Lemon Sherbet (formerly Lemonade)

Tea type
Fruit Herbal Blend
Not available
Lemon, Citrus, Citrus Zest, Herbaceous, Lemongrass, Tangy, Tart, Citrus Fruits, Orange
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
170 °F / 76 °C 8 min or more 15 oz / 446 ml

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From Bird & Blend Tea Co.

I’ve had a name change, I used to be called: Lemonade

Think homemade lemonade stand, $1 cloudy American fizz & freshly squeezed Sicilian lemonade, all encapsulated into one cuppa deliciousness. This fruity brew, blended with apple pieces, rosehip & lemongrass, is perfect hot or iced with a cheeky slice of lemon.

Ingredients: Apple Pieces, Rosehip, Lemongrass, Orange Peel, Calendula Petals, Natural Flavouring

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11 Tasting Notes

336 tasting notes

This was the second tea for the evening…A leftover from the 2023 Christmas Advent Calendar.

Flavor: It’s light in flavor. A subtle lemony note is present on the immediate sip, but it’s watered down. I used 8oz of water for a single bag and have allowed it to steep over 10 minutes in boiling water. I’d imagine it’d fall at a higher rating if it were a tad stronger.

Side Note: I’ve had better luck exploring B&B on my own, than the offerings from their Advent. It was overall pretty meh and I was greatly disappointed in the selections. It felt very health oriented, rather than festive or inviting. It doesn’t mean I dislike B&B, for there are plenty of blends that are (chef’s kiss) beautiful.

Flavors: Lemon

Boiling 8 min or more 8 OZ / 236 ML

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1268 tasting notes

I was initially confused that this tea was renamed to “Lemon Sherbet” because I had a tea by that same name, also from Bird & Blend, this year, and it was a lemon-flavored green tea while this is entirely fruit/herbal. Huh. The ingredients on my package (which has the old name of “Lemonade” on it) do match the “Lemon Sherbet” currently on their website, but why would they rename it the same name as one of their former green teas? Weird…

I’ve been mostly drinking this cold brewed, though did try one warm cuppa with some leftover leaf. I found the warm cup very meeeh… it was lemony, but prepared hot the lemongrass really popped, leaving it with more of that herbaceous note. But the cold brew has more of a really pithy and bright lemon flavor. Probably too tart for most to enjoy, but I like tart/tangy flavors and quite enjoyed it. There is no hibiscus in this blend (just a bit of rose hip) so it doesn’t lean into a “fruity” lemonade like the several Strawberry Lemonade blends I’ve tried; it’s heavy on the citrus peel and is a brisk and somewhat biting lemony citrus note. I’m drinking the coldbrew without sweetener and am fine, but I imagine adding some sugar might make it lean into proper lemonade territory.

Flavors: Citrus, Citrus Zest, Herbaceous, Lemon, Lemongrass, Tangy, Tart

Iced 8 min or more 4 tsp 32 OZ / 946 ML

Ha yeah it’s definitely weird that they didn’t rename this blend… literally anything else…


WHAT. As someone who still had the original green tea Lemon Sherbet around, this name change annoys me. It’s confusing. But now I know. :D


Lol, same tea-sipper . I had no idea!

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2067 tasting notes

JUNE 2020 subscription (probably)
Maybe I do too many tasting notes now? Well, I have lots of teas coming to me and I need to reduce numbers greatly. And I have to drink lots of few last cups of teas. I keep last cup in pouch and… well it doesn’t disappear.
Moreover, I have received already August subscription envelope and this haven’t been even opened! Probably I have been waiting for hotter days, but colder ones came instead.

Dry leaf aroma reminded me some opened and bit stale 7Up drink. The ingredients looks fresh, lemongrasss kept its green-yellow colour.
Brewed, grandpa, 3 tsp, boiling water makes bright yellow colour, while lemongrass is on the bottom and peels are on the top. It won’t be easy to drink it (and I am lazy to strain it).

Well, aroma of brewed tea is pretty much same. Taste… well, it is not a lemonade but I notice lemons for sure, among other citrus fruits, lemongrass, and… well that’s it.

Pretty nice even hot.

Flavors: Citrus Fruits, Lemon, Lemongrass

3 tsp 10 OZ / 300 ML
White Antlers

No! No such thing as you writing too many tasting notes, Martin. That reminds me of the Emperor telling Mozart his opera had ‘too many notes.’ LOL!


Nope , keep posting Martin. Any post we make always benefits someone.


I like to read your notes on the B&B teas I probably won’t try, so keep posting! :D

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16975 tasting notes

Iced Sipdown (365)!

I’m thinking that maybe I’m really just not into these lemonade themed teas from Bird and Blend, because similar to their Strawberry Lemonade I’m finding this to taste severely underwhelming and overly saturated with lemongrass. Also has a bit of a sour apple note. It’s not bad, particularly, but also just not good.

Thanks for the share though, VariaTEA – lemonade teas are super fun for the summertime, so I was excited to try this one even if I didn’t end up loving it.

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15596 tasting notes

not really getting much from this one except for lemongrass. It’s not bad per say but it’s not lemonade and it’s not very exciting or interesting lol

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6444 tasting notes

I iced this but having tried it, I think it would be best as a a teapop with a squeeze of real lemon. It’s sweeter than expected and tastes mainly of lemongrass. There is potential but as it is, it feels a bit lacking.

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2238 tasting notes

This is the third of Bluebird’s Tea Election candidates. I actually think it’s an unusual choice, since it wasn’t exactly a successful blend in flavour terms. I know I’m not the only one that thinks so, either…

Still. Last time I tried this one, I said I’d like to revisit it as a tea pop. It looks like the moment has arrived! I made up a simple syrup (1/2 cup water, 1/2 cup sugar), infused with 2 tsp of this blend. I’ve topped it off with sparkling water, and the result is…meh.

It still doesn’t taste like lemonade, but that’s because the tea doesn’t taste like lemonade. It tastes like lemongrass. The sparkling water helps, undoubtedly, but what’s missing is copious amounts of lemon. I could perk this up with some actual lemon juice, or a wedge of lemon, but that’s not really the point. It’s nice, as a tea pop, and I can see it being really refreshing come summer. Unfortunately, for a blend with the name “lemonade” it’s just not meeting any of my expectations.

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