanie 11 years ago

Darjeelings can be freakin awesome, right? :)

Dexter 11 years ago

MMMMMmmmmm cookies – tea party at your house?

BrewTEAlly Sweet 11 years ago

Ha ha I have been in a cookie baking mood lately. 4 differ batches in the past week.

Kaylee 11 years ago

OMG those look so tasty!

BrewTEAlly Sweet 11 years ago

They are! And only 3 ingredients…!! The texture is that of a thinner brownie and they stay gooey in the center for many days!!! Delicious!

Kaylee 11 years ago

That sounds like something even I can make. Recipe?

Stephanie 11 years ago

Yeah, recipe! Plz!

BrewTEAlly Sweet 11 years ago

PM me your email:)

Kaylee 11 years ago

Yay! Thanks.

Tealizzy 11 years ago

That sounds amazing! Please send me the recipe!! :) I’ll PM you.

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1445 tasting notes

Darjeeling No. 3! This tea is not what comes to mind when I think of Darjeeling. It’s not quite like any oolong I’ve had either. This is a very different tea.

The liquor smells like it could be a Darjeeling; it’s vaguely hayish, sour, and fruity. One sip completely evaporates that image though. It’s smoothly floral-sweet, with a prickly dash finish of something that verges on spicy. When I chugged down a mouthful, near the bottom of the mug, I picked up notes of almond butter and melona bar. It left a thick sensation and a sweet aftertaste. Best mouthful of tea today.

Maybe this could be a typical darjeeling on it’s softer second steep. It doesn’t have the astringent teeth I’ve come to expect with a darjeeling’s first steep. I feel like I cheated somehow, and got to my favourite part first.

The last couple servings are going off to Heather Martin soon, so this is sort of a sipdown. I think I may miss this one.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec
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OMGsrsly 12 years ago

This is the one I’ve actually liked!

Plunkybug 12 years ago

Yay! Can’t wait to try!

TeaLady441 12 years ago

Oh, I love this review. “I feel like I cheated somehow, and got to my favourite part first” – that is getting me to add to my shopping list! Haha. I’m such a baby about astringency sometimes.

Crowkettle 12 years ago

I’m the same way. I think that’s part of the reason I haven’t taken to most of the Darjeeling teas.

OMGsrsly 12 years ago

Do you want a cups worth, Cavo? That’s about all I’m willing to part with. :D

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1118 tasting notes

This is a nice one. Very floral with something that hints at spice after the sip. There’s also notes of hay and the astringency that’s common with Darjeelings. Mmmmm. AS the tea cools I get more fruit than flowers. A lot of fruit actually. Very sweet and bright.

Thanks OMGsrsly for sending this to me. It’s been on my shopping list for forever, so it’s nice to finally have the chance to try it. It’s delicious! Also, it’s staying on my shopping list because I’m probably going to need more of this sooner rather than later. :)

In other news… I am officially finished with Christmas orders! I put the tag and cleaning instructions on the last two pieces I made, and they are boxed up and about to be shipped out. My Christmas vacation has begun! Yay!!!

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Sil 11 years ago

go you!

Terri HarpLady 11 years ago

Enjoy your break!
And photos! Share photos of your work!

Fjellrev 11 years ago

Yay, vacation time!

OMGsrsly 11 years ago

Glad you enjoyed it! (YAY VACATION! :) )

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2291 tasting notes

I really really actually like this one. I had a second steeping today, and I did 6 minutes. The tea is wonderful, and I’m enjoying it out of a ceramic travel mug (highly breakable, obviously, so I don’t like to use it much).

I don’t have enough of a brain today to figure out the notes or anything. All I can say is: Yum.

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333 tasting notes

Another sample from Teamore. I like this one better than the Thurbo, although they’re not entirely dissimilar. I’m getting lots of grassiness and a fair bit of astringency from this one as well, but here these notes are brighter and crisper and juicier than they were in the Thurbo.

Butiki Teas 11 years ago

Hmmm, surprised to see a bit of astringency in this one. Not sure if you used boiling water but I find this specific oolong really needs lower temperature water. :)

teamore 11 years ago

Great tip Stacy. Castleton is what started my love of tea. I had no idea what I was ordering in a tea shop and it was all over from then on. Just ordered more. I have always found this one to always be very smooth making it one of my favorites.

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761 tasting notes

Backlog…had this one this morning. It seemed pretty smooth and not brash or anything. I don’t recall a whole lot of the subtle nuances or anything, but I remember it being very nice and easy to drink. I’ll have to report back after I have had it again.

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3294 tasting notes

Sample Sipdown!
On 2 of my orders from about a month ago, Stacy sent me samples of this tea. For some reason they were different quantities. One weighed in at 2G, the other at 5G. They were clearly the same tea, so I combined them into my 16 oz teapot, steeped 3 minutes at 180, & am enjoying the pot as my first tea of the day.

This is a lovely cup, with nuances of almond & melon, & after I swallow it, I taste cinnamon! There’s also a lemony brightness to it. It’s quite nice.

Thank you Stacy!

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Butiki Teas 12 years ago

The first samples of this we gave out weren’t measured out.

Terri HarpLady 12 years ago

oh well! They were tasty mixed together, & just the right amount for my teapot! Thanks so much, Stacy! :)

Butiki Teas 12 years ago

Awesome! :) I think at first I just ended up adding a fair amount of the sample for experimenting with the brewing instructions since we hadn’t officially come up with brewing parameters yet.

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314 tasting notes

I have mixed feelings about this tea. It seemed to change its character over the course of the tasting, probably as a result of the tea cooling. It was a very interesting tea, but had a candy-like aroma and taste that I found distracting. (this may be what Butiki calls Honeysuckle and melon – I can definitely see the melon)

It starts with a soft aroma, slightly sweet. Very weak compared to the Thunderbolt teas I was drinking earlier this morning. The taste is definitely sweet and candy-like: light on the surface but with great depth. Layers of flavor with hints of fruit and grass. The finish is good but light. As the tea cooled, the flavors became more pronounced.

I have mixed feelings about this tea. I started out not liking it but it sort of grew on me as I drank it. Based on style I would have guessed it was a first flush rather than second flush, but that may be due to the Oolong-style processing.

This was part of my recent swap with Teamore

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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111 tasting notes

So I’ve learned a lot with tea. I learned a lot about the sorts of blacks I like, that I enjoy white tea, that I essentially don’t like green tea — as in enough to keep in the house, if offered I’d happily drink a cup — except for a couple exceptions, that I’ve almost completely lost my taste for flavored teas (though something about that Foxy Roxy Banana Walnut Treat is addictive. I greedily drank through that ounce and wish I had more. What did you put in there Stacy? Haha, just kidding), and that so far my limited experience with oolongs has been a positive one! :)

I’m also discovering that I’m not a big fan of Darjeeling teas. Which is okay, I’m super glad I tried them! I definitely don’t regret taking the chance and ordering some, because even when it turns out I don’t like something, the experience is still fun. That said, this one seems to be the exception because I actually did really like this one!

Since it’s an oolong, I steeped it loose in a 12oz pot and then strained it. The flavor was quite nice, I definitely tasted the pine needle, and I picked up on a pleasant fruit note that was quite juicy, though I didn’t identify it as melon. (I drank this blind and then looked at the description to compare) I tasted more going on too in this cup, but clearly my palate isn’t quite sophisticated enough to identify what each flavor was, and it was ever so slightly floral at the swallow.

Second infusion was also lovely. The fruit receded and had a nuttiness that was still sweet from the pine and floral. This probably could’ve gone further than a second, but I had to rush to work. Overall this was a lovely cup, and I’m already scheming to try another oolong or two come June :)

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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149 tasting notes

Got a sample of this with my order from Butiki a while back (thanks, Stacy!), finally got around to doing a sample sipdown today.

I think I’ve only had about three or four darjeelings ever (never had much of an opportunity to try them due to price and other teas distracting me), so I’m not going to give it a numerical rating. Plus, I’ve just been drinking this somewhat absentmindedly while studying for a midterm on Tuesday, hence the short note. A bit of astringency in the first steep, which mostly disappears with the second steep. Fruity/melon-y, bright, and crisp. I enjoyed it!

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